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InfraKit Instance Plugin - Terraform

A reference implementation of an Instance Plugin that creates machines using Terraform. In this concept, InfraKit provides the active group management while Terraform performs the functions of resource provisioning.

This poc is adapted from the aws-two-tier example from the Terraform project. There are some minor changes:

  • Variables that required on-screen user interaction (for setting public keys) have been removed and replaced with the key_name parameter in the provisioning config.
  • The ELB has been removed to keep the example simple -- registration of backends for ELB is coming in the future.
  • Removed the output variables which depended on the ELB.

The entire integration can be seen in the file plugin.go. Some interesting points:

  • Provisioning via Terraform is simply creating a .tf.json file on disk and calling terraform apply.
  • terraform apply uses a local lock file to make sure only one process is access and updating the .tfstate file. This is to avoid concurrent access which can sometimes corrupt the state file. In the end, the design is simplified: we only need to write the files to disk and a dedicated goroutine continuously calls terraform apply.
  • The plugin auto-generates names for resources so user doesn't have to.
  • Destroying an instance is simply removing the .tf.json file and calling terraform apply.
  • Describing instances simply go through all the files on disk and returns them as the result. This is a pretty simplistic integration but it is more correct than writing files and then reading the tfstate file. The generated tf json file instances are essentially "promises" that terraform will eventually provision. A tighter integration is worth investigation.

Here is a simple demo of using Terraform with group and Vanilla plugins.


This directory contains a that builds a VPC with subnet on AWS. EC2 instances (or aws_instance resource) are then added to the config as separate files when the plugin provisions the resource. For an EC2 instance this is a valid .tf.json:

    "resource": {
      "aws_instance": {
        "instance-1474957906": {
          "ami": "${lookup(var.aws_amis, var.aws_region)}",
          "instance_type": "m1.small",
          "key_name": "PUBKEY",
          "subnet_id": "${}",
          "tags": {
            "InstancePlugin": "terraform",
            "Tier": "web",
            "other": "values"
          "user_data": "#!/bin/sh; echo 'hello world'",
          "vpc_security_group_ids": [
          "connection": {
            "user": "ubuntu"

Terraform's configuration schema requires user assignment of names for individual resources, while InfraKit operates on groups of them. So we changed the JSON format slightly to require only the resource type name (e.g. aws_instance). This is the spec for the instance plugin:

    "Properties" : {
        "type" : "aws_instance",
        "value" : {
            "ami" : "${lookup(var.aws_amis, var.aws_region)}",
            "instance_type" : "m1.small",
            "key_name": "PUBKEY",
            "vpc_security_group_ids" : ["${}"],
            "subnet_id": "${}",
            "tags" :  {
                "Tier" : "web",
                "InstancePlugin" : "terraform"
            "connection" : {
                "user" : "ubuntu"
    "Tags" : {
        "other" : "values"
    "Init" : "#!/bin/sh; sudo apt-get -y update; sudo apt-get -y install nginx; sudo service nginx start"

For validation of input, the plugin only checks for validity of the JSON blob in the Properties field above. Note that there are two properties of importance: type and value. type is the resource type in terraform (in this case aws_instance, but can also be other resource types, as long as it's something that makes sense with the environment provisioned in

When provisioning, the plugin assigns a name first and then generates a valid tf.json. terraform apply is run continuously in the background so as soon as new files are deposited, Terraform will provision and update its state. When an instance is removed, Terraform will do the same by destroying the instance and update its state.


Begin by building plugin binaries.

The plugin requires a directory (--dir) that will be used to contain the tfstate and tf.json files. It also checks to make sure it can call terraform. Install Terraform here if you haven't done so.

See the CLI Doc for details on accessing the instance plugin via CLI.

Start the plugin:

$ build/infrakit-instance-terraform --dir=./examples/instance/terraform/aws-two-tier/
INFO[0000] Listening at: ~/.infrakit/plugins/instance-terraform

Be sure to verify that the plugin is discoverable.

Now lets try to validate something. Instead of reading from stdin we are loading from a file to avoid problems with bad bash substitution beacuse Terrafrom configs use $ to indicate variables.

$ cat examples/instance/terraform/aws-two-tier/instance-plugin-properties.json
    "type" : "aws_instance",
    "value" : {
        "ami" : "${lookup(var.aws_amis, var.aws_region)}",
        "instance_type" : "m1.small",
        "key_name": "PUBKEY",
        "vpc_security_group_ids" : ["${}"],
        "subnet_id": "${}",
        "tags" :  {
            "Tier" : "web",
            "InstancePlugin" : "terraform"
        "connection" : {
            "user" : "ubuntu"
$ build/infrakit instance --name instance-terraform validate examples/instance/terraform/aws-two-tier/instance-plugin-properties.json

Now we can provision:

$ cat examples/instance/terraform/aws-two-tier/instance-plugin-spec.json
    "Properties" : {
        "type" : "aws_instance",
        "value" : {
            "ami" : "${lookup(var.aws_amis, var.aws_region)}",
            "instance_type" : "m1.small",
            "key_name": "PUBKEY",
            "vpc_security_group_ids" : ["${}"],
            "subnet_id": "${}",
            "tags" :  {
                "Tier" : "web",
                "InstancePlugin" : "terraform"
            "connection" : {
                "user" : "ubuntu"
    "Tags" : {
        "other" : "values"
    "Init" : "#!/bin/sh; sudo apt-get -y update; sudo apt-get -y install nginx; sudo service nginx start"
$ build/infrakit instance --name instance-terraform provision examples/instance/terraform/aws-two-tier/instance-plugin-spec.json

Now list them.

$ build/infrakit instance --name instance-terraform describe
ID                            	LOGICAL                       	TAGS
instance-1475004829           	  -                           	other=values,provisioner=infrakit-terraform-example,InstancePlugin=terraform,Name=instance-1475004829,Tier=web

You should verify that the instances are indeed created in the AWS Console. In AWS Console you can filter by tag provisioner with value infrakit-terraform-example:

RSG Screenshot

Now destroy the instance:

$ build/infrakit instance --name instance-terraform destroy instance-1475004829
destroyed instance-1475004829
$ build/infrakit instance --name instance-terraform describe
ID                            	LOGICAL                       	TAGS

RSG Screenshot