#470 Add support for ActiveRecord 6.0
#435 Monkeypatch activerecord relations to work with rails 5.2.0
#423 Add
aliases -
#408 Fix instance variable
not initialized warning. -
#412 Fix
behavior withsentinel_value
- #397 Bump active record max version to support 5.1 final
#393 Drop support for Rails 4.1 and begin supporting Rails 5.1.
#391 Use Contributor Covenant Version 1.4
#390 Fix counter cache with double destroy, really_destroy, and restore
#389 Added association not soft destroyed validator
Fixes #380
#383 Add recovery window feature
Fixes #359
#371 Use ActiveSupport.on_load to correctly re-open ActiveRecord::Base
#377 Touch record on paranoia-destroy.
Fixes #296.
#379 Fixes a problem of ambiguous table names when using only_deleted method.
- Ruby 2.0 or greater is required
- Rails 5.0.0.beta1.1 support @pigeonworks @halostatue and @gagalago
- Previously
may have been defined on non-paranoid models, it is now only available on paranoid models, use regular#destroyed?
- Ruby 2.3 support
is no longer overridden. Use#paranoia_destroyed?
for the existing behaviour. Washington Luiz#persisted?
is no longer overridden.- ActiveRecord 4.0 no longer has
as an alias for#really_destroy!
. #destroy
will now raise an exception if called on a readonly record.#destroy
on a hard deleted record is now a successful noop.#destroy
on a new record will set deleted_at (previously this raised an error)#destroy
always return self when successful.
- Calling
twice will not hard-delete records. Use#really_destroy!
if this is desired. - Fix errors on non-paranoid has_one dependent associations
- Fix restoring polymorphic has_one relationships #189 #174 Patrick Koperwas
- Fix errors when restoring a model with a has_one against a non-paranoid model. #168 Shreyas Agarwal
- Fix rspec 2 compatibility #197 Emil Sågfors
- Fix some deprecation warnings on rails 4.2 Sergey Alekseev
- Add paranoia_scope as named version of default_scope #184 Jozsef Nyitrai
- Fix initialization problems when missing table or no database connection #186
- Fix broken restore of has_one associations #185 #171 Martin Sereinig