driver parameters
parameter names are case-insensitive
required permissions for CSI driver controller
# To grant permissions for following actions, you need to assign both "Storage Account Contributor" role to the CSI driver controller. Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/read Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/write Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/action Microsoft.Storage/operations/read # this is only necessary if the driver creates the storage account with a private endpoint: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/write Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/read Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/*/read Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/write Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/read Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/privateDnsZoneGroups/write Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/write Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks/write Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks/read Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/read Microsoft.Network/privateDnsOperationStatuses/read Microsoft.Network/locations/operations/read
get a example
Name | Meaning | Example | Mandatory | Default value |
skuName | Azure file storage account type (alias: storageAccountType ) |
Standard_LRS , Standard_ZRS , Standard_GRS , Standard_RAGRS , Standard_RAGZRS , Premium_LRS , Premium_ZRS |
No | Standard_LRS Note: 1. minimum file share size of Premium account type is 100GB 2. ZRS account type is supported in limited regions 3. NFS file share only supports Premium account type |
storageAccount | specify Azure storage account name | STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME | No | If the driver is not provided with a specific storage account name, it will search for a suitable storage account that matches the account settings within the same resource group. If it cannot find a matching storage account, it will create a new one. However, if a storage account name is specified, the storage account must already exist. |
enableLargeFileShares | indicate whether the storage account should have large file shares enabled or disabled. This parameter should be only used on Standard account as Premium account is already enabled by default. | true ,false |
No | false |
protocol | file share protocol | smb , nfs |
No | smb |
networkEndpointType | specify network endpoint type for the storage account created by driver. If privateEndpoint is specified, a private endpoint will be created for the storage account. For other cases, a service endpoint will be created for nfs protocol by default. |
"",privateEndpoint |
No | `` for AKS cluster, make sure cluster Control plane identity (that is, your AKS cluster name) is added to the Contributor role in the resource group hosting the VNet |
location | specify Azure storage account location | eastus , westus , etc. |
No | if empty, driver will use the same location name as current k8s cluster |
resourceGroup | specify the resource group in which Azure file share will be created | existing resource group name | No | if empty, driver will use the same resource group name as current k8s cluster |
subscriptionID | specify Azure subscription ID where Azure file share will be created | Azure subscription ID | No | if not empty, resourceGroup must be provided |
shareName | specify Azure file share name | existing or new Azure file name | No | if empty, driver will generate an Azure file share name |
shareNamePrefix | specify Azure file share name prefix created by driver | can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and length should be less than 21 | No | |
folderName | specify folder name in Azure file share | existing folder name in Azure file share | No | if folder name does not exist in file share, mount would fail |
shareAccessTier | Access tier for file share (this parameter is ignored when using bring your own account key scenario) | For general-purpose v2 account, the available tiers are TransactionOptimized (default), Hot , and Cool . For file storage account, the available tier is Premium . |
No | empty(use default setting for different storage account types) |
server | specify Azure storage account server address | existing server address, e.g. |
No | if empty, driver will use default or other sovereign cloud account address |
disableDeleteRetentionPolicy | specify whether disable DeleteRetentionPolicy for storage account created by driver | true ,false |
No | false |
allowBlobPublicAccess | Allow or disallow public access to all blobs or containers for storage account created by driver | true ,false |
No | false |
requireInfraEncryption | specify whether or not the service applies a secondary layer of encryption with platform managed keys for data at rest for storage account created by driver | true ,false |
No | false |
storageEndpointSuffix | specify Azure storage endpoint suffix | , , etc |
No | if empty, driver will use default storage endpoint suffix according to cloud environment, e.g. |
tags | tags would be created in newly created storage account | tag format: 'foo=aaa,bar=bbb' | No | "" |
matchTags | whether matching tags when driver tries to find a suitable storage account | true ,false |
No | false |
selectRandomMatchingAccount | whether randomly selecting a matching account, by default, the driver would always select the first matching account in alphabetical order(note: this driver uses account search cache, which results in uneven distribution of file creation across multiple accounts) | true ,false |
No | false |
accountQuota | to limit the quota for an account, you can specify a maximum quota in GB (102400 GB by default). If the account exceeds the specified quota, the driver would skip selecting the account |
`` | No | 102400 |
--- | Following parameters are only for SMB protocol | --- | --- | |
storeAccountKey | Should the storage account key be stored in a Kubernetes secret (Note: if set to false , the driver will use the kubelet identity to obtain the account key) |
true ,false |
No | true |
getLatestAccountKey | whether getting the latest account key based on the creation time, this driver would get the first key by default | true ,false |
No | false |
secretName | specify secret name to store account key | No | ||
secretNamespace | specify the namespace of secret to store account key | default ,kube-system , etc |
No | pvc namespace ( ) |
useDataPlaneAPI | specify whether use data plane API for file share create/delete/resize, this could solve the SRP API throttling issue since data plane API has almost no limit, while it would fail when there is firewall or vnet setting on storage account | true ,false |
No | false |
enableMultichannel | specify whether enable SMB multi-channel for Premium storage account Note: this feature is used with max_channels=4 (or 2,3) mount option |
true ,false |
No | false |
--- | Following parameters are only for NFS protocol | --- | --- | |
allowSharedKeyAccess | Allow or disallow shared key access for storage account created by driver | true ,false |
No | true |
rootSquashType | specify root squashing behavior on the share. The default is NoRootSquash |
AllSquash , NoRootSquash , RootSquash |
No | |
mountPermissions | mounted folder permissions. The default is 0777 , if set as 0 , driver will not perform chmod after mount |
0777 |
No | |
--- | Following parameters are only for vnet setting, e.g. NFS, private endpoint | --- | --- | |
vnetResourceGroup | specify vnet resource group where virtual network is | existing resource group name | No | if empty, driver will use the vnetResourceGroup value in azure cloud config file |
vnetName | virtual network name | existing virtual network name | No | if empty, driver will use the vnetName value in azure cloud config file |
subnetName | subnet name | existing subnet name(s) of virtual network, if you want to update service endpoints on multiple subnets, separate them using a comma (, ) |
No | if empty, driver will update all the subnets under the cluster virtual network |
fsGroupChangePolicy | indicates how volume's ownership will be changed by the driver, pod securityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy is ignored |
OnRootMismatch (by default), Always , None |
No | OnRootMismatch |
- account tags format created by dynamic provisioning
k8s-azure-created-by: azure
- VolumeID(
) is the identifier of the volume handled by the driver, format of VolumeID:
are optional
- file share name format created by dynamic provisioning(example)
get a smb pv example
get a nfs pv example
Name | Meaning | Available Value | Mandatory | Default value |
volumeHandle | Specify a value the driver can use to uniquely identify the share in the cluster. | A recommended way to produce a unique value is to combine the globally unique storage account name and share name: {account-name}_{file-share-name}. If you plan to use resize, you must follow the VolumeID format in Dynamic Provisioning. | Yes | |
volumeAttributes.subscriptionID | specify Azure subscription ID where Azure file share is located | Azure subscription ID | No | if not empty, resourceGroup must be provided |
volumeAttributes.resourceGroup | Azure resource group name | existing resource group name | No | if empty, driver will use the same resource group name as current k8s cluster |
volumeAttributes.storageAccount | existing storage account name | existing storage account name | Yes | |
volumeAttributes.shareName | Azure file share name | existing Azure file share name | Yes | |
volumeAttributes.folderName | specify folder name in Azure file share | existing folder name in Azure file share | No | if folder name does not exist in file share, mount would fail |
volumeAttributes.protocol | specify file share protocol | smb , nfs |
No | smb |
volumeAttributes.server | specify Azure storage account server address | existing server address, e.g. |
No | if empty, driver will use default or other sovereign cloud account address |
volumeAttributes.storageEndpointSuffix | specify Azure storage endpoint suffix | , , etc |
No | if empty, driver will use default storage endpoint suffix according to cloud environment, e.g. |
--- | Following parameters are only for SMB protocol | --- | --- | |
volumeAttributes.secretName | secret name that stores storage account name and key | No | ||
volumeAttributes.secretNamespace | secret namespace | default ,kube-system , etc |
No | pvc namespace ( ) |
volumeAttributes.getLatestAccountKey | whether getting the latest account key based on the creation time, this driver would get the first key by default | true ,false |
No | false | | secret name that stores storage account name and key | existing secret name | Yes | |
nodeStageSecretRef.namespace | secret namespace | k8s namespace | Yes | |
--- | Following parameters are only for NFS protocol | --- | --- | |
volumeAttributes.fsGroupChangePolicy | indicates how volume's ownership will be changed by the driver, pod securityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy is ignored |
OnRootMismatch (by default), Always , None |
No | OnRootMismatch |
volumeAttributes.mountPermissions | mounted folder permissions. The default is 0777 |
No |
- create a Kubernetes secret for
kubectl create secret generic azure-storage-account-{accountname}-secret --from-literal=azurestorageaccountname="xxx" --from-literal azurestorageaccountkey="xxx" --type=Opaque
Name | Meaning | Available Value | Mandatory | Default value |
useDataPlaneAPI | specify whether use data plane API for snapshot create/delete, this could solve the SRP API throttling issue since data plane API has almost no limit, while it would fail when there is firewall or vnet setting on storage account | true ,false |
No | false |
- mounting Azure SMB File share requires account key
- If you set
storeAccountKey: "false"
in the storage class, the driver will not store the account key as a Kubernetes secret, the driver will not store the account key as a Kubernetes secret. Instead, it will use the kubelet identity to obtain the account key. - if the
field is not specified in the persistent volume (PV) configuration, the driver will attempt to retrieve theazure-storage-account-{accountname}-secret
in the pod namespace. - If
in the pod namespace does not exist, the driver will use the kubelet identity to retrieve the account key directly from the Azure storage account API, provided that the kubelet identity has reader access to the storage account.
If you have recently rotated the account key, it is important to update the account key stored in the Kubernetes secret. Additionally, the application pods that reference the Azure file volume should be restarted after the secret has been updated. In cases where two pods share the same PVC on the same node, it is necessary to reschedule the pods to a different node without that PVC mounted to ensure that remounting occurs successfully. To safely rotate the account key without experiencing downtime, you can follow the steps outlined here.
- If you set
- mounting Azure NFS File share does not require account key, NFS mount access is configured by either of the following settings:
Firewalls and virtual networks
: selectEnabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses
with same vnet as agent nodePrivate endpoint connections
- In case a storage account is full, the driver will add a
tag to the account to prevent the creation of new file shares. This tag will remain for 30 minutes after a file share is deleted from the account. If the user wants to use the account immediately, they can manually remove the tag. - The default NFS mount options in this driver are
. It is not supported to specify these NFS mount options, includingnfsvers
value contains following strings, it would be converted into corresponding pv/pvc name or namespace