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KnpMenu integration

The KnpMenu can be used instead of the regular built-in menu and breadcrumb components.

Install the suggested dependency

Install through composer with:

composer require knplabs/knp-menu-bundle

Then add in your config/bundles.php:

return [
    Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Enabling the KnpMenu support

In order to use the KnpMenu integration you need to enable it in the configuration:

        enable: true

Enabling the KnpMenu support will disable the regular breadcrumb and menu events. Instead, there will be a new knp_menu.menu_builder aliased adminlte_main which will dispatch a new event to hook into.

The Event

Quite similar to the SidebarMenuEvent, using the knp_menu will trigger the KnpMenuEvent event.

The event listener will receive the KnpMenuEvent gives access to the root menu item, the menu factory and if applicable the $options and $childOptions as configured in the menu builder.

EventSubscriber - auto-discovery with Symfony 4

In case you activated service discovery and auto-wiring in your app, you can write an EventSubscriber which will be automatically registered in your container:

// src/EventSubscriber/KnpMenuBuilderSubscriber.php
namespace App\EventSubscriber;

use KevinPapst\AdminLTEBundle\Event\KnpMenuEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class KnpMenuBuilderSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface

    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            KnpMenuEvent::class => ['onSetupMenu', 100],
    public function onSetupMenu(KnpMenuEvent $event)
        $menu = $event->getMenu();

        $menu->addChild('MainNavigationMenuItem', [
       	    'label' => 'MAIN NAVIGATION',
            'childOptions' => $event->getChildOptions()
        ])->setAttribute('class', 'header');
        $menu->addChild('blogId', [
            'route' => 'item_symfony_route',
            'label' => 'Blog',
            'childOptions' => $event->getChildOptions(),
            'extras' => [
                'badge' => [
                    'color' => 'yellow',
                    'value' => 4,
        ])->setLabelAttribute('icon', 'fas fa-tachometer-alt');
        $menu->getChild('blogId')->addChild('ChildOneItemId', [
            'route' => 'child_1_route',
            'label' => 'ChildOneDisplayName',
            'extras' => [
                'badges' => [
                    [ 'value' => 6, 'color' => 'blue' ],
                    [ 'value' => 5, ],
            'childOptions' => $event->getChildOptions()
        ])->setLabelAttribute('icon', 'fas fa-rss-square');
        $menu->getChild('blogId')->addChild('ChildTwoItemId', [
            'route' => 'child_2_route',
            'label' => 'ChildTwoDisplayName',
            'childOptions' => $event->getChildOptions()

For a more in depth guide on how to use the KnpMenuBundle, please refer to the official documentation.

EventListener and Service definition

If your application is using the classical approach of manually registering Services and EventListener use this method.

Write an EventListener to work with the KnpMenuEvent.

// src/EventListener/KnpMenuBuilderListener.php
namespace App\EventListener;

use KevinPapst\AdminLTEBundle\Event\KnpMenuEvent;

class KnpMenuBuilderListener
    public function onSetupMenu(KnpMenuEvent $event)
        $menu = $event->getMenu();

        $menu->addChild('MainNavigationMenuItem', [
       	    'label' => 'MAIN NAVIGATION',
            'childOptions' => $event->getChildOptions()
        ])->setAttribute('class', 'header');
        $menu->addChild('blogId', [
            'route' => 'item_symfony_route',
            'label' => 'Blog',
            'childOptions' => $event->getChildOptions()
        ])->setLabelAttribute('icon', 'fas fa-tachometer-alt');
        $menu->getChild('blogId')->addChild('ChildOneItemId', [
            'route' => 'child_1_route',
            'label' => 'ChildOneDisplayName',
            'childOptions' => $event->getChildOptions()
        ])->setLabelAttribute('icon', 'fas fa-rss-square');
        $menu->getChild('blogId')->addChild('ChildTwoItemId', [
            'route' => 'child_2_route',
            'label' => 'ChildTwoDisplayName',
            'childOptions' => $event->getChildOptions()

For a more in depth guide on how to use the KnpMenuBundle, please refer to the official documentation.

And attach your new listener to the event system in config/services.yaml:

        class: App\EventListener\KnpMenuBuilderListener
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: theme.sidebar_setup_knp_menu, method: onSetupMenu }

Enabling breadcrumb support

Breadcrumb support is deactivated by default for KnpMenu. Its behavior can be configured with the key breadcrumb_menu.

You have three choices:

  • set it to false (which is the default value) will deactivate the breadcrumb
  • set it to true will enable breadcrumb support and use the menubuilder configured in the key main_menu (whose default value is adminlte_main)
  • set it to your own menu alias (the default menu builder alias is adminlte_main)

Example 1 - activate breadcrumb by using your default menu:

        enable : true
        breadcrumb_menu: true

Example 2 - activate breadcrumb and use your own menu builder:

        enable : true
        breadcrumb_menu: my_menu

Replacing the MenuBuilder

Rather than using the menu builder provided by this bundle (which is aliased as adminlte_main), you could also generate your own implementation and change the bundle configuration to use your menu builder alias.

        enable : true
        main_menu: <your builder alias> # By default "adminlte_main" alias
        breadcrumb_menu: <true|false|your builder alias>

Next steps

Please go back to the AdminLTE bundle documentation to find out more about using the theme.