English / 简体中文
随时随地和另一个人同时观看一个视频 | Watch videos with someone in sync, anytime, anywhere.
School is quite busy, progress may be slow. Feel free to fork and contribute.
Peer-to-peer mode
- WebRTC real-time video streaming
Same-origin mode
- WebRTC playback progress and behavior communication
- End-to-end playback progress synchronization
- Delay measurement
- Playback progress synchronization considering network delay
- Slave node video operation requests
Real-time chat
- WebRTC text message transmission
- WebRTC voice message transmission
User settings
- Custom settings UI
localStorage API
configuration storage
Cross-platform applications
- Capacitor Android application
- Capacitor iOS application
i18n multilingual support ←
- StartView UI (CN/EN)
- StreamView UI (CN/EN)
- msg (CN/EN) ←
- Manual switch? ←
This program is released under the GPL-3.0 License. For more information, please refer to the LICENSE file.
⠀←⠀Click this button to deploy on Vercel (recommended)
- YouriceServer
server list address (Refer to Cloudflare Call for API documentation)VITE_MAX_ACCEPTABLE_DELAY_SECONDS
- Maximum acceptable delay time (seconds)VITE_SAME_ORIGIN_SYNC_INTERVAL_SECONDS
- Sync interval time for video progress in same-origin mode (seconds)
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur).
git clone https://github.com/kev1nweng/reel-sync && cd reel-sync && npm i