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Releases: kartik-v/yii2-editable

Version 1.7.0

12 Jan 11:34
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Date: 12-Jan-2015

  1. (bug #25): Fix options setting for PopoverX.
  2. (enh #27): Add Spanish translations.
  3. Revamp to use new Krajee base Module and TranslationTrait.
  4. Code formatting updates as per Yii2 coding style.

Version 1.6.0

22 Nov 11:51
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Date: 22-Nov-2014

  1. enh #15: Add Vietnamese language translations.
  2. enh #16: Enhance dependency validation using common code base.
  3. bug #18: Add Italian language translations.
  4. bug #20: Fix widgets for use in Editable.
  5. enh #21: Enhancements for rendering widgets and related styling.
  6. enh #22: Revamp extension to work better with model validation and in EditableColumn.

Version 1.4.0

07 Nov 16:58
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Date: 22-Oct-2014

  1. enh #14: Raise new editableAjaxError event for errors faced via ajax
  2. New property showAjaxErrors included for the editable jQuery plugin.

Version 1.3.0

22 Oct 15:15
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Date: 04-Sep-2014

  1. enh #8: Enhance beforeInput & afterInput to be passed as callback functions.
  2. enh #9: Included client plugin events editableChange, editableSubmit, editableReset, editableSuccess, and editableError.
  3. PSR4 alias change

Version 1.2.0

02 Sep 08:30
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Date: 26-Aug-2014

  1. enh #4: Better fix to reinitialize form error blocks for each ajax call.
  2. enh #6: Added displayValueConfig to auto calculate display value.

Version 1.1.0

26 Aug 14:24
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Date: 21-Aug-2014

  1. enh #2: Enhancements to the widget for rendering and processing via Pjax.
  2. enh #4: Reinitialize form error blocks for each ajax call.
  3. enh #5: More correct valueIfNull and displayValue null validation check.

Version 1.0.0

21 Aug 19:53
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Initial release

Date: 27-Jul-2014

  1. Set any readable markup on your view, DetailView, or GridView to be editable. (Under Process: The widgets \kartik\grid\GridView
    and \kartik\detail\DetailView widgets will be enhanced to use this extension in a very easy way.
  2. Provides two display formats for setting up your editable content .
    • Link: Convert the editable content as a clickable link for popover.
    • Button: Do not convert the editable content to a link, but instead display a button beside it for editing content.
  3. Uses Yii 2.0 ActiveForm for editing content. Hence all features of Yii ActiveForm, including model validation rules are available.
  4. For editing the content, you can configure it to use any of the HTML inputs, or widgets available from kartik-v/yii2-widgets or other input widgets from
    In addition, one can also use HTML 5 inputs or any custom input widget to edit your content.
  5. Entirely control the way the form content is displayed in the popover. By default, the widget displays the input to be edited. In addition, one can place
    more form fields or markup before and after this default input.
  6. Uses AJAX based form submission to process quick editing of data and a seamless user experience.
  7. Uses advanced features of the yii2-popover-x extension, to control display formats for your editable popover form. This
    uses the enhanced bootstrap-popover-x by Krajee.