Command | Description |
ACE-voip | Detect and analyze voice-over IP traffic |
Amap | Identify open ports and services on a remote system |
APT2 | Automatic penetration testing and regenerating reports |
arp-scan | Discover hosts on a network |
Automater | Automatic OSINT gathering |
bing-ip2hosts | Enumerate hostnames from Bing search result |
braa | Detect and analyze broadcast radio signals |
CaseFile | Create and manage threat intelligence reports |
CDPSnarf | Extract CDP information from a network |
copy-router-config | Backing up router configurations or transferring configurations to a new router |
DMitry | Gather target network information including port scanning and WHOIS lookups |
dnmap | Identify hosts and services on a network |
dnsenum | Gather information about DNS records including subdomains |
dnsmap | Identify active DNS servers and associated hostnames |
DNSRecon | DNS reconnaissance tool to gather information about servers, zone transfer and IP addresses |
dnstracer | Trace DNS queries to identify problems and misconfigurations |
dnswalk | Check common DNS misconfiguration |
DotDotPwn | Exploit directory traversal vulnerabilities |
enum4linux | Gather information from Windows and Samba systems including shares, users and passwords |
enumIAX | Gather information from IAX-based VoIP systems |
EyeWitness | Generate screenshots of web applications |
Faraday | Manage and collaborate on vulnerability scans and security assessment |
Fierce | Identify non-contiguous IP space and map network infrastructure |
Firewalk | Determine specific traffic blocking by firewall and by analyzing TTl values |
fragroute/fragrouter | Intercept and modify network traffic at IP fragmentation level |
Ghost Phisher | Security testing for phishing attacks |
GoLismero | Web security testing tool |
goofile | Search specific file types on a target domain |
ident-user-enum | Identify user accounts on systems that use the Ident protocol |
InSpy | LinkedIn reconnaissance tool to gather information about employees, companies and job postings |
InTrace | Trace the route of TCP packets through a network |
iSMTP | Test the security of SMYP servers |
lbd | Identify load balancers and web application firewalls |
Maltego Teeth | Identify connections and relationships between entities |
masscan | A fast port scanner used for vulnerability assessment |
Metagoofil | Gather information and extract metadata from public documents |
Miranda | Tool for exploiting UPnP devices |
nbtscan-unixwiz | Scan NetBIOS nameservers to gather information about connected devices |
Nikto | Web server scanner |
ntop | Network traffic monitoring and analysis |
OSRFramework | Intelligence gathering framework used for data mining |
p0f | Passive network traffic analysis for identifying the operating systems and applications used on networked devices |
Parsero | Identify input validation-related vulnerabilities of web applications |
SET | Tool for performing social engineering attacks, password attacks etc. |
SMBMap | Enumerate and scan SMB shares |
smtp-user-enum | Enumerate usernames on a target SMTP server |
snmp-check | Enumerate and check the security of SNMP devices |
SPARTA | Graphical interface for network infrastructure penetration testing |
sslcaudit | Audit SSl/Tls certificates on a web server |
SSLsplit | Intercept and decrypt SSL/TLS traffic |
sslstrip | Tool for performing man-in-the-middle attacks on SSL/TLS encrypted connections |
SSLyze | Test SSL/TLS servers and clients |
Sublist3r | Enumerate subdomains of a target domain using search engines |
THC-IPV6 | Attack and test IPv6 networks |
theHarvester | Gather information on a target domain from various public sources |
TLSSLed | Evaluate the security of SSL/TLS connections |
twofi | Find potential usernames and passwords from Twitter |
Unicornscan | A fast and powerful network scanning tool |
URLCrazy | Generate and test domain typos and variations |
Wireshark | Network protocol analyzer for capturing and analyzing network traffic |
WOL-E | Tool for Wake-On-LAN attacks and network discovery |
Xplico | Extract application data from network traffic |
Command | Description |
BBQSQL | A blind SQL injection and exploitation tool |
BED | A network protocol fuzzing tool |
cisco-global-exploiter | Exploit vulnerabilities in Cisco devices |
cisco-ocs | Scan and exploit Cisco devices |
cisco-torch | Test and scan the security of Cisco devices |
copy-router-config | Back up and restore Cisco router configurations |
Doona | Test the security of network devices and protocols |
DotDotPwn | Exploit directory traversal vulnerabilities |
HexorBase | A database management and exploitation tool |
jSQL Injection | A SQL injection exploitation tool |
Lynis | A security auditing and hardening tool for Linux and Unix-based systems |
Nmap | Network exploration and security auditing tool |
ohrwurm | A local root exploitation tool |
openvas | A vulnerability scanner and management tool |
Oscanner | Scan Oracle databases for vulnerabilities |
Powerfuzzer | A web application fuzzing and discovery tool |
sfuzz | A protocol fuzzer and vulnerability scanner |
SidGuesser | Identify valid user accounts in Windows domains |
SIPArmyKnife | Test the security of VoIP systems |
sqlmap | A SQL injection exploitation tool |
Sqlninja | A SQL server injection and takeover tool |
sqlsus | Identify and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities |
tnscmd10g | Test and exploit Oracle TNS Listener vulnerabilities |
unix-privesc-check | Identify privilege escalation vulnerabilities in Unix-based systems |
Yersinia | Network protocol analyzer and attack tool for testing network security |
Command | Description |
Airbase-ng | Configure and attack wireless access points |
Aircrack-ng | Audit and test wireless network |
Airdecap-ng and Airdecloak-ng | Decrypt and deobfuscate captured wireless traffic |
Aireplay-ng | Inject traffic to wireless networks to test their security |
airgraph-ng | Generate graphs from wireless network data |
Airmon-ng | Enable and Disable monitor mode on wireless interfaces |
Airodump-ng | Capture wireless traffic and analyze it |
airodump-ng-oui-update | Update the OUI databases used by airodump-ng |
Airolib-ng | Manage and crack password hashes for WPA and WPA2 |
Airserv-ng | Run a wireless access point on a Linux system |
Airtun-ng | Create encrypted tunnels over wireless networks |
Asleap | Crack MS-CHAPv1 and MS-CHAPv2 authentication protocols |
Besside-ng | Capture and crack WEP and WPA-encrypted wireless traffic |
Bluelog | Scan and log Bluetooth devices |
BlueMaho | Discover and attack Bluetooth devices |
Bluepot | Simulate Bluetooth honeypots to detect and track attackers |
BlueRanger | Control Bluetooth devices remotely |
Bluesnarfer | Exploit Bluetooth vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to devices |
Bully | Brute-forcing WPS pins to gain access to wireless networks |
coWPAtty | Crack pre-shared keys for WPA-PSK networks |
crackle | Crack encrypted Bluetooth traffic |
eapmd5pass | Crack MD5 hashes of EAP passwords |
Easside-ng | Crack WEP and WPA-encrypted wireless traffic |
Fern Wifi Cracker | Audit and crack wireless networks |
FreeRADIUS-WPE | Exploit weak credentials in the FreeRADIUS server |
Ghost Phisher | Create phishing attacks on wireless networks |
GISKismet | Map and analyze wireless networks using GPS data |
Gqrx | A receiver for exploring wireless signals |
gr-scan | scan and decode various radio signals |
hostapd-wpe | Test and exploit the WPE feature in Hostpad |
ivstools | Convert and manipulate IVs for WEP cracking |
kalibrate-rtl | Calibrate the frequency offset of RTL-SDR dongles |
KillerBee | Explore and exploit ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks |
Kismet | Detect and analyze wireless networks |
makeivs-ng | Generate and inject fake IVs for WEP cracking |
mdk3 | Attack wireless networks by flooding them with de-authentication, disassociation, and other packets |
mfcuk | Crack Mifare Classic RFID cards |
mfoc | Crack Mifare Classic RFID cards |
mfterm | Interact with RFID cards |
Multimon-NG | Decode various radio signals |
Packetforge-ng | Create and inject custom packets into wireless networks |
PixieWPS | Exploit the WPS design flaw to recover WPA/WPA2 passwords |
Pyrit | Perform advanced WPA/WPA2 password cracking using GPU power |
Reaver | A tool for brute-forcing WPS |
redfang | A Bluetooth scanner and vulnerability assessment tool |
RTLSDR Scanner | A radio scanner for spectrum analysis and monitoring |
Spooftooph | A tool for Bluetooth device spoofing and cloning |
Tkiptun-ng | WPA encryption key recovery using TKIP vulnerabilities |
Wesside-ng | Automated wireless network hacking for WEP, WPA and WPA2 encryption |
Wifi Honey | Perform honey spot attacks on wireless networks |
wifiphisher | Steal credentials of wireless network |
Wifitap | Create virtual wireless access points and monitor network traffic |
Wifite | Audit and attack the automated wireless network |
wpaclean | Filter and clean WPA/WPA2 handshake capture file |
Command | Description |
Binwalk | Analyze and extract firmware images |
bulk-extractor | Extract artifacts from binary files |
Capstone | A multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework |
chntpw | Reset passwords on Windows systems |
Cuckoo | An automated malware analysis system |
dc3dd | A tool for imaging and wiping hard drives |
ddrescue | Rescuing data from damaged disks |
DFF | A forensic framework for analyzing digital evidence |
diStorm3 | A disassembler library for x86/AMD64 |
Dumpzilla | Analyze Mozilla browser history |
extundelete | Recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partitions |
Foremost | Extract files from disk images |
Galleta | Analyze browser cookies |
Guymager | Create forensic images |
iPhone Backup Analyzer | Analyze iPhone backups. |
p0f | A tool for passive OS fingerprinting and network analysis |
pdf-parser | A tool for analyzing PDF files |
pdfid | Analyze and detect malicious PDF files |
pdgmail | Analyze Gmail artifacts |
peepdf | Analyze and explore PDF files |
RegRipper | Analyze Windows registry hives |
Volatility | Analyze memory dumps |
Command | Description |
Armitage | A graphical cyber attack management tool |
Backdoor Factory | Add backdoors to binaries |
BeEF | Penetration testing focuses on browser-based attacks |
Commix | A command injection exploitation tool |
crackle | Break Bluetooth Smart encryption |
exploitdb | A database of known exploits and vulnerable software |
jboss-autopwn | Exploit vulnerabilities in JBoss servers |
MSFPC | Create Metasploit payloads |
RouterSploit | Test vulnerabilities in routers and other embedded devices |
ShellNoob | Generate shellcode and convert shellcode to assembly |
Command | Description |
android-sdk | A software development kit for developing Android applications |
Arduino | An open-source electronics platform for creating interactive projects |
dex2jar | Convert Android DEX files to Java JAR files |
Sakis3G | Connect to 3G mobile networks |
smali | An assembler/disassembler for Android’s dex format |
Command | Description |
apktool | Reverse engineer and modify Android APK files |
diStorm3 | A disassembler library used for binary analysis |
edb-debugger | A cross-platform debugger for x86, ARM, MIPS, and PowerPC executables |
jad | Analyze and reverse engineer Java bytecode |
javasnoop | Intercept and analyze Java method calls |
JD-GUI | Decompile and analyze Java bytecode |
OllyDbg | A 32-bit assembler-level analyzing debugger |
Valgrind | Debug and profile Linux programs |
YARA | Match patterns and identify malware and other suspicious files |
Command | Description |
apache-users | Find usernames on an Apache web server |
Arachni | A feature-rich web application security scanner |
BlindElephant | Identify the web application’s version number |
Burp Suite | Web application testing framework |
CutyCapt | Capture website screenshots |
DAVTest | Test the security of WebDAV servers |
deblaze | Discover hidden files and directories on a web server |
DIRB | A tool used for web content discovery |
DirBuster | A multi-threaded web application scanner |
fimap | Automate web application attacks and vulnerability scanning |
FunkLoad | A web functional testing and load testing tool |
Gobuster | Brute forcing directories and files on web servers |
Grabber | Detect security vulnerabilities of web applications |
hURL | A tool used for web application testing and discovery |
jboss-autopwn | Exploit vulnerable JBoss application servers |
joomscan | Identify vulnerabilities in Joomla! CMS |
PadBuster | Test Padding Oracle vulnerabilities in web applications |
Paros | A web application testing proxy used to intercept and analyze web traffic |
Parsero | A tool used for web application fingerprinting and directory discovery |
plecost | A WordPress vulnerability scanner |
Powerfuzzer | A highly automated web application vulnerability scanner |
ProxyStrike | Attack web applications through proxies |
Recon-ng | A web reconnaissance framework |
Skipfish | A web application security scanner used for reconnaissance and discovery |
ua-tester | Test user-agent strings in web applications |
Uniscan | Security scanner used for finding vulnerabilities |
w3af | A framework used for web application security testing |
WebScarab | A Java-based web application testing proxy used for intercepting and analyzing web traffic |
Webshag | A multi-threaded, multi-platform web application vulnerability scanner |
WebSlayer | Find vulnerabilities in web applications |
WebSploit | A web application security testing framework |
Wfuzz | A web application fuzzer used for brute forcing directories and files on web servers |
WhatWeb | Fingerprint web servers and identify vulnerabilities |
WPScan | A WordPress vulnerability scanner |
XSSer | Find and exploit XSS vulnerabilities |
Command | Description |
DHCPig | Flood DHCP servers with requests, causing them to crash or become unavailable |
iaxflood | Flood SIP servers with requests, causing them to crash or become unavailable |
Inundator | Flood a network with random packets, causing network congestion and slowdowns |
inviteflood | Flood SIP servers with INVITE requests, causing them to crash or become unavailable |
ipv6-toolkit | Collection of tools for testing and exploiting IPv6 networks |
rtpflood | Flood VoIP servers with RTP packets, causing them to crash or become unavailable |
SlowHTTPTest | Test the vulnerability of web servers to Slow HTTP |
t50 | Generate network traffic and test the performance of network devices under heavy loads |
Termineter | Test the security of Smart Grid devices and protocols |
THC-SSL-DOS | Flood SSL servers with SSL handshake requests, causing them to crash or become unavailable |
Command | Description |
SIPp | Test and benchmark SIP-based VoIP systems |
rtpbreak | Detect, reconstruct, and analyze RTP sessions |
SIPVicious | Audit SIP-based VoIP systems |
rtpmixsound | Mix audio into RTP streams |
bettercap | A Swiss Army knife for network attacks and monitoring, including sniffing, spoofing, and MITM attacks |
DNSChef | A DNS proxy that can be used to forge DNS responses and redirect traffic to malicious sites |
fiked | A fake IKE daemon used for launching MITM attacks against IKEv1-encrypted connections |
hamster-sidejack | Perform session hijacking attacks against web applications |
HexInject | Craft and inject packets into a network |
iSMTP | Test the security of SMTP servers by sending a large number of emails |
isr-evilgrade | Exploit software vulnerabilities and perform automatic updates of malicious software |
mitmproxy | A SSL-capable intercepting proxy used for intercepting, modifying, and replaying traffic between clients and servers |
ohrwurm | Generate payloads and test the detection capabilities of antivirus software |
protos-sip | Test the security of SIP-based VoIP systems |
rebind | Perform DNS rebinding attacks against web applications |
responder | Steal NTLMv1/v2 hashes and perform LLMNR/NBT-NS poisoning |
rtpinsertsound | Insert audio into RTP streams |
sctpscan | Perform SCTP network scanning and fingerprinting |
SIPArmyKnife | A tool used for testing the security of SIP-based VoIP systems |
SniffJoke | Manipulate network traffic in real-time |
VoIPHopper | Detect and exploit VoIP security vulnerabilities |
xspy | Monitor and analyze X11 traffic |
zaproxy | Test the security of web applications by scanning |
Command | Description |
CaseFile | Create diagrams and charts to aid in the organization and visualization of data during investigations |
cherrytree | A hierarchical note-taking application that allows the creation and organization of notes and code snippets |
CutyCapt | Capture screenshots of web pages from the command line |
dos2unix | Convert DOS-style line endings to Unix-style line endings in text files |
Dradis | A collaboration and reporting platform for security testing professionals |
MagicTree | Visualize and analyze data from different sources, such as file systems, network traffic, and databases |
Nipper-ng | A tool used for auditing network device security configurations |
pipal | A password analyzer and cracking tool used to identify weak passwords |
RDPY | Perform remote desktop protocol operations, such as screen capture and input injection |
Command | Description |
BruteSpray | Automate password spraying attacks against multiple hosts simultaneously |
CeWL | Generate custom wordlists for password cracking and other security assessments |
chntpw | Reset passwords on Windows systems by modifying the Windows registry |
CmosPwd | Recover CMOS passwords on Windows systems |
creddump | Extract password hashes and other credentials from Windows systems |
crowbar | Brute-force attacks against remote authentication services |
crunch | Generate custom wordlists for password cracking and other security assessments |
findmyhash | Identify the hash algorithm used to encrypt password hashes |
gpp-decrypt | Decrypt Group Policy Preferences (GPP) passwords on Windows systems |
hash-identifier | Identify the type of hash used to encrypt password hashes |
Hashcat | A tool used for advanced password cracking and recovery |
HexorBase | A tool used for database management and exploitation |
THC-Hydra | Brute-force attacks against remote authentication services |
John the Ripper | A tool used for password cracking and recovery |
Johnny | A graphical user interface for John the Ripper password-cracking tool |
keimpx | Exploit vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows systems |
Maskprocessor | Generate custom wordlists based on specified criteria |
Ncrack | Brute-force attacks against remote authentication services |
oclgausscrack | Advanced password cracking and recovery on systems with OpenCL-compatible hardware |
ophcrack | Password cracking and recovery on Windows systems |
PACK | Advanced password cracking and recovery |
patator | Brute-force attacks against multiple protocols and services |
phrasendrescher | Generate custom wordlists based on natural language patterns |
polenum | Retrieve password policy information from Windows systems |
RainbowCrack | Advanced password cracking and recovery using rainbow tables |
SecLists | A collection of various security-related wordlists for password cracking and other security assessments |
SQLdict | Generate custom wordlists based on SQL queries |
Statsprocessor | Generate custom wordlists based on a statistical analysis of existing passwords |
THC-pptp-bruter | Brute-force attacks against PPTP VPNs |
TrueCrack | A tool used for advanced password cracking and recovery |
wordlists | Collection of various wordlists for password cracking |
Command | Description |
CryptCat | Create encrypted and authenticated connections between two hosts |
Cymothoa | Inject shellcode into a running process in order to gain remote access |
dbd | A backdoor daemon that allows remote access to a system via a network connection |
dns2tcp | A tool used to tunnel TCP traffic over DNS protocols |
HTTPTunnel | A tool used to tunnel traffic over HTTP protocols |
Intersect | Generate payloads for exploitation of vulnerabilities |
Nishang | Create and execute PowerShell scripts for penetration testing |
PowerSploit | Collection of PowerShell scripts for penetration testing and other security assessments |
pwnat | Bypass NAT firewalls and establish direct connections between two hosts |
RidEnum | Enumerate user accounts and groups on Windows systems |
sbd | Create a secure backdoor connection between two hosts |
shellter | Bypass antivirus software and other security mechanisms |
U3-Pwn | Exploit security vulnerabilities in U3 USB smart drives |
Webshells | Collection of scripts and tools used for remote access and exploitation of web servers |
Weevely | A web shell is used to gain remote access to web servers and execute commands |
Winexe | Remotely execute commands on Windows systems from a Linux or Unix host |
thanx to