diff --git a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/how-tos/testing/integration/third-parties/testing-farm.adoc b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/how-tos/testing/integration/third-parties/testing-farm.adoc index 662d6c00..b869118b 100644 --- a/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/how-tos/testing/integration/third-parties/testing-farm.adoc +++ b/docs/modules/ROOT/pages/how-tos/testing/integration/third-parties/testing-farm.adoc @@ -1,55 +1,3 @@ = Testing Farm -In this guide, you'll learn how to xref:/how-tos/testing/integration/adding.adoc[add a custom integration test] in {ProductName} that uses link:https://docs.testing-farm.io/[Testing Farm] as a third-party backend for test execution. - -.Prerequisites - -. You have xref:/how-tos/creating.adoc[created an application] in {ProductName} - -. You have a Testing Farm API key, which can be acquired by following the link:https://docs.testing-farm.io/Testing%20Farm/0.1/onboarding.html[Testing Farm onboarding guide]. - -. You have or are ready to create a git repository with link:https://fmf.readthedocs.io/[fmf] files suitable for use with the link:https://tmt.readthedocs.io/[tmt] testing tool. This is the testing technology used by Testing Farm. If you don't have fmf tests already prepared, you can use our tmt link:https://github.com/ralphbean/tmt-hello-world[hello world repository]. - -.Procedure - -You need to perform two major steps. Upload your Testing Farm API key, and register an *Integration test* to send requests to the Testing Farm API. Complete the following steps in the {ProductName} console: - -.Procedure - Upload your Testing Farm API key - -Follow the instructions in the xref:/how-tos/configuring/creating-secrets.adoc[creating secrets] guide, with the following details: - -. For **Secret name**, enter `testing-farm-secret`. - -. Under **Key/value secret**, expand **Key/value 1**, then enter the key name `testing-farm-token`. - -NOTE: Be sure that the secret name is `testing-farm-secret` and the key name is `testing-farm-token`. The link:https://github.com/ralphbean/testing-farm-tekton/blob/main/tasks/testing-farm.yaml[tekton task] expects the secret and key name to be named these strings exactly. - -. For **Upload the file with value for your key or paste its contents**, paste the value of your token into the space under **Upload**. - -.Procedure - Registering the Integration Test - -Follow the instructions in the xref:/how-tos/testing/integration/adding.adoc[adding an integration test] guide, with the following details: - -. In the *GitHub URL* field, enter `https://github.com/ralphbean/testing-farm-tekton`, which is a git repository containing a tekton pipeline and task that can send requests to the Testing Farm API. - -. In the *Path in repository* field, enter `pipelines/testing-farm.yaml`, which refers to link:https://github.com/ralphbean/testing-farm-tekton/blob/main/pipelines/testing-farm.yaml[this path in the repo]. - -. Expand the *Parameters* field. - -. Select *Add parameter*. For the *Name* field, enter `GIT_URL`. For the *Value* field, enter the url to the git repository that contains your *fmf* files. If you do not have any, try using our tmt link:https://github.com/ralphbean/tmt-hello-world[hello world repository] to try it out. - -. Optional: Select *Add parameter*. For the *Name* field, enter `COMPOSE`. For the *Value* field, enter a valid Testing Farm compose identifier. Try `Fedora-40`. - -.Verification - -To start building a new component, either open a new pull request (PR) that targets the tracked branch of the component in the GitHub repository, or comment '/retest' on an existing PR. - -When the new build is finished: - -. Go to the *Integration tests* tab and select the highlighted name of your test. - -. Go to the *Pipeline runs* tab of that test and select the most recent run. - -. You should be able to find the testing-farm URLs in the logs. - -. xref:/how-tos/testing/integration/editing.adoc[Edit the integration test] if it is not properly configured. +In order to learn how to xref:/how-tos/testing/integration/adding.adoc[add a custom integration test] in {ProductName} that uses link:https://docs.testing-farm.io/[Testing Farm], please see link:https://gitlab.com/testing-farm/integrations/tekton#user-content-usage-in-konflux-ci[gitlab.com/testing-farm/integrations/tekton].