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JavaScript Engins/Specification Bugs


ID VE GR MD QJ Assertion Answer Confirmed Example
ES1-1 X X X Key ClassTail0ClassDefinitionEvaluation3 Y class A{}
ES1-2 X X X X Key FunctionDeclaration0InstantiateFunctionObject0 Y function f(){}
ES1-3 X X X Key GeneratorDeclaration0InstantiateFunctionObject0 Y function*f(){}
ES1-4 X X X Key AsyncGeneratorDeclaration0InstantiateFunctionObject0 Y async function*f(){}
ES1-5 X X X X Key FunctionExpression0Evaluation0 Y var x=function (){}
ES1-6 X X X X Key FunctionExpression0Evaluation1 Y var x=function f(){}
ES1-7 X X X Key GeneratorExpression0Evaluation0 Y var x=function*(){}
ES1-8 X X X Key GeneratorExpression0Evaluation1 Y var x=function*f(){}
ES1-9 X X X Key AsyncGeneratorExpression0Evaluation0 Y var x=async function*(){}
ES1-10 X X X Key AsyncGeneratorExpression0Evaluation1 Y var x=async function*f(){}
ES1-11 X X X Key GeneratorMethod0PropertyDefinitionEvaluation0 Y var x={*f(){}}
ES1-12 X X X Key AsyncGeneratorMethod0PropertyDefinitionEvaluation0 Y var x={async*f(){}}
ES2-1 X X X X Key ArrowFunction0Evaluation0 Y var x=(x=>x)(()=>{});
ES2-2 X X X X Key AsyncArrowFunction0Evaluation0 Y var x=(x=>x)(async x=>{});
ES2-3 X X X X Key AsyncArrowFunction1Evaluation0 Y var x=(x=>x)(async()=>{});
ES2-4 X X X Key ClassTail0ClassDefinitionEvaluation3 Y var x=(x=>x)(class{});
ES2-5 X X X X Key FunctionExpression0Evaluation0 Y var x=(x=>x)(function(){});
ES2-6 X X X X Key GeneratorExpression0Evaluation0 Y var x=(x=>x)(function*(){});
ES2-7 X X X X Key AsyncFunctionExpression0Evaluation0 Y var x=(x=>x)(async function(){});
ES2-8 X X X X Key AsyncGeneratorExpression0Evaluation0 Y var x=(x=>x)(async function*(){});
ES3-1 X X X X Exc ForInOfHeadEvaluation Y for(x in{});
ES4-1 X X X X Abort UpdateExpression1Evaluation0 Y x++;
ES4-2 X X X X Abort UpdateExpression2Evaluation0 Y x--;
ES4-3 X X X X Abort UpdateExpression3Evaluation0 Y ++x;
ES4-4 X X X X Abort UpdateExpression4Evaluation0 Y --x;
ES5-1 X X X X Exc AbstractEqualityComparison Y 0=={valueOf:()=>{throw 42;}};
ES6-1 X X X X Exc PropertyDefinition2PropertyDefinitionEvaluation0 N var x={p:class extends 42{}};


ID VE GR MD QJ Assertion Answer Confirmed Example
VE1 X Key ClassTail0ClassDefinitionEvaluation3 Y class A{}
VE2 X Key ClassTail0ClassDefinitionEvaluation3 Y var x=(x=>x)(class{});


ID VE GR MD QJ Assertion Answer Confirmed Example
GR1 X Exc UpdateExpression3Evaluation0 Y ++undefined;
GR2 X Key GeneratorDeclaration0InstantiateFunctionObject0 Y function*f(){}
GR3 X Key AsyncGeneratorDeclaration0InstantiateFunctionObject0 Y async function*f(){}
GR4 X Key GeneratorExpression0Evaluation0 Y var x=function*(){}
GR5 X Key GeneratorExpression0Evaluation1 Y var x=function*f(){}
GR6 X Key AsyncGeneratorExpression0Evaluation0 Y var x=async function*(){}
GR7 X Key AsyncGeneratorExpression0Evaluation1 Y var x=async function*f(){}
GR8 X Key GeneratorMethod0PropertyDefinitionEvaluation0 Y var x={*f(){}}
GR9 X Key AsyncGeneratorMethod0PropertyDefinitionEvaluation0 Y var x={async*f(){}}
GR10 X Exc UnaryExpression1Evaluation0 Y delete"str"[0];
GR11 X X Exc StringPad Y var x="42".padStart(Infinity,"");
GR12 X X Desc PropertyDefinition2PropertyDefinitionEvaluation0 Y var x={42:class{}};
GR13 X Exc ElementList3ArrayAccumulation1 Y var x=[undefined,,...[undefined]];
GR14 X Desc FormalParameters1ExpectedArgumentCount0 Y function x (...[x]){}
GR15 X Exc ForInOfHeadEvaluation Y for(let x of x);
GR16 X Exc - Y (...{x})=>{};

Moddable XS

ID VE GR MD QJ Assertion Answer Confirmed Example
MD1 X Exc OptionalExpression0Evaluation0 Y var x = TypeError ( x ?. ( ) ) ;
MD2 X Exc GLOBALDOTNumberDOTprototypeDOTtoString Y var x = Number . prototype . toString . call ( new Number ( 0 ) , 0 ) ;
MD3 X X Desc PropertyDefinition2PropertyDefinitionEvaluation0 Y var x = { 42 : class { x ( ) { } } } ;
MD4 X Desc ElementList1ArrayAccumulation1 Y var x = [ , ... '' ] ;
MD5 X Exc GLOBALDOTArrayDOTprototypeDOTtoString Y Array . prototype . toString . call ( function x ( ) { } ) ;
MD6-1 X Key CreateMapIterator Y var x = Map . prototype . keys . call ( new Map ( ) ) ;
MD6-2 X Key CreateSetIterator Y var x = Set . prototype . values . call ( new Set ( ) ) ;
MD7 X Exc GLOBALDOTStringDOTprototypeDOTsplit Y String . prototype . split . call ( 1 , Symbol . species , 0 , 0 ) ;
MD8 X Exc EnumerateObjectProperties Y for ( x in 'str' ) ;
MD9-1 X Exc - Y var x = { p : 0 } ; ( { p : ( Symbol . match ) } = x ) ;
MD9-2 X Exc - Y var x = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ; ( [ , ( Symbol . isConcatSpreadable ) ] = x ) ;
MD10 X Exc - Y var x = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ; ( [ , undefined ] = x ) ;
MD11 X Key GLOBALDOTArrayDOTprototypeDOTslice Y var x = Array . prototype . slice . call ( 'str' , { } , ~ x ) ;
MD12 X Exc - Y switch ( '' ) { default : ; class x extends { x } { } }
MD13 X Exc - Y async function * x ( ) { class x extends new . target { ; } } ; x ( ) ;
MD14 X Exc - Y do do ; while ( '' ) ; while ( BigInt ( 0 ) ) ;
MD15 X X Key BoundFunctionCreate Y var x = Function . prototype . bind . call ( ( ) => { } , ( Symbol . replace ) ) ;
MD16 X Exc Await Y var x = Promise . race ( { [ Symbol . asyncIterator ] : function ( ) { ; } , [ Symbol . iterator ] : async function ( ) { ; await x ( ) ; } } ) ; async function * x ( ... { ... x } ) { } throw 42 ; async function x ( x ) { ; x ( 42 ) ; }
MD17 X Key GeneratorBody0EvaluateBody0 Y var x = x `` ; function * x ( ... [ ] ) { }
MD18 X Desc ToPropertyDescriptor Y var x = Object . defineProperty ( class { static x ( ) { } } , { [ "set" ] : ( ) => { throw { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } ; } , [ { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } ] : { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } , [ { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } ] : async function ( ) { } , [ "get" ] : { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } , [ { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } ] : { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } , [ { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } ] : { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } } , { [ "set" ] : ( ) => { throw '' ; } , [ { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } ] : { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } , [ { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } ] : async function ( ) { } , [ "get" ] : function ( ) { } , [ { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } ] : async function ( x ) { } , [ { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } ] : { [ Symbol . toPrimitive ] : function ( x ) { } } } ) ;


ID VE GR MD QJ Assertion Answer Confirmed Example
QJ1 X X Exc StringPad Y var x = String . prototype . padStart . call ( 42n , Infinity , [ ] ) ;
QJ2 X Exc FunctionDeclarationInstantiation Y var x = x `` ; function * x ( ... { [ '' ] : { } = x } ) { ; var [ x , , ... x ] = x ; }
QJ3 X Var ArrayBindingPattern1IteratorBindingInitialization0 Y var [ x ] = { [ Symbol . asyncIterator ] : false , [ Symbol . iterator ] : function * ( ) { ; return 0 ; yield 0 ; } } ;
QJ4 X X Key GLOBALDOTFunctionDOTprototypeDOTbind Y var x = Function . prototype . bind . call ( async x => x , 0 ) ;
QJ5 X Exc FunctionRestParameter0IteratorBindingInitialization0 Y var x = { x ( ... { x = x } ) { } } ; var [ , , ] = class extends x ?. x ( ) { ; } ;
QJ6 X Key SpreadElement0ArrayAccumulation0 Y var x = [ ... [ , ] ] ;