Art by:
Soul of Waifu - console client for communicating with neural networks.
Soul of Waifu Core - a core that implements communication with neural networks, making it possible to add them thanks to interface modules. Extending the capabilities of the core.
The core implements input -> output of text and its transformation as the chain passes through the interfaces implemented by the modules.
The multimodularity of the core is achieved through a system of addons. Each addon implements a module according to the interface characteristics.
You can switch interface module in chain in the Settings
In this repository you can download a version of Soul of Waifu with the CharacterAI, ElevenLabs, Google Translate, and PlaceHolder`s modules that will keep the system from crashing if you want to disable any of the modules.
CharacterAI - Service for communicating with neural network - characters in private rooms!
Elevenlabs - Service providing the ability to voice text!
Addons Repository
Addons may have their own repositories and can be downloaded in the Addon Settings --> Download Addon menu
It will bend the addon repository to a folder.
Tested addons will be placed in the Addon List
!!! You need to have GIT installed to download addons
The main thing is to have a complete set of Python components:
- Python 3.11
- Python-PIP
- Python-VENV
- Git
If you are a Windows user, you already have the full Python package. Install Git
Linux users should check their system for these components*
How to download or install a particular repository
Let me remind you, this is not an application, just a kernel with a menu built into it
To customize the kernel modules you are going to use go to Settings By default, they should look like this:
[1] | Input method : Keybord Input
[2] | Translator of your text : GoogleTranslater
[3] | AI dialog : CharacterAI Chat
[4] | AI Text Translator : GoogleTranslater
[5] | Voice Method : ElevenLabs Voice
[6] | Conversation Language : ru.yml
(If not, you can kill any conterbuter of your choice)
The settings of individual modules are located in the Addon Settings
- Settings CharacterAI
- Settings ElevenLabs
- Quit, Quit, Start.
The core has documentation for questions can be contacted.
To publish the addon, you can commit.