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JMeter Icon

(This is not the best practice. It's my answer for question on Stackowerflow)

It may not be relevant for you, but maybe my method will be useful to someone.

  • I wanted to add a nice icon to the launcher.
  • I wanted this icon to remain in the dock while the application is running.

How I did it:

  1. I installed JMeter brew install jmeter

  2. Created folder in home directory.

    mkdir -p ~/
  3. Create ~/ with the contents

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
     		   <string>Custom App</string>
  4. Create ~/ with next the contents (you may need to fix the path, in fact it is an analogue of the file cat $(which jmeter) with some changes)

    JMETER_OPTS="${JMETER_OPTS} -Xdock:icon=/Applications/ -Xdock:name=JMeter -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -Dapple.eawt.quitStrategy=CLOSE_ALL_WINDOWS" JAVA_HOME="/opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk" exec "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/jmeter/5.5/libexec/bin/jmeter"  "$@"

    And make it executable

    chmod +x ~/
  5. Create icon JMeter.icns in ~/ How to:

    5.1 You can download my png icon to ~/

    5.2 Save the script to ~/ (I took it here and little changed it)

    export PROJECT=JMeter
    export ICONDIR=Contents/Resources/$PROJECT.iconset
    export ORIGICON=Icon.png
    mkdir $ICONDIR
    # Normal screen icons
    for SIZE in 16 32 64 128 256 512; do
    sips -z $SIZE $SIZE $ORIGICON --out $ICONDIR/icon_${SIZE}x${SIZE}.png ;
    # Retina display icons
    for SIZE in 32 64 256 512 1024; do
    sips -z $SIZE $SIZE $ORIGICON --out $ICONDIR/icon_$(expr $SIZE / 2)x$(expr $SIZE / 2)x2.png ;
    # Make a multi-resolution Icon
    iconutil -c icns $ICONDIR -o Contents/Resources/$PROJECT.icns
    rm -rf $ICONDIR #it is useless now

    5.3 Run this step by step

    $ cd ~/
    $ chmod +x
    $ ./
  6. As a result, you should get the following structure

    ├── Contents
    │   ├── Info.plist
    │   ├── MacOS
    │   │   └── jmeter
    │   └── Resources
    │       └── JMeter.icns
    ├── Icon.png
    4 directories, 5 files

    Make sure in the Finder that the icon is loaded for ~/ You can run a command to speed this up.

    touch ~/
  7. Final steps. I studied the file and found that the application icon is overridden by a parameter there. That's why we changed the startup script (symlink). We need to change the file /opt/homebrew/Cellar/jmeter/5.5/libexec/bin/jmeter . I commented out a block of code (line:133-145):

    # case `uname` in
    #    Darwin*)
    #    # Add Mac-specific properties - should be ignored elsewhere (Bug 47064)
    #    if [ -f ${PRGDIR}/../xdocs/images/jmeter_square.png ]; then
    #        JMETER_OPTS="${JMETER_OPTS} -Xdock:icon=${PRGDIR}/../xdocs/images/jmeter_square.png"
    #    elif [ -f ${PRGDIR}/../docs/images/jmeter_square.png ]; then
    #        JMETER_OPTS="${JMETER_OPTS} -Xdock:icon=${PRGDIR}/../docs/images/jmeter_square.png"
    #    fi
    #    # Note: macOS still shows "java" process name (see
    #    # The workaround could be to distribute *.dmg bundle
    #    JMETER_OPTS="${JMETER_OPTS} -Xdock:name=JMeter -Xdock:icon=${PRGDIR}/../docs/images/jmeter_square.png -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -Dapple.eawt.quitStrategy=CLOSE_ALL_WINDOWS"
    #    ;;
    # esac
  8. Well. Move to /Applications/

  9. Try run it