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File metadata and controls

143 lines (107 loc) · 3.8 KB


Tracklet is an open source iOS app and webservice for tracking and storing your own location. The iOS app requires version 8 or higher and includes support for monitoring visits ("frequent locations" or CLVisit).

The webservice accepts JSON matching Apple's CLLocation and CLVisit classes, and outputs GeoJSON. It includes a bootstrap-framed Mapbox view with support for streaming updates as they arrive at the server, via WebSocket or EventSource. The view allows the user to "step" through locations and/or visits with a slider.

The iOS app is very basic and includes no map views, yet. wink Look for UDP streaming upload soon!

Just barely a start, hopefully more to come. This project is definitely looking for contributors!

Getting Started

The source is divided into two trees:

  • /ios - Tracklet iOS app
  • /web - Tracklet ruby webservice


I would have liked to have a "Heroku Button" here, but PostGIS support on Heroku is minimum $50/mo. So, here are basic instructions for running on your own infrastructure.

Host requirements:

  • postgresql >= 9.2 w/ postgis >= 2.1
  • redis
  • ruby >= 2.1

Steps to get it running after installing prerequisites:

  1. cd tracklet/web
  2. bundle install
  3. cp config.yml.template config.yml and edit config.yml
  4. rake -T will show you available rake tasks
  5. rake db will drop/create/migrate database (make sure config.yml[:db][:url] is set!)
  6. bin/tracklet or rake web will run the service

Ideally, you should run this behind a proxy that has SSL configured. Here is a sample ngnix (non-SSL) configuration:

server {

    # make nginx serve "public" files
    root /path/to/tracklet/web/public;
    location / {
      try_files $uri @tracklet;

    location @tracklet {

        # adjust for your config
        proxy_pass http://localhost:4567;

        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

        # websocket proxy support
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_redirect off;
POSTing JSON to /location[s] and /visit[s]

The webservice expects JSON at the following POST endpoints:

  • /location - one location object
  • /locations - an object with key "locations" : array of location objects
  • /visit - one visit object
  • /visits - an object with key "visits" : array of visit objects
Location object
  "longitude": x,
  "latitude": y,
  "altitude": a,
  "horizontal_accuracy": ha,
  "vertical_accuracy": va,
  "speed": s,
  "course": c,
  "timestamp": ts
Visit object
  "longitude": x,
  "latitude": y,
  "horizontal_accuracy": ha,
  "arrival_date": ad,
  "departure_date": dd

The iOS app handles converting CLVisit and CLLocation to JSON and POSTing for you.

iOS app

  1. cd tracklet/ios/Tracklet
  2. cp Config.h.dist Config.h
  3. open tracklet/iOS/Tracklet.xcodeproj
  4. edit Config.h
  5. change BaseUrl to where you are running your tracklet webservice
  6. connect your iPhone, select it as a destination, and run!

Inside the app, switches turn on and off location and visit monitoring.

Tapping the "Locations to upload" or "Visits to upload" cell triggers upload.

Tapping the "Locations uploaded" or "Visits uploaded" cell removes uploaded Locations or Visits.

Locations and Visits are stored in CoreData until they are removed. Upload times are stored upon succesful upload.


see LICENSE file. No warranty whatsoever.