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File metadata and controls

536 lines (422 loc) · 23.4 KB


The analyzer rules are a set of instructions that are used to analyze source code and detect issues. Rules are fundamental pieces that codify modernization knowledge.

The analyzer parses user provided rules, evaluates them against input source code and generates Violations for matched rules. A collection of one or more rules form a Ruleset. Rulesets provide an opionated way of organizing multiple rules that achieve a common goal.

Table of Contents

  1. Rule Format
    1. Rule Metadata
    2. Rule Actions
      1. Tag Action
      2. Message Action
    3. Rule Conditions
      1. Provider Condition
      2. And Condition
      3. Or Condition
  2. Ruleset Format
  3. Passing rules / rulesets as input


A Rule is written in YAML. It consists of metadata, conditions and actions. It instructs analyzer to take specified actions when given conditions match.

Rule Metadata

Rule metadata contains general information about a rule:

ruleID: "unique_id" (1)
labels: (2)
  - "label1=val1"
effort: 1 (3)
category: mandatory (4)
  1. ruleID: This is a unique ID for the rule. It must be unique within the ruleset.
  2. labels: A list of string labels associated with the rule. (See Labels)
  3. effort: Effort is an integer value that indicates the level of effort needed to fix this issue.
  4. category: Category describes severity of the issue for migration. Values can be one of mandatory, potential or optional. (See Categories)

Rule Categories

  • mandatory
    • The issue must be resolved for a successful migration. If the changes are not made, the resulting application will not build or run successfully. Examples include replacement of proprietary APIs that are not supported in the target platform.
  • optional
    • If the issue is not resolved, the application should work, but the results may not be optimal. If the change is not made at the time of migration, it is recommended to put it on the schedule soon after your migration is completed.
  • potential
    • The issue should be examined during the migration process, but there is not enough detailed information to determine if the task is mandatory for the migration to succeed.

Rule description

Each rule should have a description field with a short sentence, or "title", summarizing the highlighted problem.

description: "Java class foo.Bar has been deprecated"

Rule Actions

A rule has two actions - tag and message. Either one or two of these actions can be defined on a rule.

Tag Action

A tag action is used to create one or more tags for an application when the rule matches. It takes a list of string tags as its fields:

  # tags can be comma separated
  - "tag1,tag2,tag3"
  # optionally, tags can be assigned categories
  - "Category=tag4,tag5"

When a tag is a key=val pair, the keys are treated as category of that tag. For instance, Backend=Java is a valid tag with Backend being the category of tag Java.

Any rule that has a tag action in it is referred to as a "tagging rule".

Message Action

A message action is used to create an issue with the specified message when a rule matches:

# when a match is found, analyzer generates incidents each having this message
message: "helpful message about the violation"

Message can also be templated to include information about the match interpolated via custom variables on the rule (See Custom Variables):

- ruleID: lang-ref-004
   - pattern: '([A-z]+)\.get\(\)'
      name: VariableName
    message: "Found generic call - {{ VariableName }}"

Hyperlinks can be provided along with a message or tag action to provide relevant information about the found issue:

# links point to external hyperlinks
# rule authors are expected to provide
# relevant hyperlinks for quick fixes, docs etc
  - url: ""
    title: "short title for the link"

Rule Conditions

Every rule has a when block that contains exactly one condition. A condition defines a search query to be evaluated against the input source code.


There are three types of conditions - and, or and provider. While the provider condition is responsible for performing an actual search in the source code, the and and or conditions are logical constructs provided by the engine to form a complex condition from the results of multiple other conditions.

Provider Condition

The analyzer engine enables multi-language source code analysis via something called as “providers”. A "provider" knows how to analyze the source code of a technology. It publishes what it can do with the source code in terms of "capabilities".

A provider condition instructs the analyzer to invoke a specific "provider" and use one of its "capabilities". In general, it is of the form <provider_name>.<capability>:

For instance, the java provider provides referenced capability. To search through Java source code, we can write a java.referenced condition:

    pattern: org.kubernetes*
    location: IMPORT

Note that depending on the provider, the fields of the condition (for instance, pattern and location above) will change.

Some providers have dependency capability. It means that the provider can generate a list of dependencies for a given application. A dependency condition can be used to query this list and check whether a certain dependency (with a version range) exists for the application. For instance, to check if a Java application has a certain dependency, we can write a java.dependency condition:

    name: junit.junit
    upperbound: 4.12.2
    lowerbound: 4.4.0

Analyzer currently supports builtin, java, go and generic providers. Here is the table that summarizes all the providers and their capabilities:

Provider Name Capabilities Description
java referenced Find references of a pattern with an optional code location for detailed searches
dependency Check whether app has a given dependency
builtin xml Search XML files using xpath queries
json Search JSON files using jsonpath queries
filecontent Search content in regular files using regex patterns
file Find files with names matching a given pattern
hasTags Check whether a tag is created for the app via a tagging rule
go referenced Find references of a pattern
dependency Check whether app has a given dependency

Based on the table above, we should be able to create the first part of the condition that doesn’t contain any of the condition fields. For instance, to create a java provider condition that uses referenced capability:


Depending on the provider and the capability, there will be different <fields> in the condition. Following table summarizes available providers, their capabilities and all of their fields:

Provider Capability Fields Required Description
java referenced pattern Yes Regex pattern
location No Source code location (see Java Locations)
annotated No Additional query to inspect annotations (see Annotation inspection)
dependency name Yes Name of the dependency
nameregex No Regex pattern to match the name
upperbound No Match versions lower than or equal to
lowerbound No Match versions greater than or equal to
builtin xml xpath Yes Xpath query
namespaces No A map to scope down query to namespaces
filepaths No Optional list of files to scope down search
json xpath Yes Xpath query
filepaths No Optional list of files to scope down search
filecontent pattern Yes Regex pattern to match in content
filePattern No Only search in files with names matching this pattern
file pattern Yes Find files with names matching this pattern
hasTags This is an inline list of string tags. See Tag Action
go referenced pattern Yes Regex pattern
dependency name Yes Name of the dependency
nameregex No Regex pattern to match the name
upperbound No Match versions lower than or equal to
lowerbound No Match versions greater than or equal to

With the information above, we should be able to complete java condition we created earlier. We will search for references of a package:

    location: PACKAGE
    pattern: org.jboss*
Java Locations

The java provider allows scoping the search down to certain source code locations. Any one of the following search locations can be used to scope down java searches:

  • IMPORT: IMPORT allows for searches on class imports. It can either be used with FQNs or an asterisk to allow for wider matches:
  location: IMPORT

would match on each of these imports:


⚠️ If you want to match using an asterisk (*) for a wider range of results, it is recommended to place it directly after the package, not after the dot:


  • PACKAGE: the PACKAGE location matches on any usage of a package, be it in an import or used as part of a fully qualified name in the code:
  location: PACKAGE

would match on both the import and the fully qualified usage:

public class Test {
  private query;

⚠️ As in the IMPORT condition, try to avoid using asterisk (*) right after the package-separation dot (.) for better results.

  • CONSTRUCTOR_CALL and METHOD_CALL: for matching constructors and methods respectively. The pattern possibilities are quite varied, and it is possible to match against specific return types, arguments, etc.

For instance, looking for a method named "method" declared on org.konveyor.MyClass that returns a List of a type that extends java.lang.String and accepts a single parameter:

  location: METHOD
  pattern: 'org.konveyor.Myclass.method(*) java.util.List<? extends java.lang.String>'

More information about the possibilities of these patterns can be found in the official javadocs contain all the information for building these patterns in the createPattern(String, int, int, int) section.

⚠️ At the moment, fully qualified static method matching is prone to errors.

  • TYPE: matches against types in general, appearing anywhere.
  • INHERITANCE: matches against a class inheriting from a given type.
  • ANNOTATION: matches against annotations.
  • IMPLEMENTS_TYPE: matches against any type implementing the given type.
  • ENUM_CONSTANT: matches against enum constants.
  • RETURN_TYPE: matches against a type being returned by a method.
  • VARIABLE_DECLARATION: matches against a type being declared as a variable.
  • FIELD (declaration): matches against a type appearing in a field declaration. Can be coupled with an annotation match, this is, an annotation happening on the field (see Annotation inspection)
  • METHOD: matches against a given method declaration. Can be coupled with an annotation match (see Annotation inspection).
  • CLASS (declaration): matches against a given method declaration. Can be coupled with an annotation match (see Annotation inspection).
Annotation inspection

It is possible to add a query to match against specific annotations and their elements. For instance:

    location: METHOD
    pattern: org.package.MyApplication.runApplication(java.lang.String)
      pattern: org.framework.Bean
      - name: url
        value: ""

would match against the runApplication method in the following java code:

package org.package

import org.framework.Bean;

class MyApplication {

    @Bean(url = "")
    public String runApplication(String str) {
        // ...

The structure of the annotated YAML element is the following:

  pattern: a Java regex to match the fully qualified name of the annotation (optional)
  elements: an array of elements to match within the annotation (optional)
  - name: the exact name of the element to match against
    value: a Java regex to match the value of the element

It is also possible to match an annotation with specific elements, without having to specify the symbol it annotates. The following example would also match on the @Bean annotation in the same code as the last example. Note that the only element specified with a pattern is the annotation itself:

    location: ANNOTATION
    pattern: org.framework.Bean
        - name: url
          value: ""
Condition patterns

The Language Server used by the Java provider is Eclipse's JDTLS. Internally, the JDTLS uses the Eclipse Java Development Toolkit, which includes utilities for searching code in projects. In the pattern element of a java.referenced condition, we can therefore search code using these utilities. The official javadocs contain all the information for building these patterns in the createPattern(String, int, int, int) section.

Here are some examples of what can be used:

  • Look for any class under the javax.xml package, occurring in any location:
  pattern: javax.xml*

⚠️ when matching against packages, as in the previous example, the asterisk must not be after a dot:

  • 🟢 pattern: javax.xml*

  • 🔴 pattern: javax.xml.*

  • Look for method declarations that return java.lang.String:

  location: METHOD
  pattern: '* java.lang.String'
  • Look for a method named "method" declared on org.konveyor.MyClass that returns a List of a type that extends java.lang.String:
  location: METHOD
  pattern: 'org.konveyor.Myclass.method(*) java.util.List<? extends java.lang.String>'
  • Look for a class that implements java.util.List:
  pattern: java.util.List
Custom Variables

Provider conditions can have associated "custom variables". Custom variables are used to capture relevant information from the matched line in the source code. The values of these variables will be interpolated with data matched in the source code. These values can be used to generate detailed templated messages in a rule’s action (See Message action). They can be added to a rule in the customVariables field:

- ruleID: lang-ref-004
   - pattern: '([A-z]+)\.get\(\)' (1)
      name: VariableName (2)
    message: "Found generic call - {{ VariableName }}" (3)
          location: METHOD_CALL
          pattern: com.example.apps.GenericClass.get
  1. pattern: This is a regex pattern that will be matched on the source code line when a match is found.
  2. name: This is the name of the variable that can be used in templates.
  3. message: This is how to template a message using a custom variable.

And Condition

The And condition takes an array of conditions and performs a logical "and" operation on their results:

    - <condition1>
    - <condition2>


    - java.dependency:
        name: junit.junit
        upperbound: 4.12.2
        lowerbound: 4.4.0
    - java.dependency:
        name: io.fabric8.kubernetes-client
        lowerbound: 5.0.100

Note that the conditions can also be nested within other conditions:

  - and:
    - go.referenced: "*CustomResourceDefinition*"
    - java.referenced:
        pattern: "*CustomResourceDefinition*"
  - go.referenced: "*CustomResourceDefinition*"

Or Condition

The Or condition takes an array of other conditions and performs a logical "or" operation on their results:

    - <condition1>
    - <condition2>

Chaining Condition Variables

It is also possible to use the output of one condition as the input for filtering another one in an and/or condition. This is called condition chaining.

The OpenAPI spec contains more information about what each condition can offer in its output; check the <provider>.<condition>.out component.


  - builtin.xml:
      xpath: "//dependencies/dependency"
      filepaths: "{{poms.filepaths}}"
    from: poms
  - builtin.file:
      pattern: pom.xml
    as: poms
    ignore: true

In the above example the output of builtin.file condition is saved as poms.

      as: poms

The variables of builtin.file can then be used in the builtin.xml condition, by writing from and then using mustache templates in the provider condition` block.

This is how this particular condition knows how to use the variables set to the name poms.

    from: poms

Then you can use the variables by setting them as mustached templates in any of the inputs to the provider condition.

      filepaths: "{{poms.filepaths}}"

Note: If you only want to use the values of a condition as a chain, you can set ignore: true, this will tell the engine to not use this condition to determine if the rule has violated or not. example above:

    ignore: true

Note about chaining in the Java provider

In the java provider, the filepaths variable must be uppercased. For instance:

      - java.referenced:
          pattern: org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping
          location: ANNOTATION
        as: annotation
      - java.referenced:
          pattern: org.springframework.stereotype.Controller
          location: ANNOTATION
          filepaths: "{{annotation.Filepaths}}"


A set of Rules form a Ruleset. Rulesets are an opinionated way of passing Rules to Rules Engine.

A ruleset is created by placing one or more YAML rules files in a directory and creating a ruleset.yaml (golden file) file in it.

The golden file stores metadata of the Ruleset.

name: my-ruleset (1)
description: Text description about ruleset (2)
labels: (3)
- key=val
  1. name: This is a requried field. A unique name for the ruleset.
  2. description: This is a requried field. Text description about the ruleset.
  3. labels: This is an optional field. A list of string labels for the ruleset. The labels on a ruleset are automatically inherted by all rules in the ruleset. (See Labels)

Passing rules as input

The analyzer CLI provides --rules option to specify a YAML file containing rules or a ruleset directory:

  • It can be a file:

    konveyor-analyzer --rules rules-file.yaml ...

    It is assumed that the file contains a list of YAML rules. The engine will automatically associate all rules in it with a default Ruleset.

  • It can be a directory:

    konveyor-analyzer --rules /ruleset/directory/ ...

    It is assumed that the directory contains a Ruleset. (See Ruleset)

  • It can be given more than once with a mix of rules files and rulesets:

    konveyor-analyzer --rules /ruleset/directory/ --rules rules-file.yaml ...