Once you installed the prerequisites and cloned the repository, run the following steps in your project directory:
- Build a docker image with the app
./gradlew clean build \
# -x skips goals, in this cases tests. Tests take time, run them separately if needed.
-x test \
# building an app without frontend part could be useful for developing frontend or for using the app like an API client
-Pinclude-frontend=true \
# skip building a docker image if you only need a jar
-Pbuild-docker-images=true \
# version will be displayed in UI and used for tagging docker image. You can remove it.
A successful build should produce a docker image named ghcr.io/kafbat/kafka-ui
with whatever version you've supplied.
Using Docker Compose
- Start the app using docker image built in step 1 along with Kafka clusters:
docker-compose -f ./.dev/dev.yaml up -d
Using Spring Boot Run
- If you want to start only kafka clusters (to run the
app viaspring-boot:run
docker-compose -f ./documentation/compose/kafka-clusters-only.yaml up -d
- Then start the app.
./gradlew bootRun -x test
# or
./gradlew bootRun -x test -Dspring.config.location=file:///path/to/conf.yaml
Running in kubernetes
- Using Helm Charts
helm repo add kafbat https://ui.charts.kafbat.io
helm install kafbat-ui kafbat/kafka-ui
To read more please follow to chart documentation.
- To see the app running, navigate to http://localhost:8080.