In order to simplify the usage of widget and info boxes, and to help with a consistent look and feel throughout your application, the bundle provides an embeddable template for the box-widget and the infobox-widget.
The global/general configuration for the box-widget can be defined using the bundle configuration. The values in this configuration example are the default settings.
# relates to box-<type>, default: primary
type: primary
# will add .with-border to .box-header, default: true
bordered: true
# will add a collapse button to the widget toolbar, default: true
collapsible: true
# sets the title attribute for the collapse button
collapsible_title: Collapse
# will ad a remove button to the widget toolbar
removable: false
# defines the title attribute for the remove button
removable_title: Remove
# will add .box-solid
solid: false
# will avoid rendering the .box-footer without content
use_footer: true
{% embed '@AdminLTE/Widgets/box-widget.html.twig' %}
{% block box_title %}
{# Title goes here #}
{% endblock %}
{% block box_body %}
{# Content goes here #}
{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
The box widget comes with several variables and blocks to define content and customize the rendering and behavior individually.
_Notice: since FALSE will not be considered a value by Twig and therefor activate the default filter, you will have to use 0
- collapsed
- Will render the Widget in a collapsed state and add and expander toolbutton.
- solid
- Will render the widget as solid box if set to true.
- border
- Will add .with-border to the box header.
- use_footer
- Will render the .box-footer even if it has no content.
- collapsible & collapsible_title
- Will add a collapse tool-button. This setting will always be true if the box is defined as `collapsed`. The `collapsible_title` will be set as the button's `title` attribute.
- removable & removable_title
- Will add a remove tool-button. The `removable_title` will be set as the button's `title` attribute.
- boxtype
- Sets the color-type of the box. The value should only be the type name without prefix.
- box_before
- Content just before the box's opening div.
- box_title
- Content inside of `.box-title`.
- box_tools
- Content inside the `.box-tools` just before the collapse and/or remove buttons.
- box_body
- The block for the actual box content.
- box_footer
- Content inside the `.box-footer`. Using this block will force the footer rendering, regardless of the `footer` variable or configuration setting.
- box_after
- Content just after the box's closing `div`
- box_body_class
- Additional css class for the box_body HTML element
- box_attributes
- Additional HTML attributes for the outer box HTML element
- box_tools_attributes
- Additional attributes for the tools HTML element
The infobox widget has no default configuration. The very nature of this widget type is to be distinguishable from each other hence, the configuration would be overridden anyways.
{% embed '@AdminLTE/Widgets/infobox-widget.html.twig' with {
'color' : 'aqua',
'icon' : 'comments-o',
{% block box_text %}
{# text goes here #}
{% endblock %}
{% block box_number %}
{# number goes here #}
{% endblock %}
{% block progress_description %}
{# progress text goes here#}
{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
- solid
- If you want to define a solid box, this variable should contain the color name.
- color
- Defines the `.info-box-icon` color and should be the color name (obsolete if you have a `solid` box).
- icon
- Defines the fontawesome icon name. The value should only be the actual icon name including the prefix (e.g. `fas fa-tachometer-alt`)
- progress
- Defines the progress value. The progress bar will only be rendered if the progress variable is defined.
- box_before
- Content just before the opening `div`.
- box_text
- Content of `.info-box-text`.
- box_number
- Content of `.info-box-number`.
- progress_description
- Content of `.progress_description`.
- box_after
- Content just after the closing `div`
Please go back to the AdminLTE bundle documentation to find out more about using the theme.