The generic type restriction is not supported.
Let's describe a generic class limited to a specific class in Kotlin:
open class ForStricted
class ChildStricted : ForStricted()
class StrictedGeneric<T : ForStricted>(val data: T) {
fun fetch(): T {
return data
private fun example() {
val s1 = StrictedGeneric(ForStricted())
val s2 = StrictedGeneric(ChildStricted())
// val s3 = StrictedGeneric("123") // Doesn't compile
There is no information about the generic limitation in the Objective-C file:
@interface SharedStrictedGeneric<T> : SharedBase
- (instancetype)initWithData:(T)data __attribute__((swift_name("init(data:)"))) __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer));
- (T)fetch __attribute__((swift_name("fetch()")));
@property (readonly) T data __attribute__((swift_name("data")));
Therefore, in Swift we can compile the following code:
class MyStricted : ForStricted {}
let _ = StrictedGeneric(data: MyStricted())
let _ = StrictedGeneric(data: NSString("1122")) // Compiles