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192 lines (126 loc) · 5.12 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (126 loc) · 5.12 KB


This takes a query sequence and a blast database built with the script and builds assemblies.

If you specify more than one query sequence and/or more than one blast database then aTRAM will build one assembly for each query/blast DB pair.

NOTE: You may use a text file to hold the command-line arguments like: @/path/to/args.txt. This is particularly useful when specifying multiple blast databases or multiple query sequences.


-h, --help

Show this help message and exit.


Show program's version number and exit.

-b DB [DB ...], --blast-db DB [DB ...], --sra DB [DB ...], --db DB [DB ...], --database DB [DB ...]

This needs to match the DB prefix you entered for You may repeat this argument to run the --query sequence(s) against multiple blast databases.

-q QUERY [QUERY ...], --query QUERY [QUERY ...], --target QUERY [QUERY ...], --probe QUERY [QUERY ...]

The path to the fasta file with sequences of interest. You may repeat this argument. If you do then Each --query sequence file will be run against every --blast-db.

-Q QUERY_SPLIT [QUERY_SPLIT ...], --query-split QUERY_SPLIT [QUERY_SPLIT ...], --target-split QUERY_SPLIT [QUERY_SPLIT ...] The path to the fasta file with multiple sequences of interest. This will take every sequence in the fasta file and treat it as if it were its own --query argument. So every sequence in --query-split will be run against every --blast-db.


This is the prefix of all of the output files. So you can identify different blast output file sets. You may include a directory as part of the prefix. aTRAM will add suffixes to differentiate output files.

-a {abyss,trinity,velvet,spades,none}, --assembler {abyss,trinity,velvet,spades,none}

Which assembler to use. Choosing "none" (the default) will do a single blast run and stop before any assembly.

-i N, --iterations N

The number of pipeline iterations. The default is "5".

-p, --protein

Are the query sequences protein? aTRAM will guess if you skip this argument.

--fraction FRACTION

Use only the specified fraction of the aTRAM database. The default is 1.0.

--cpus CPUS, --processes CPUS, --max-processes CPUS

Number of CPU processors to use. This will also be used for the assemblers when possible. We will use 8 out of 12 CPUs.

--log-file LOG_FILE

Log file (full path)".

--path PATH

If the assembler or blast you want to use is not in your $PATH then use this to prepend directories to your path.

-t DIR, --temp-dir DIR

Place temporary files in this directory. All files will be deleted after aTRAM completes. The directory must exist.


This flag will keep the temporary files in the --temp-dir around for debugging.


How many seconds to wait for an assembler before stopping the run. To wait forever set this to 0. The default is "300" (5 minutes).


Do not filter the assembled contigs. This will: set both the --bit-score and --contig-length to 0

--bit-score SCORE

Remove contigs that have a value less than this. The default is "70.0". This is turned off by the --no- filter argument.

--contig-length CONTIG_LENGTH, --length CONTIG_LENGTH

Remove blast hits that are shorter than this length. The default is "100". This is turned off by the --no- filter argument.

--db-gencode CODE The genetic code to use during blast runs. The default is "1".

--evalue EVALUE

The default evalue is "1e-10".

--word-size WORD_SIZE Word size for wordfinder algorithm. 'Must be >= 2.

--max-target-seqs MAX

Maximum hit sequences per shard. Default is calculated based on the available memory and the number of shards.

--batch-size BATCH_SIZE

Use this option to control blast memory usage and the concatenation of queries. Setting this value too low can degrade performance.


Do not use long reads during assembly. (Abyss, Trinity, Velvet)

--kmer KMER

k-mer size. The default is 64 for Abyss and 31 for Velvet. Note: the maximum kmer length for Velvet is 31. (Abyss, Velvet)


Use MPI for this assembler. The assembler 'must have been compiled to use MPI. (Abyss)

--bowtie2 Use bowtie2 during assembly. (Trinity)

--max-memory MEMORY

Maximum amount of memory to use in gigabytes. We will use 12 out of 24 GB of free/unused memory. (Trinity, Spades)

--exp-coverage EXP_COVERAGE, --expected-coverage EXP_COVERAGE

The expected coverage of the region. The default is "30". (Velvet)

--ins-length INS_LENGTH

The size of the fragments used in the short-read library. The default is "300". (Velvet)

--min-contig-length MIN_CONTIG_LENGTH

The minimum contig length used by the assembler itself. The default is "100". (Velvet)

--cov-cutoff COV_CUTOFF

Read coverage cutoff value. Must be a positive float value, or "auto", or "off". The default is "off". (Spades)