Fix: Fixed the problem with the event creation date in metrics during historical synchronization of orders.
Fixed issue: If there was no updated_at in the event, then the null value was passed and the historical event was saved with the date and time of synchronization.
New: Added an admin warning popup for admins who might be running historical syncs of orders and subscribers at the same time.
Fix: API request for transferring subscribers during Historical synchronization was changed. Because it affected the appearance of Consent status that the subscriber is subscribed.
Fix: The functionality of the Product identification field mapping switch has been fixed. Now it affects all events where product data is involved.
New: Added synchronization of customers who do not have orders or subscriptions when initiating the corresponding historical synchronizations. Two new Cron Jobs have been added: klaviyo.job.full_customer_subs_sync_processing and klaviyo.job.full_customer_order_sync_processing
New: A new status Partially Successful has been added to the Job Scheduler. It signals that the task has been partially completed.
New: Updating the API revision to the latest one - 2024-10-15. Improved performance of customer creation and update - additional requests removed.
New: Creating a separate cron process for synchronizing historical events. Refactoring the code to handle large amounts of data.
Fix: Fixed an error when the SwitchBuyBoxVariantEvent event was triggered on widget. Fixing dependencies in the template.
Fix: Fixed an issue with missing List ID of subscribers on PDP. Redesigned saving List ID of subscribers in the plugin settings.
New: To optimize work and better performance, a separate Cron task was added to synchronize excluded subscribers.
New: The back in stock pop up is now available when using the frontend.cms.buybox.switch
route (SwitchBuyBoxVariantEvent)
Fix: Fixed behavior of the status of the parent job in Klaviyo Job Listing when child jobs are still in progress.
Fix: Fixed transmission of customer's first name, last name and salutation when full synchronizing customers.
New: Added synchronization of new events of order statuses such as: Partially Paid Order and Partially Shipped Order.
Fix: Added validation of phone numbers in order events. If the phone number does not exist or does not comply with the e.164 standard, the event is posted in Klaviyo without transmitting the incorrect phone number.
Fix: Added customer language field that will be sent to Klaviyo upon other data when syncing newsletter recipients.
Fix: Fixed the issue where customers were unable to select promotions in the admin panel grid for export.
Fix: Fixed an issue where some customers may encounter when purchased/placed orders haven't been updated properly.
Fix: Fixed an error/issue with Cookiebot that was thrown in browser console when "Use Default Cookie Notification" was set to yes.
Fix: Fixed an issue where Order ID was displayed incorrectly ( Order ID was displayed instead of Order Number even though it was set to Order Number in plugin configuration ) in the refunded order Events.
Fix: Issue where Shopware Users which are doing the Double Opt In in Shopware system were not transfered to Klaviyo but with "NOT SUBSCRIBED".
Fix: Now Double-Opt in messaging at configuration page is visible in all configuration scopes/sales channels.
New: Cart restore link now fills up the address data that customer has provided before abandoning the cart ( if applicable ).
New: Added option to select the mapping for their order as well as delivery status as a mandatory field in a dropdown menu so that this status also arrives in Klaviyo.
Improvement: Re-factored "checkout started" event implementation in plugin for better compatibility with Checkout customizations and plugins ( like 1 step checkout and others ).
NOTE: If you have extensive customizations of plugin files at checkout we recommend you review and verify customizations on your side.
Fix: The "Refunded Order" event is now displayed after clicking the "Synchronized historical events" button
Fix: Resolved the issue when events are duplicated in the profile Activity Logs after each historical synchronization
Fix: Fixed the issue where some customers may see incorrect dates of the events passed to Klaviyo service ( fulfilled order events etc... ).
New: A new endpoint has been added, thanks to which you can find out the current version of the installed Klaviyo plugin.
Feature: Added ability to change order identification variable that will be sent to the klaviyo ( was before: order hash | now you can choose either: order hash OR order id )
- Fix: Fixed the issue where products had incorrect links ( in klaviyo ) to stores of other languages/domains ( shopware ) if there are numerous domains assigned to single sales channel.
- New: Added sales channel information to Klaviyo customer
- New: Added compatibility with CookieBot
- New: Added compatibility with the newest versions
- New: Added variant identifier selection for BIS
- New: Added tracking for "PAID" orders
- New: Added product SKU in "Notify in stock" functionality
- New: Added cart restore functionality
- Fix: Context is kept for background processes
- Fix: Fixed issue with plugin's localstorage item set without cookie consent
- Fix: Fixed issue with Klaviyo script initialization with no cookie consent allowance
- Fix: Fixed issue with "Private API Key" field unsecure displaying
- New: Added new Klviyo brand icons
- New: Added new feature to enable/disable synchronization of deleted accounts' order events
- New: Added job listing cleanup mechanism
- New: Added additional information messages during background job processing
- New: Job Scheduler Update - added job message correct sort order
- Fix: Improved plugin uninstallation process
- Fix: Fixed possible issue with Klaviyo list ID caching
- Fix: Fixed possible issue with unsubscribed recipients sync from Klaviyo
- Fix: Fixed possible issue with order line items background processing
- Fix: Fixed possible issue with not existing plugin configuration during order synchronization
- New: Added api key validation in Klaviyo config
- New: Added toggling the Klaviyo tracking on and off by cookies
- New: Cleanup pending jobs during uninstall process
- New: Changed icon and name of Klaviyo plugin
- Fix: Removed limitations for sales channel options in Klaviyo config
- Fix: Added translations for all Klaviyo texts
- Fix: We fixed issue with order empty delivery
- Fix: We fixed issue with checkout tracker categories
- Fix: We fixed issue with feed generation, when there is no cover picture
- New: Now product manufacturer is being transferred to all product-related Klaviyo events.
- New: Now Klaviyo account credentials could be configured on sales channel level only.
- New: Now sales channel Klaviyo account can be disabled to prevent any event processing on associated channel.
- Fix: We fixed issue with storefront event tracking with A/B testing feature enabled in Klaviyo.
- Fix: We fixed possible issue with customer data sync.
- Fix: We fixed possible issue with event processing on channels with wrong credentials/configurations.
- Fix: We fixed issue with error during order status change via Admin UI.
- Fix: We fixed issue with historical sync of orders with deleted products.
- New: Job Scheduler Update - enhanced Admin UI and handy message handling.
- New: We updated Klaviyo Person API workflow.
- Fix: Fixed issue with processing guest orders.
- Fix: Fixed issue with the "localhost" product link on tracked order events.
- Fix: Fixed issue with the Klaviyo Tracking JS on pages with a custom layout.
- Fix: Removed unnecessary "Catalog Feed Products Count" setting from plugin configuration
- Added new feature "Back-in-stock" email notification.
- Added new feature "Bidirectional (un)subscriber synchronization". Now plugin can synchronize newsletter unsubscribers from the Klaviyo to Shopware and vice versa.
- Performance improvements. Plugin code-base refactoring. Added system job scheduler bundle.
- Unit and Integration test added.
- Basic plugin functionality implementation.