<img src="http://office.nousguide.com/nouslogosmall.png" alt="NOUSguide Inc." title="NOUSguide Inc." title" style="display:block; margin: 10px auto 30px auto;" class="center">
A Movieplayer based on AVFoundation with a lot of handsome features like:
- VGA-output
- Airplay
- easy-to-customize UI
self.moviePlayer = [[NGMoviePlayer alloc] initWithURL:self.movieURL];
self.moviePlayer.autostartWhenReady = YES;
self.moviePlayer.delegate = self;
[self.moviePlayer addToSuperview:self.view withFrame:self.view.bounds];
To see a more enhanced Example. please run the Sample project
NGMoviePlayer was created by Matthias Tretter (@myell0w) and Philip Messlehner (@messphilip).
It is inspired from code from HSPlayer.
NGMoviePlayer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info. For usage without attribution contact NOUSguide.