From b1bc60281894facf8d3ffbfd90c7c47f7fb0dfa9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mikko Pesari Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 18:57:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/9] Update templates from Laminas\Validator\File\Upload --- languages/ar/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/bg/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/ca/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/cs/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/da/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/de/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/es/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/fr/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/hr/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/hu/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/id/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/it/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/ja/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/nl/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/no/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/pl/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/pt_BR/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/ru/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/se/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/sk/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/sl/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/sr/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/sr_RS/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/tr/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/uk/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/zh/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- languages/zh_TW/Laminas_Validate.php | 10 +++++----- 29 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-) diff --git a/languages/ar/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/ar/Laminas_Validate.php index 0c33698b..b82e7179 100644 --- a/languages/ar/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/ar/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "الملف '%value%' لا يمكن قراءته أو أنه غير موجود", // Laminas_Validate_File_Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "الملف '%value%' تعدى الحجم المسموح به حسب التعريف في ini", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "الملف '%value%' تعدى الحجم المسموح به حسب التعريف في النموذج", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "الملف '%value%' تعدى الحجم المسموح به حسب التعريف في ini", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "الملف '%value%' تعدى الحجم المسموح به حسب التعريف في النموذج", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "الملف '%value%' تم تحميل جزء منه", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "الملف '%value%' لم يتم تحميله", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "لم يتم العثور على مكان مؤقت للملف '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "الملف '%value%' لا يمكن كتابته وتخزينه", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "لقد حصل خطأ من إضافة PHP في عملية تحميل الملف '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "لم يتم العثور على مكان مؤقت للملف '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "الملف '%value%' لا يمكن كتابته وتخزينه", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "لقد حصل خطأ من إضافة PHP في عملية تحميل الملف '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "لقد تم تحميل الملف '%value%' بطريقة غير مشروعة. وهذا يمكن أن يكون محاولة هجوم", "File '%value%' was not found" => "لم يتم العثور على الملف '%value%'", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "حصل خطأ غير معروف في عملية تحميل الملف '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/bg/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/bg/Laminas_Validate.php index 53784305..6e9c7a4e 100644 --- a/languages/bg/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/bg/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Файла не може да бъде прочетен или не съществува", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Файлът '%value%' надвишава зададения размер в ini файла", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Файлът '%value%' надвишава зададения във формата размер", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Файлът '%value%' надвишава зададения размер в ini файла", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Файлът '%value%' надвишава зададения във формата размер", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Файлът '%value%' беше качен само частично", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Файлът '%value%' не беше качен", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Не беше открита временна директория за файла '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Файлът '%value%' не може да бъде записан", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP изключение беше върнато по време на качването на файла '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Не беше открита временна директория за файла '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Файлът '%value%' не може да бъде записан", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP изключение беше върнато по време на качването на файла '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Файлът '%value%' беше качен без позволение. Това може да бъде потенциална атака", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Файлът '%value%' не беше открит", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Възникна грешка при качването на файла '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/ca/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/ca/Laminas_Validate.php index df7dba37..9a0d143f 100644 --- a/languages/ca/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/ca/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "L'arxiu no és pot llegir o no existeix", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "L'arxiu '%value%' supera la mida definida inicialment", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "L'arxiu '%value%' supera la mida definida en el formulari", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "L'arxiu '%value%' supera la mida definida inicialment", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "L'arxiu '%value%' supera la mida definida en el formulari", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "L'arxiu '%value%' s'ha carregat parcialment", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "L'arxiu '%value%' no s'ha carregat", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "No s'ha trobat cap directory temporal per al fitxer '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "L'arxiu '%value%' no és pot escriure", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Una extensió PHP ha retornat un error al pujar l'arxiu '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "No s'ha trobat cap directory temporal per al fitxer '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "L'arxiu '%value%' no és pot escriure", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Una extensió PHP ha retornat un error al pujar l'arxiu '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "L'arxiu '%value%' s'ha carregat il·legalment. Això podria ser un possible atac", "File '%value%' was not found" => "L'arxiu '%value%' no s'ha trobat", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Error desconegut en pujar l'arxiu '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/cs/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/cs/Laminas_Validate.php index 32beebff..e1bf98da 100644 --- a/languages/cs/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/cs/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Soubor není čitelný nebo neexistuje", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Soubor '%value%' překročil velikost definovanou v ini souboru", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Soubor '%value%' překročil velikost definovanou ve formuláři", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Soubor '%value%' překročil velikost definovanou v ini souboru", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Soubor '%value%' překročil velikost definovanou ve formuláři", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Soubor '%value%' byl nahrán jen částečně", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Soubor '%value%' nebyl nahrán", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Pro soubor '%value%' nebyl nalezen žádný dočasný adresář", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Soubor '%value%' nemůže být zapsán", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Rozšíření PHP vrátilo chybu během nahrávání souboru '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Pro soubor '%value%' nebyl nalezen žádný dočasný adresář", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Soubor '%value%' nemůže být zapsán", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Rozšíření PHP vrátilo chybu během nahrávání souboru '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Soubor '%value%' byl nedovoleně nahrán. Může se jednat o útok", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Soubor '%value%' nebyl nalezen", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Během nahrávání souboru '%value%' došlo k neznámé chybě", diff --git a/languages/da/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/da/Laminas_Validate.php index cb5c8937..01caf094 100644 --- a/languages/da/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/da/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -186,13 +186,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Filen kan ikke læses eller eksisterer ikke", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Filen '%value%' overskrider den definerede ini-størrelse", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Filen '%value%' overskrider den definerede formularstørrelse", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Filen '%value%' overskrider den definerede ini-størrelse", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Filen '%value%' overskrider den definerede formularstørrelse", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Filen '%value%' blev kun delvist uploadet", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Filen '%value%' blev ikke uploadet", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Ingen midlertidig mappe blev fundet for filen '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Filen '%value%' kan ikke skrives", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "En PHP-udvidelse forårsagede en fejl ved upload af filen '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Ingen midlertidig mappe blev fundet for filen '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Filen '%value%' kan ikke skrives", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "En PHP-udvidelse forårsagede en fejl ved upload af filen '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Filen '%value%' blev ulovligt uploadet. Dette kan være et muligt angreb", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Filen '%value%' blev ikke fundet", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Ukendt fejl opstod ved upload af filen '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/de/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/de/Laminas_Validate.php index 1885f573..ab8ef8e7 100644 --- a/languages/de/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/de/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Die Datei ist nicht lesbar oder existiert nicht", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Die Datei '%value%' übersteigt die definierte Größe in der Konfiguration", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Die Datei '%value%' übersteigt die definierte Größe des Formulars", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Die Datei '%value%' übersteigt die definierte Größe in der Konfiguration", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Die Datei '%value%' übersteigt die definierte Größe des Formulars", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Die Datei '%value%' wurde nur teilweise hochgeladen", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Die Datei '%value%' wurde nicht hochgeladen", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Für die Datei '%value%' wurde kein temporäres Verzeichnis gefunden", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Die Datei '%value%' konnte nicht geschrieben werden", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Eine PHP Erweiterung hat einen Fehler ausgegeben während die Datei '%value%' hochgeladen wurde", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Für die Datei '%value%' wurde kein temporäres Verzeichnis gefunden", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Die Datei '%value%' konnte nicht geschrieben werden", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Eine PHP Erweiterung hat einen Fehler ausgegeben während die Datei '%value%' hochgeladen wurde", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Die Datei '%value%' wurde illegal hochgeladen. Dies könnte eine mögliche Attacke sein", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Die Datei '%value%' wurde nicht gefunden", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten während die Datei '%value%' hochgeladen wurde", diff --git a/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php index 550ac181..1efb4247 100644 --- a/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "File is not readable or does not exist", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "File '%value%' was not uploaded", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "File '%value%' can't be written", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack", "File '%value%' was not found" => "File '%value%' was not found", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/es/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/es/Laminas_Validate.php index 8dd1beb1..225ec61f 100644 --- a/languages/es/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/es/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "No se ha podido encontrar el archivo o no se puede leer", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "El tamaño del archivo '%value%' excede el valor definido en el ini", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "El archivo '%value%' excede el tamaño definido en el formulario", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "El tamaño del archivo '%value%' excede el valor definido en el ini", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "El archivo '%value%' excede el tamaño definido en el formulario", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "El archivo '%value%' ha sido sólo parcialmente subido", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "El archivo '%value%' no ha sido subido", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "No se ha encontrado el directorio temporal para el archivo '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "No se puede escribir en el archivo '%value%'", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Una extensión PHP devolvió un error mientras se subía el archivo '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "No se ha encontrado el directorio temporal para el archivo '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "No se puede escribir en el archivo '%value%'", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Una extensión PHP devolvió un error mientras se subía el archivo '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "El archivo '%value%' ha sido subido ilegalmente. Esto podría indicar un ataque", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Archivo '%value%' no encontrado", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Error desconocido al intentar subir el archivo '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php index 6eae66fb..0a430b2b 100644 --- a/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voidea lukea tai sitä ei ole", // Laminas_Validate_File_Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Tiedosto '%value%' ylittää ini-tiedostossa määritellyn tiedostokoon", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Tiedosto '%value%' ylittää lomakkeessa määritellyn tiedostokoon", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Tiedosto '%value%' ylittää ini-tiedostossa määritellyn tiedostokoon", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Tiedosto '%value%' ylittää lomakkeessa määritellyn tiedostokoon", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Tiedosto '%value%' vastaanotettiin ainoastaan osittain", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei lähetetty", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Väliaikaishakemistoa ei löytynyt tiedostolle '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Tiedostoon '%value%' ei voida kirjoittaa", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP:n lisäosa palautti virheen kesken tiedoston '%value%' lähetyksen", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Väliaikaishakemistoa ei löytynyt tiedostolle '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Tiedostoon '%value%' ei voida kirjoittaa", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP:n lisäosa palautti virheen kesken tiedoston '%value%' lähetyksen", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Tiedoston '%value%' lähetyksessä haivattu laittomuus, mahdollinen hyökkäys", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei löydy", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Tiedoston '%value%' lähetyksessä tapahtui tunnistamaton virhe", diff --git a/languages/fr/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/fr/Laminas_Validate.php index ed996bec..70e3737d 100644 --- a/languages/fr/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/fr/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Le fichier n'est pas lisible ou n'existe pas", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Le fichier '%value%' dépasse la taille définie dans le fichier INI", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Le fichier '%value%' dépasse la taille définie dans le formulaire", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Le fichier '%value%' dépasse la taille définie dans le fichier INI", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Le fichier '%value%' dépasse la taille définie dans le formulaire", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Le fichier '%value%' n'a été que partiellement envoyé", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Le fichier '%value%' n'a pas été envoyé", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Le dossier temporaire n'a pas été trouvé pour le fichier '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier '%value%'", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Une extension PHP a retourné une erreur en envoyant le fichier '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Le dossier temporaire n'a pas été trouvé pour le fichier '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier '%value%'", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Une extension PHP a retourné une erreur en envoyant le fichier '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Le fichier '%value%' a été envoyé illégalement. Il peut s'agir d'une attaque", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Le fichier '%value%' n'a pas été trouvé", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Erreur inconnue lors de l'envoi du fichier '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/hr/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/hr/Laminas_Validate.php index 17c41e85..9eb88cc2 100644 --- a/languages/hr/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/hr/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ "File '%value%' could not be found" => "Datoteku '%value%' nije moguće pronaći", // Laminas_Validate_File_Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Datoteka '%value%' prelazi veličinu definiranu u ini datoteci", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Datoteka '%value%' prelazi veličinu definiranu u formi", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Datoteka '%value%' prelazi veličinu definiranu u ini datoteci", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Datoteka '%value%' prelazi veličinu definiranu u formi", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Datoteka '%value%' je samo djelomično poslana", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Datoteka '%value%' nije poslana", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Nije pronađen privremeni direktorij za datoteku '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Datoteku '%value%' nije moguće zapisati", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP ekstenzija je vratila pogrešku prilikom slanja datoteke '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Nije pronađen privremeni direktorij za datoteku '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Datoteku '%value%' nije moguće zapisati", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP ekstenzija je vratila pogrešku prilikom slanja datoteke '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Datoteka '%value%' je nelegalno poslana. Ovo bi mogao biti napad", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Datoteka '%value%' nije pronađena", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Nepoznata pogreška prilikom slanja datoteke '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/hu/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/hu/Laminas_Validate.php index 1001d9f5..c0c636db 100644 --- a/languages/hu/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/hu/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "A fájl nem létezik vagy nem olvasható", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl mérete meghaladja a PHP beállításokban megengedettet", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl mérete meghaladja az űrlap által megengedettet", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl mérete meghaladja a PHP beállításokban megengedettet", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl mérete meghaladja az űrlap által megengedettet", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl csak részlegesen lett feltöltve", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl nem lett feltöltve", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl számára nem található átmeneti könyvtár", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl nem írható", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Egy PHP kiterjesztés nem várt hibát okozott a(z) '%value%' fájl feltöltése közben", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl számára nem található átmeneti könyvtár", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl nem írható", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Egy PHP kiterjesztés nem várt hibát okozott a(z) '%value%' fájl feltöltése közben", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl illegálisan került feltöltésre. Elképzelhető, hogy ez egy támadás következménye", "File '%value%' was not found" => "A(z) '%value%' fájl nem található", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Ismeretlen hiba történt a(z) '%value%' fájl feltöltése közben", diff --git a/languages/id/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/id/Laminas_Validate.php index 678717bf..23268d41 100644 --- a/languages/id/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/id/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ "Minimum expected size for file is '%min%' but '%size%' detected" => "Ukuran minimal yang diharapkan adalah '%min%' tetapi '%size%' terdeteksi", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Berkas '%value%' melebihi ukuran ini yang didefinisikan", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Berkas '%value%' melebihi ukuran form yang didefinisikan", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Berkas '%value%' melebihi ukuran ini yang didefinisikan", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Berkas '%value%' melebihi ukuran form yang didefinisikan", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Berkas '%value%' hanya sebagian terupload", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Berkas '%value%' tidak dapat terupload", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Tidak ada direktori sementara yang ditemukan untuk berkas '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Berkas '%value%' tidak dapat ditulis", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Ekstensi PHP mengembalikan galat pada saat upload berkas '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Tidak ada direktori sementara yang ditemukan untuk berkas '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Berkas '%value%' tidak dapat ditulis", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Ekstensi PHP mengembalikan galat pada saat upload berkas '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Berkas '%value%' secara ilegal diunggah. Hal ini bisa menjadi kemungkinan serangan", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Berkas '%value%' tidak ditemukan", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Galat tidak diketahui pada saat proses mengupload berkas '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/it/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/it/Laminas_Validate.php index 6171cdc5..0f1477e2 100644 --- a/languages/it/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/it/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Il file non è leggibile o non esiste", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Il file '%value%' eccede la dimensione definita nell'ini", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Il file '%value%' eccede la dimensione definita nella form", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Il file '%value%' eccede la dimensione definita nell'ini", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Il file '%value%' eccede la dimensione definita nella form", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Il file '%value%' è stato caricato solo parzialmente", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Il file '%value%' non è stato caricato", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Non è stata trovata una directory temporanea per il file '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Il file '%value%' non può essere scritto", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Un'estensione di PHP ha generato un errore durante il caricamento del file '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Non è stata trovata una directory temporanea per il file '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Il file '%value%' non può essere scritto", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Un'estensione di PHP ha generato un errore durante il caricamento del file '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Il file '%value%' è stato caricato irregolarmente. Potrebbe trattarsi di un attacco", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Il file '%value%' non è stato trovato", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Errore sconosciuto durante il caricamento del file '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/ja/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/ja/Laminas_Validate.php index e6f965e5..46937158 100644 --- a/languages/ja/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/ja/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "ファイルは読み込めないかもしくは存在しません", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "ファイル '%value%' は定義されたiniサイズを越えています", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "ファイル '%value%' は定義されたフォームサイズを越えています", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "ファイル '%value%' は定義されたiniサイズを越えています", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "ファイル '%value%' は定義されたフォームサイズを越えています", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "ファイル '%value%' は一部のみアップロードされました", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "ファイル '%value%' がアップロードされていません", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "ファイル '%value%' 用の一時ディレクトリが見つかりませんでした", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "ファイル '%value%' に書き込めませんでした", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "ファイル '%value%' をアップロード中にPHPの拡張がモジュールがエラーを返しました", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "ファイル '%value%' 用の一時ディレクトリが見つかりませんでした", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "ファイル '%value%' に書き込めませんでした", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "ファイル '%value%' をアップロード中にPHPの拡張がモジュールがエラーを返しました", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "ファイル '%value%' は不当にアップロードされました。攻撃の可能性があります", "File '%value%' was not found" => "ファイル '%value%' は見つかりませんでした", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "ファイル '%value%' をアップロード中に不明なエラーです", diff --git a/languages/nl/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/nl/Laminas_Validate.php index a81918a3..5084d08d 100644 --- a/languages/nl/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/nl/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Het bestand kon niet worden gevonden", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Het bestand '%value%' overschrijdt de ini grootte", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Het bestand '%value%' overschrijdt de formulier grootte", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Het bestand '%value%' overschrijdt de ini grootte", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Het bestand '%value%' overschrijdt de formulier grootte", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Het bestand '%value%' was slechts gedeeltelijk geüpload", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Het bestand '%value%' was niet geüpload", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Geen tijdelijke map was gevonden voor bestand '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Het bestand '%value%' kan niet worden geschreven", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Een PHP-extensie gaf een foutmelding terug tijdens het uploaden van het bestand '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Geen tijdelijke map was gevonden voor bestand '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Het bestand '%value%' kan niet worden geschreven", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Een PHP-extensie gaf een foutmelding terug tijdens het uploaden van het bestand '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Het bestand '%value%' was illegaal geüpload. Dit kan een aanval zijn", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Het bestand '%value%' kon niet worden gevonden", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het uploaden van '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/no/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/no/Laminas_Validate.php index 74071556..2a160ee0 100644 --- a/languages/no/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/no/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Filen '%value%' er ikke lesbar eller finnes ikke", // Laminas_Validate_File_Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Filen '%value%' overskrider definert ini størrelse", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Filen '%value%' overskrider definert skjema størrelse", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Filen '%value%' overskrider definert ini størrelse", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Filen '%value%' overskrider definert skjema størrelse", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Filen '%value%' ble bare delvis lastet opp", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Filen '%value%' ble ikke lastet opp", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Ingen midlertidig mappe ble funnet for filen '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Filen '%value%' kan ikke bli skrevet", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "En PHP utvidelse returnerte en feil under opplasting av filen '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Ingen midlertidig mappe ble funnet for filen '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Filen '%value%' kan ikke bli skrevet", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "En PHP utvidelse returnerte en feil under opplasting av filen '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Filen '%value%' ble ulovlig lastet opp. Dette kan være en mulig angrep", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Filen '%value%' ble ikke funnet", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Ukjent feil under opplasting av filen '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/pl/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/pl/Laminas_Validate.php index 3f98d742..1e4a3938 100644 --- a/languages/pl/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/pl/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -155,13 +155,13 @@ "Minimum expected size for file is '%min%' but '%size%' detected" => "Podany plik ma rozmiar '%size%'. Minimalny rozmiar pliku to '%min%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Rozmiar pliku '%value%' przekroczył zdefiniowaną wartość w ini", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Rozmiar pliku '%value%' przekroczył zdefiniowaną wartość w formularzu", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Rozmiar pliku '%value%' przekroczył zdefiniowaną wartość w ini", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Rozmiar pliku '%value%' przekroczył zdefiniowaną wartość w formularzu", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Plik '%value%' nie został całkowicie wysłany", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Plik '%value%' nie został wysłany", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Nie zdefiniowano tymczasowego katalogu", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Nie można zapisać pliku '%value%'", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Rozszerzenie PHP zgłosiło wyjątek podczas wysyłania pliku '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Nie zdefiniowano tymczasowego katalogu", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Nie można zapisać pliku '%value%'", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Rozszerzenie PHP zgłosiło wyjątek podczas wysyłania pliku '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Plik '%value%' został niepoprawnie wysłany. Istnieje możliwość wystąpienia ataku", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Nie znaleziono pliku '%value%'", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Nieznany błąd podczas wysyłania pliku '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/pt_BR/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/pt_BR/Laminas_Validate.php index 84070598..8ed18df2 100644 --- a/languages/pt_BR/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/pt_BR/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -184,13 +184,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "O arquivo não pode ser lido ou não existe", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "O arquivo '%value%' excede o tamanho definido na configuração", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "O arquivo '%value%' excede o tamanho definido do formulário", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "O arquivo '%value%' excede o tamanho definido na configuração", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "O arquivo '%value%' excede o tamanho definido do formulário", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "O arquivo '%value%' foi apenas parcialmente enviado", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "O arquivo '%value%' não foi enviado", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Nenhum diretório temporário foi encontrado para o arquivo '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "O arquivo '%value%' não pôde ser escrito", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Uma extensão do PHP retornou um erro enquanto o arquivo '%value%' era enviado", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Nenhum diretório temporário foi encontrado para o arquivo '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "O arquivo '%value%' não pôde ser escrito", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Uma extensão do PHP retornou um erro enquanto o arquivo '%value%' era enviado", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "O arquivo '%value%' foi enviado ilegalmente. Isto poderia ser um possível ataque", "File '%value%' was not found" => "O arquivo '%value%' não foi encontrado", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Erro desconhecido ao enviar o arquivo '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/ru/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/ru/Laminas_Validate.php index ddf16dd3..205f5450 100644 --- a/languages/ru/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/ru/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Файл не может быть прочитан или не существует", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Размер файла '%value%' превышает допустимый размер, указанный в php.ini", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Размер файла '%value%' превышает допустимый размер, указанный в форме", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Размер файла '%value%' превышает допустимый размер, указанный в php.ini", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Размер файла '%value%' превышает допустимый размер, указанный в форме", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Файл '%value%' был загружен только частично", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Файл '%value%' не был загружен", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Не найдена временная директория для файла '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Файл '%value%' не может быть записан", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP расширение возвратило ошибку во время загрузки файла '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Не найдена временная директория для файла '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Файл '%value%' не может быть записан", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP расширение возвратило ошибку во время загрузки файла '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Файл '%value%' загружен некорректно. Возможна это атака", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Файл '%value%' не найден", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Во время загрузки файла '%value%' произошла неизвестная ошибка", diff --git a/languages/se/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/se/Laminas_Validate.php index fa228152..a38b8ae8 100644 --- a/languages/se/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/se/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Filen '%value%' är inte läsbar eller existerar inte", // Laminas_Validator_File_Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Filen '%value%' överskrider den definerade ini-storleken", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Filen '%value%' överskrider den definerade formulär-storleken", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Filen '%value%' överskrider den definerade ini-storleken", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Filen '%value%' överskrider den definerade formulär-storleken", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Filen '%value%' blev enbart delvis uppladdad", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Filen '%value%' laddades inte upp", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Ingen temporär mapp hittades för filen '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Filen '%value%' kan inte skrivas", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Ett PHP-tillägg returnerade ett fel när filen '%value%' laddades upp", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Ingen temporär mapp hittades för filen '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Filen '%value%' kan inte skrivas", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Ett PHP-tillägg returnerade ett fel när filen '%value%' laddades upp", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Filen '%value%' laddades upp olagligt. Det här kan vara en möjlig attack", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Filen '%value%' hittades inte", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Okänt fel när filen '%value%' laddades upp", diff --git a/languages/sk/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/sk/Laminas_Validate.php index 2752da7b..3d4f79e2 100644 --- a/languages/sk/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/sk/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Súbor buď nie je čitateľný, alebo neexistuje", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Súbor '%value%' prekročil veľkosť definovanú v ini súbore", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Súbor '%value%' prekročil veľkosť definovanú vo formulári", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Súbor '%value%' prekročil veľkosť definovanú v ini súbore", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Súbor '%value%' prekročil veľkosť definovanú vo formulári", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Súbor '%value%' bol odoslaný len čiastočne", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Súbor '%value%' nebol odoslaný", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Pre súbor '%value%' nebol nájdený žiadny dočasný adresár", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Súbor '%value%' nemôže byť zapísaný", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP rozšírenie vrátilo chybu počas nahrávania súboru '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Pre súbor '%value%' nebol nájdený žiadny dočasný adresár", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Súbor '%value%' nemôže byť zapísaný", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP rozšírenie vrátilo chybu počas nahrávania súboru '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Súbor '%value%' bol neoprávnene nahraný. Môže se jednať o útok", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Súbor '%value%' nebol nájdený", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Počas odosielania súboru '%value%' došlo k chybe", diff --git a/languages/sl/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/sl/Laminas_Validate.php index f1228248..2b976212 100644 --- a/languages/sl/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/sl/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Datoteka ni na voljo za branje ali pa ne obstaja", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Datoteka '%value%' presega definirano ini vrednost", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Datoteka '%value%' presega velikost definirano v obrazcu", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Datoteka '%value%' presega definirano ini vrednost", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Datoteka '%value%' presega velikost definirano v obrazcu", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Datoteka '%value%' je bila samo delno naložena", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Datoteka '%value%' ni bila naložena", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Začasnega direktorija ni bilo mogoče najti za datoteko '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Datoteke '%value%' ni mogoče zapisati", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP razširitev je vrnila napako med nalaganjem datoteke '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Začasnega direktorija ni bilo mogoče najti za datoteko '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Datoteke '%value%' ni mogoče zapisati", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP razširitev je vrnila napako med nalaganjem datoteke '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Datoteka '%value%' je bila nelegalno naložena. To je lahko potencialen napad", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Datoteke '%value%' ni bilo mogoče najti", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Neznana napaka med nalaganjem datoteke '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/sr/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/sr/Laminas_Validate.php index ef3a7506..f971b82e 100644 --- a/languages/sr/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/sr/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ "File '%value%' could not be found" => "Fajl '%value%' ne može biti pronađen", // Laminas_Validate_File_Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Fajl '%value%' prevazilazi maksimalnu dozvoljenu veličinu", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Fajl '%value%' prevazilazi maksimalnu dozvoljenu veličinu", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Fajl '%value%' prevazilazi maksimalnu dozvoljenu veličinu", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Fajl '%value%' prevazilazi maksimalnu dozvoljenu veličinu", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Fajl '%value%' je samo parcijalno uploadovan", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Fajl '%value%' nije uploadovan", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Privremeni direktorijum nije pronađen za fajl '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Fajl '%value%' ne može biti izmenjen", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Ekstenzija je vratila grešku tokom uploada fajla '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Privremeni direktorijum nije pronađen za fajl '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Fajl '%value%' ne može biti izmenjen", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Ekstenzija je vratila grešku tokom uploada fajla '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Fajl '%value%' je ilegalno uploadovan, moguć napad", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Fajl '%value%' nije pronađen", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Nepoznata greška pri uploadu fajla '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/sr_RS/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/sr_RS/Laminas_Validate.php index 5aebe46a..34e5dc91 100644 --- a/languages/sr_RS/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/sr_RS/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Фајл не може бити прочитан или не постоји", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Фајл '%value%' превазилази дефинисану ini величину", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Фајл '%value%' превазилази дефинисану form величину", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Фајл '%value%' превазилази дефинисану ini величину", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Фајл '%value%' превазилази дефинисану form величину", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Фајл '%value%' је само делимично учитан", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Фајл '%value%' није учитан", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Није пронађен привремени директоријум за фајл '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Фајл '%value%' не може бити написан", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP екстензија је дала грешку приликом учитавања фајла '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Није пронађен привремени директоријум за фајл '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Фајл '%value%' не може бити написан", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP екстензија је дала грешку приликом учитавања фајла '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Фајл '%value%' је илегално учитан. Ово је могући напад", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Фајл '%value%' није пронађен", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Непозната грешка приликом учитавања фајла '%value%'", diff --git a/languages/tr/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/tr/Laminas_Validate.php index c78fe2aa..a50edc94 100644 --- a/languages/tr/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/tr/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "'%value%' dosyası okunamıyor ya da yok", // Laminas_Validator_File_Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "'%value%' dosyası tanımlanan ini boyutunu aşıyor", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "'%value%' dosyası tanımlanan form boyutunu aşıyor", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "'%value%' dosyası tanımlanan ini boyutunu aşıyor", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "'%value%' dosyası tanımlanan form boyutunu aşıyor", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "'%value%' dosyası kısmen yüklenmiştir", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "'%value%' dosyası yüklenemedi", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Geçici dizin '%value%' dosyası için bulunamamıştır", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "'%value%' dosyasına yazılamıyor", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "Bir PHP uzantısı '%value%' dosyasını yüklerken bir hata verdi", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Geçici dizin '%value%' dosyası için bulunamamıştır", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "'%value%' dosyasına yazılamıyor", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "Bir PHP uzantısı '%value%' dosyasını yüklerken bir hata verdi", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "'%value%' dosyası yasadışı bir biçimde yüklendi. Bu olası bir saldırı olabilir", "File '%value%' was not found" => "'%value%' dosyası bulunamadı", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "'%value%' dosyasını yüklerken bilinmeyen bir hata ile karşılaşıldı", diff --git a/languages/uk/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/uk/Laminas_Validate.php index d634f7cf..d241c6ec 100644 --- a/languages/uk/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/uk/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Файл не вдається прочитати або він не існує", // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Розмір файлу '%value%' перевищує дозволений, вказаний в php.ini", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Розмір файлу '%value%' перевищує дозволений, вказаний у формі", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Розмір файлу '%value%' перевищує дозволений, вказаний в php.ini", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Розмір файлу '%value%' перевищує дозволений, вказаний у формі", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Файл '%value%' було завантажено тільки частково", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "Файл '%value%' не було завантажений", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "Не знайдено тимчасову теку для файлу '%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "Файл '%value%' не може бути записаний", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP-розширення повернуло помилку під час завантаження фалу '%value%'", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "Не знайдено тимчасову теку для файлу '%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "Файл '%value%' не може бути записаний", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "PHP-розширення повернуло помилку під час завантаження фалу '%value%'", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Файл '%value%' завантажено протиправно. Можлива атака", "File '%value%' was not found" => "Файл '%value%' не знайдено", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Під час завантаження файлу '%value%' виникла невідома помилка", diff --git a/languages/zh/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/zh/Laminas_Validate.php index 4c8006e9..20ef337a 100644 --- a/languages/zh/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/zh/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Laminas_Validator_File_Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "文件'%value%'大小超出系统允许范围", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "文件'%value%'大小超出表单允许范围", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "文件'%value%'大小超出系统允许范围", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "文件'%value%'大小超出表单允许范围", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "文件'%value%'上传不完整", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "文件'%value%'没有被上传", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "没有找到临时文件夹存放文件'%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "文件'%value%'无法被写入", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "文件'%value%'上传时发生了一个PHP扩展错误", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "没有找到临时文件夹存放文件'%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "文件'%value%'无法被写入", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "文件'%value%'上传时发生了一个PHP扩展错误", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "文件'%value%'被非法上传,这可能被判定为一次入侵", "File '%value%' was not found" => "文件'%value%'不存在", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "文件'%value%'上传时发生了一个未知错误", diff --git a/languages/zh_TW/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/zh_TW/Laminas_Validate.php index 473dd044..0d32beac 100644 --- a/languages/zh_TW/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/zh_TW/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'無法讀取或不存在", // Laminas_Validator_File_Upload - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "文件'%value%'大小超出系統允許範圍", - "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "文件'%value%'大小超出表單允許範圍", + "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "文件'%value%'大小超出系統允許範圍", + "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "文件'%value%'大小超出表單允許範圍", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "文件'%value%'上傳不完整", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "文件'%value%'沒有被上傳", - "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "沒有找到臨時文件夾存放文件'%value%'", - "File '%value%' can't be written" => "文件'%value%'無法被寫入", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "文件'%value%'上傳時發生了一個PHP擴展錯誤", + "Missing a temporary folder to store '%value%'" => "沒有找到臨時文件夾存放文件'%value%'", + "Failed to write file '%value%' to disk" => "文件'%value%'無法被寫入", + "A PHP extension stopped uploading the file '%value%'" => "文件'%value%'上傳時發生了一個PHP擴展錯誤", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "文件'%value%'被非法上傳,這可能被判定為一次入侵", "File '%value%' was not found" => "文件'%value%'不存在", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "文件'%value%'上傳時發生了一個未知錯誤", From 0e013420fdc388d6f6434a303b9a551da1200cb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mikko Pesari Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 19:34:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/9] Update templates from Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile --- languages/bg/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/ca/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/cs/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/da/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/de/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/es/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/fr/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/hu/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/id/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/it/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/ja/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/nl/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/pl/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/pt_BR/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/ru/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/se/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/sk/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/sl/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/sr_RS/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- languages/uk/Laminas_Validate.php | 14 +++++++------- 21 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-) diff --git a/languages/bg/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/bg/Laminas_Validate.php index 6e9c7a4e..63d0c8fb 100644 --- a/languages/bg/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/bg/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Възникна грешка при качването на файла '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Файла надвишава зададения размер в ini файла", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Файла надвишава зададения във формата размер", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Файла беше качен само частично", - "File was not uploaded" => "Файла не беше качен", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Не беше открита временна директория за файла", - "File can't be written" => "Файла не може да бъде записан", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "PHP изключение беше върнато по време на качването на файла", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Файла надвишава зададения размер в ini файла", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Файла надвишава зададения във формата размер", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Файла беше качен само частично", + "No file was uploaded" => "Файла не беше качен", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Не беше открита временна директория за файла", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Файла не може да бъде записан", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "PHP изключение беше върнато по време на качването на файла", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Файла беше качен без позволение. Това може да бъде потенциална атака", "File was not found" => "Файла не беше открит", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Възникна грешка при качването на файла", diff --git a/languages/ca/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/ca/Laminas_Validate.php index 9a0d143f..5e5f792c 100644 --- a/languages/ca/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/ca/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Error desconegut en pujar l'arxiu '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "L'arxiu supera la mida definida inicialment", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "L'arxiu supera la mida definida en el formulari", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "L'arxiu s'ha carregat parcialment", - "File was not uploaded" => "L'arxiu no s'ha carregat", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "No s'ha trobat cap directory temporal per al fitxer", - "File can't be written" => "L'arxiu no és pot escriure", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Una extensió PHP ha retornat un error al pujar l'arxiu ", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "L'arxiu supera la mida definida inicialment", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "L'arxiu supera la mida definida en el formulari", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "L'arxiu s'ha carregat parcialment", + "No file was uploaded" => "L'arxiu no s'ha carregat", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "No s'ha trobat cap directory temporal per al fitxer", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "L'arxiu no és pot escriure", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Una extensió PHP ha retornat un error al pujar l'arxiu ", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "L'arxiu s'ha carregat il·legalment. Això podria ser un possible atac", "File was not found" => "L'arxiu no s'ha trobat", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Error desconegut en pujar l'arxiu", diff --git a/languages/cs/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/cs/Laminas_Validate.php index e1bf98da..8555c94b 100644 --- a/languages/cs/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/cs/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Během nahrávání souboru '%value%' došlo k neznámé chybě", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Soubor překročil velikost definovanou v ini souboru", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Soubor překročil velikost definovanou ve formuláře", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Soubor byl nahrán jen částečně", - "File was not uploaded" => "Soubor nebyl nahrán", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Pro soubor nebyl nalezen žádný dočasný adresář", - "File can't be written" => "Soubor nemůže být zapsán", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Rozšíření PHP vrátilo chybu během nahrávání souboru", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Soubor překročil velikost definovanou v ini souboru", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Soubor překročil velikost definovanou ve formuláře", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Soubor byl nahrán jen částečně", + "No file was uploaded" => "Soubor nebyl nahrán", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Pro soubor nebyl nalezen žádný dočasný adresář", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Soubor nemůže být zapsán", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Rozšíření PHP vrátilo chybu během nahrávání souboru", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Soubor byl nedovoleně nahrán. Může se jednat o útok", "File was not found" => "Soubor nebyl nalezen", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Během nahrávání souboru došlo k neznámé chybě", diff --git a/languages/da/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/da/Laminas_Validate.php index 01caf094..f0f0fcba 100644 --- a/languages/da/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/da/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -198,13 +198,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Ukendt fejl opstod ved upload af filen '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Filen overskrider den definerede ini-størrelse", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Filen overskrider den definerede formularstørrelse", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Filen blev kun delvist uploadet", - "File was not uploaded" => "Filen blev ikke uploadet", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Ingen midlertidig mappe blev fundet for filen", - "File can't be written" => "Filen kan ikke skrives", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "En PHP-udvidelse forårsagede en fejlved upload af filen", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Filen overskrider den definerede ini-størrelse", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Filen overskrider den definerede formularstørrelse", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Filen blev kun delvist uploadet", + "No file was uploaded" => "Filen blev ikke uploadet", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Ingen midlertidig mappe blev fundet for filen", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Filen kan ikke skrives", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "En PHP-udvidelse forårsagede en fejlved upload af filen", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Filen blev ulovligt uploadet. Dette kan være et muligt angreb", "File was not found" => "Filen blev ikke fundet", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Der opstod en ukendt fejl under upload af filen", diff --git a/languages/de/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/de/Laminas_Validate.php index ab8ef8e7..76e1fe79 100644 --- a/languages/de/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/de/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten während die Datei '%value%' hochgeladen wurde", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Die Datei übersteigt die definierte Größe in der Konfiguration", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Die Datei übersteigt die definierte Größe des Formulars", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Die Datei wurde nur teilweise hochgeladen", - "File was not uploaded" => "Die Datei wurde nicht hochgeladen", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Für die Datei wurde kein temporäres Verzeichnis gefunden", - "File can't be written" => "Die Datei konnte nicht geschrieben werden", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Eine PHP Erweiterung hat einen Fehler ausgegeben während die Datei hochgeladen wurde", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Die Datei übersteigt die definierte Größe in der Konfiguration", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Die Datei übersteigt die definierte Größe des Formulars", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Die Datei wurde nur teilweise hochgeladen", + "No file was uploaded" => "Die Datei wurde nicht hochgeladen", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Für die Datei wurde kein temporäres Verzeichnis gefunden", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Die Datei konnte nicht geschrieben werden", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Eine PHP Erweiterung hat einen Fehler ausgegeben während die Datei hochgeladen wurde", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Die Datei wurde illegal hochgeladen. Dies könnte eine mögliche Attacke sein", "File was not found" => "Die Datei wurde nicht gefunden", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten während die Datei hochgeladen wurde", diff --git a/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php index 1efb4247..0459d5ce 100644 --- a/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "File exceeds the defined ini size", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "File exceeds the defined form size", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "File was only partially uploaded", - "File was not uploaded" => "File was not uploaded", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "No temporary directory was found for file", - "File can't be written" => "File can't be written", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded", + "No file was uploaded" => "No file was uploaded", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Missing a temporary folder", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Failed to write file to disk", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "A PHP extension stopped the file upload", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack", "File was not found" => "File was not found", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Unknown error while uploading file", diff --git a/languages/es/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/es/Laminas_Validate.php index 225ec61f..8c4cc97d 100644 --- a/languages/es/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/es/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Error desconocido al intentar subir el archivo '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "El tamaño del archivo excede el valor definido en el ini", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "El archivo excede el tamaño definido en el formulario", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "El archivo fue sólo parcialmente subido", - "File was not uploaded" => "El archivo no ha sido subido", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "No se ha encontrado el directorio temporal para el archivo", - "File can't be written" => "No se puede escribir en el archivo", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Una extensión PHP devolvió un error mientras se subía el archivo", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "El tamaño del archivo excede el valor definido en el ini", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "El archivo excede el tamaño definido en el formulario", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "El archivo fue sólo parcialmente subido", + "No file was uploaded" => "El archivo no ha sido subido", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "No se ha encontrado el directorio temporal para el archivo", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "No se puede escribir en el archivo", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Una extensión PHP devolvió un error mientras se subía el archivo", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "El archivo ha sido subido ilegalmente. Esto podría indicar un ataque", "File was not found" => "Archivo no encontrado", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Error desconocido al intentar subir el archivo", diff --git a/languages/fr/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/fr/Laminas_Validate.php index 70e3737d..4e64e116 100644 --- a/languages/fr/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/fr/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Erreur inconnue lors de l'envoi du fichier '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Le fichier dépasse la taille définie dans le fichier INI", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Le fichier dépasse la taille définie dans le formulaire", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Le fichier n'a été que partiellement envoyé", - "File was not uploaded" => "Le fichier n'a pas été envoyé", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Le dossier temporaire n'a pas été trouvé pour le fichier", - "File can't be written" => "Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Une extension PHP a retourné une erreur en envoyant le fichier", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Le fichier dépasse la taille définie dans le fichier INI", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Le fichier dépasse la taille définie dans le formulaire", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Le fichier n'a été que partiellement envoyé", + "No file was uploaded" => "Le fichier n'a pas été envoyé", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Le dossier temporaire n'a pas été trouvé pour le fichier", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Une extension PHP a retourné une erreur en envoyant le fichier", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Le fichier a été envoyé illégalement. Il peut s'agir d'une attaque", "File was not found" => "Le fichier n'a pas été trouvé", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Erreur inconnue lors de l'envoi du fichier", diff --git a/languages/hu/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/hu/Laminas_Validate.php index c0c636db..fdd337e6 100644 --- a/languages/hu/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/hu/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Ismeretlen hiba történt a(z) '%value%' fájl feltöltése közben", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "A fájl mérete meghaladja a PHP beállításokban megengedettet", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "A fájl mérete meghaladja az űrlap által megengedettet", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "A fájl csak részlegesen lett feltöltve", - "File was not uploaded" => "A fájl nem lett feltöltve", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "A fájl számára nem található átmeneti könyvtár", - "File can't be written" => "A fájl nem írható", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Egy PHP kiterjesztés nem várt hibát okozott a fájl feltöltése közben", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "A fájl mérete meghaladja a PHP beállításokban megengedettet", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "A fájl mérete meghaladja az űrlap által megengedettet", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "A fájl csak részlegesen lett feltöltve", + "No file was uploaded" => "A fájl nem lett feltöltve", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "A fájl számára nem található átmeneti könyvtár", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "A fájl nem írható", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Egy PHP kiterjesztés nem várt hibát okozott a fájl feltöltése közben", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "A fájl illegálisan került feltöltésre. Elképzelhető, hogy ez egy támadás következménye", "File was not found" => "A fájl nem található", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Ismeretlen hiba történt a fájl feltöltése közben", diff --git a/languages/id/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/id/Laminas_Validate.php index 23268d41..4d97fa31 100644 --- a/languages/id/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/id/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Galat tidak diketahui pada saat proses mengupload berkas '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Berkas melebihi ukuran ini yang didefinisikan", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Berkas melebihi ukuran form yang didefinisikan", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Berkas hanya sebagian terupload", - "File was not uploaded" => "Berkas tidak dapat terupload", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Tidak ada direktori sementara yang ditemukan untuk berkas", - "File can't be written" => "Berkas tidak dapat ditulis", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Ekstensi PHP mengembalikan galat pada saat upload berkas", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Berkas melebihi ukuran ini yang didefinisikan", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Berkas melebihi ukuran form yang didefinisikan", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Berkas hanya sebagian terupload", + "No file was uploaded" => "Berkas tidak dapat terupload", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Tidak ada direktori sementara yang ditemukan untuk berkas", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Berkas tidak dapat ditulis", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Ekstensi PHP mengembalikan galat pada saat upload berkas", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Berkas secara ilegal diunggah. Hal ini bisa menjadi kemungkinan serangan", "File was not found" => "Berkas tidak ditemukan", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Galat tidak diketahui pada saat unggah berkas", diff --git a/languages/it/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/it/Laminas_Validate.php index 0f1477e2..c3cd1736 100644 --- a/languages/it/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/it/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Errore sconosciuto durante il caricamento del file '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Il file eccede la dimensione definita nell'ini", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Il file eccede la dimensione definita nella form", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Il file è stato caricato solo parzialmente", - "File was not uploaded" => "Il file non è stato caricato", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Non è stata trovata una directory temporanea per il file", - "File can't be written" => "Il file non può essere scritto", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Un'estensione di PHP ha generato un errore durante il caricamento del file", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Il file eccede la dimensione definita nell'ini", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Il file eccede la dimensione definita nella form", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Il file è stato caricato solo parzialmente", + "No file was uploaded" => "Il file non è stato caricato", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Non è stata trovata una directory temporanea per il file", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Il file non può essere scritto", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Un'estensione di PHP ha generato un errore durante il caricamento del file", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Il file è stato caricato irregolarmente. Potrebbe trattarsi di un attacco", "File was not found" => "Il file non è stato trovato", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Errore sconosciuto durante il caricamento del file", diff --git a/languages/ja/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/ja/Laminas_Validate.php index 46937158..64a4bbc7 100644 --- a/languages/ja/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/ja/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "ファイル '%value%' をアップロード中に不明なエラーです", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "ファイルは ini で定義されたサイズを超えています", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "ファイルはフォームで定義されたサイズを超えています", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "ファイルは一部のみしかアップロードされていません", - "File was not uploaded" => "ファイルはアップロードされませんでした", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "ファイルをアップロードする一時ディレクトリが見つかりませんでした", - "File can't be written" => "ファイルは書き込めませんでした", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "ファイルをアップロード中に拡張モジュールがエラーを応答しました", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "ファイルは ini で定義されたサイズを超えています", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "ファイルはフォームで定義されたサイズを超えています", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "ファイルは一部のみしかアップロードされていません", + "No file was uploaded" => "ファイルはアップロードされませんでした", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "ファイルをアップロードする一時ディレクトリが見つかりませんでした", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "ファイルは書き込めませんでした", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "ファイルをアップロード中に拡張モジュールがエラーを応答しました", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "ファイルは不正なアップロードでした。攻撃の可能性があります", "File was not found" => "ファイルは見つかりませんでした", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "ファイルをアップロード中に未知のエラーが発生しました", diff --git a/languages/nl/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/nl/Laminas_Validate.php index 5084d08d..e5521c01 100644 --- a/languages/nl/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/nl/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het uploaden van '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Het bestand overschrijdt de ini grootte", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Het bestand overschrijdt de formulier grootte", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Het bestand was slechts gedeeltelijk geüpload", - "File was not uploaded" => "Het bestand was niet geüpload", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Geen tijdelijke map was gevonden voor bestand", - "File can't be written" => "Het bestand kan niet worden geschreven", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Een PHP-extensie gaf een foutmelding terug tijdens het uploaden van het bestand", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Het bestand overschrijdt de ini grootte", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Het bestand overschrijdt de formulier grootte", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Het bestand was slechts gedeeltelijk geüpload", + "No file was uploaded" => "Het bestand was niet geüpload", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Geen tijdelijke map was gevonden voor bestand", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Het bestand kan niet worden geschreven", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Een PHP-extensie gaf een foutmelding terug tijdens het uploaden van het bestand", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Het bestand was illegaal geüpload. Dit kan een aanval zijn", "File was not found" => "Het bestand kon niet worden gevonden", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het uploaden van", diff --git a/languages/pl/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/pl/Laminas_Validate.php index 1e4a3938..8d73e909 100644 --- a/languages/pl/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/pl/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Nieznany błąd podczas wysyłania pliku '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Rozmiar pliku przekroczył zdefiniowaną wartość w ini", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Rozmiar pliku przekroczył zdefiniowaną wartość w formularzu", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Plik nie został całkowicie wysłany", - "File was not uploaded" => "Plik nie został wysłany", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Nie zdefiniowano tymczasowego katalogu", - "File can't be written" => "Nie można zapisać pliku", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Rozszerzenie PHP zgłosiło wyjątek podczas wysyłania pliku", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Rozmiar pliku przekroczył zdefiniowaną wartość w ini", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Rozmiar pliku przekroczył zdefiniowaną wartość w formularzu", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Plik nie został całkowicie wysłany", + "No file was uploaded" => "Plik nie został wysłany", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Nie zdefiniowano tymczasowego katalogu", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Nie można zapisać pliku", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Rozszerzenie PHP zgłosiło wyjątek podczas wysyłania pliku", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Plik został niepoprawnie wysłany. Istnieje możliwość wystąpienia ataku", "File was not found" => "Nie znaleziono pliku", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Nieznany błąd podczas wysyłania pliku", diff --git a/languages/pt_BR/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/pt_BR/Laminas_Validate.php index 8ed18df2..6cb69d86 100644 --- a/languages/pt_BR/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/pt_BR/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -196,13 +196,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Erro desconhecido ao enviar o arquivo '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "O arquivo excede o tamanho definido na configuração", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "O arquivo excede o tamanho definido do formulário", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "O arquivo foi apenas parcialmente enviado", - "File was not uploaded" => "O arquivo não foi enviado", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Nenhum diretório temporário foi encontrado para o arquivo", - "File can't be written" => "O arquivo não pôde ser escrito", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Uma extensão do PHP retornou um erro enquanto o arquivo era enviado", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "O arquivo excede o tamanho definido na configuração", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "O arquivo excede o tamanho definido do formulário", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "O arquivo foi apenas parcialmente enviado", + "No file was uploaded" => "O arquivo não foi enviado", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Nenhum diretório temporário foi encontrado para o arquivo", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "O arquivo não pôde ser escrito", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Uma extensão do PHP retornou um erro enquanto o arquivo era enviado", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "O arquivo foi enviado ilegalmente. Isto poderia ser um possível ataque", "File was not found" => "O arquivo não foi encontrado", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Erro desconhecido ao enviar o arquivo", diff --git a/languages/ru/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/ru/Laminas_Validate.php index 205f5450..735dee6a 100644 --- a/languages/ru/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/ru/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Во время загрузки файла '%value%' произошла неизвестная ошибка", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Размер файла превышает допустимый размер, указанный в php.ini", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Размер файла превышает допустимый размер, указанный в форме", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Файл был загружен только частично", - "File was not uploaded" => "Файл не был загружен", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Не найдена временная директория для файла", - "File can't be written" => "Файл не может быть записан", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "PHP расширение возвратило ошибку во время загрузки файла", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Размер файла превышает допустимый размер, указанный в php.ini", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Размер файла превышает допустимый размер, указанный в форме", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Файл был загружен только частично", + "No file was uploaded" => "Файл не был загружен", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Не найдена временная директория для файла", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Файл не может быть записан", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "PHP расширение возвратило ошибку во время загрузки файла", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Файл загружен некорректно. Возможна это атака", "File was not found" => "Файл не найден", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Во время загрузки файла произошла неизвестная ошибка", diff --git a/languages/se/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/se/Laminas_Validate.php index a38b8ae8..3275cc69 100644 --- a/languages/se/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/se/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -176,13 +176,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Okänt fel när filen '%value%' laddades upp", // Laminas_Validator_File_UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Filen överskrider den definerade ini-storleken", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Filen överskrider den definerade formulär-storleken", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Filen blev enbart delvis uppladdad", - "File was not uploaded" => "Filen laddades inte upp", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Ingen temporär mapp hittades för filen", - "File can't be written" => "Filen kan inte skrivas", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "Ett PHP-tillägg returnerade ett fel när filen laddades upp", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Filen överskrider den definerade ini-storleken", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Filen överskrider den definerade formulär-storleken", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Filen blev enbart delvis uppladdad", + "No file was uploaded" => "Filen laddades inte upp", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Ingen temporär mapp hittades för filen", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Filen kan inte skrivas", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "Ett PHP-tillägg returnerade ett fel när filen laddades upp", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Filen laddades upp olagligt. Det här kan vara en möjlig attack", "File was not found" => "Filen hittades inte", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Okänt fel när filen laddades upp", diff --git a/languages/sk/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/sk/Laminas_Validate.php index 3d4f79e2..d320529c 100644 --- a/languages/sk/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/sk/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Počas odosielania súboru '%value%' došlo k chybe", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Súbor prekročil veľkosť definovanú v ini súbore", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Súbor prekročil veľkosť definovanú vo formulári", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Súbor bol odoslaný len čiastočne", - "File was not uploaded" => "Súbor nebol odoslaný", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Pre súbor nebol najdený žiadny dočasný adresár", - "File can't be written" => "Súbor nemože byť zapisaný", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "PHP rozšírenie vrátilo chybu počas nahrávania súboru", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Súbor prekročil veľkosť definovanú v ini súbore", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Súbor prekročil veľkosť definovanú vo formulári", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Súbor bol odoslaný len čiastočne", + "No file was uploaded" => "Súbor nebol odoslaný", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Pre súbor nebol najdený žiadny dočasný adresár", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Súbor nemože byť zapisaný", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "PHP rozšírenie vrátilo chybu počas nahrávania súboru", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Súbor bol neoprávnene nahraný. Môže se jednať o útok", "File was not found" => "Súbor nebol nájdený", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Počas odosielania súboru došlo k chybe", diff --git a/languages/sl/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/sl/Laminas_Validate.php index 2b976212..3f4c06a0 100644 --- a/languages/sl/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/sl/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Neznana napaka med nalaganjem datoteke '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Datoteka presega definirano ini vrednost", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Datoteka presega velikost definirano v obrazcu", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Datoteka je bila samo delno naložena", - "File was not uploaded" => "Datoteka ni bila naložena", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Začasnega direktorija ni bilo mogoče najti za datoteko", - "File can't be written" => "Datoteke ni bilo mogoče zapisati", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "PHP razširitev je vrnila napako med nalaganjem datoteke", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Datoteka presega definirano ini vrednost", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Datoteka presega velikost definirano v obrazcu", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Datoteka je bila samo delno naložena", + "No file was uploaded" => "Datoteka ni bila naložena", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Začasnega direktorija ni bilo mogoče najti za datoteko", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Datoteke ni bilo mogoče zapisati", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "PHP razširitev je vrnila napako med nalaganjem datoteke", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Datoteka je bila nelegalno naložena. Gre lahko za potencialni napad", "File was not found" => "Datoteke ni bilo mogoče najti", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Neznana napaka med nalaganjem datoteke", diff --git a/languages/sr_RS/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/sr_RS/Laminas_Validate.php index 34e5dc91..ace1c072 100644 --- a/languages/sr_RS/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/sr_RS/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Непозната грешка приликом учитавања фајла '%value%'", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Фајл превазилази дефинисану ini величину", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Фајл превазилази дефинисану form величину", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Фајл је само делимично учитан", - "File was not uploaded" => "Фајл није учитан", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Није пронађен привремени директоријум за фајл", - "File can't be written" => "Фајл не може бити написан", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "PHP екстензија је дала грешку приликом учитавања фајла", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Фајл превазилази дефинисану ini величину", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Фајл превазилази дефинисану form величину", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Фајл је само делимично учитан", + "No file was uploaded" => "Фајл није учитан", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Није пронађен привремени директоријум за фајл", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Фајл не може бити написан", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "PHP екстензија је дала грешку приликом учитавања фајла", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Фајл је илегално учитан. Ово је могући напад", "File was not found" => "Фајл није пронађен", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Непозната грешка приликом учитавања фајла", diff --git a/languages/uk/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/uk/Laminas_Validate.php index d241c6ec..1eee0e36 100644 --- a/languages/uk/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/uk/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -184,13 +184,13 @@ "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Під час завантаження файлу '%value%' виникла невідома помилка", // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile - "File exceeds the defined ini size" => "Розмір файлу перевищує дозволений, вказаний в php.ini", - "File exceeds the defined form size" => "Розмір файлу перевищує дозволений, вказаний у формі", - "File was only partially uploaded" => "Файл було завантажено тільки частково", - "File was not uploaded" => "Файл '%value%' не було завантажено", - "No temporary directory was found for file" => "Не знайдено тимчасову теку для файлу", - "File can't be written" => "Файл '%value%' не може бути записаний", - "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file" => "PHP-розширення повернуло помилку під час завантаження файлу", + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Розмір файлу перевищує дозволений, вказаний в php.ini", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Розмір файлу перевищує дозволений, вказаний у формі", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Файл було завантажено тільки частково", + "No file was uploaded" => "Файл '%value%' не було завантажено", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Не знайдено тимчасову теку для файлу", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Файл '%value%' не може бути записаний", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "PHP-розширення повернуло помилку під час завантаження файлу", "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Файл завантажено протиправно. Можлива атака", "File was not found" => "Файл не знайдено", "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Під час завантаження файлу виникла невідома помилка", From 6f485ff8e46f394232450e22f23f11b4a8a80b73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mikko Pesari Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 19:40:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/9] Add missing template from Laminas\I18n\Validator\IsInt --- languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php index 0459d5ce..11d49b00 100644 --- a/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ // Laminas\I18n\Validator\IsInt "Invalid type given. String or integer expected" => "Invalid type given. String or integer expected", "The input does not appear to be an integer" => "The input does not appear to be an integer", + "The input is not strictly an integer" => "The input is not strictly an integer", // Laminas\I18n\Validator\PhoneNumber "The input does not match a phone number format" => "The input does not match a phone number format", From 84b121d0ee7899a1a7d34bf634105602425dc461 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mikko Pesari Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 19:41:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/9] Add missing templates from Laminas\Validator\Between --- languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php index 11d49b00..bc5640f8 100644 --- a/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/en/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ // Laminas\Validator\Between "The input is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively" => "The input is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively", "The input is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'" => "The input is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'", + "The min ('%min%') and max ('%max%') values are numeric, but the input is not" => "The min ('%min%') and max ('%max%') values are numeric, but the input is not", + "The min ('%min%') and max ('%max%') values are non-numeric strings, but the input is not a string" => "The min ('%min%') and max ('%max%') values are non-numeric strings, but the input is not a string", // Laminas\Validator\Bitwise "The input has no common bit set with '%control%'" => "The input has no common bit set with '%control%'", From 15ffe6373214aea5086c632802e7b45517e9bfb4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mikko Pesari Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2020 21:30:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 5/9] Add Finnish translation for Captcha --- languages/fi/Laminas_Captcha.php | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+) create mode 100644 languages/fi/Laminas_Captcha.php diff --git a/languages/fi/Laminas_Captcha.php b/languages/fi/Laminas_Captcha.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..abde4255 --- /dev/null +++ b/languages/fi/Laminas_Captcha.php @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + "Captchan kenttiä puuttuu", + "Failed to validate captcha" => "Captchan tarkistus epäonnistui", + "Captcha value is wrong: %value%" => "Captchan arvo %value% on väärä", + + // Laminas\Captcha\Word + "Empty captcha value" => "Captchan arvo on tyhjä", + "Captcha ID field is missing" => "Captchan ID-kenttä puuttuu", + "Captcha value is wrong" => "Captchan arvo on väärä", +]; From c3a18eaa5087bbd69bb5f2ea308f473c9cc73ecf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mikko Pesari Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 17:41:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/9] Add Finnish translation for Laminas\Validator\Timezone --- languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php | 5 +++++ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+) diff --git a/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php index 0a430b2b..9fa92b26 100644 --- a/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -248,4 +248,9 @@ "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", "'%value%' is less than %min% characters long" => "'%value%' on lyhyempi kuin vaaditut %min% merkkiä", "'%value%' is more than %max% characters long" => "'%value%' on pidempi kuin sallitut %max% merkkiä", + + // Laminas\Validator\Timezone + "Invalid timezone given." => "Annettu aikavyöhyke ei ole kelvollinen.", + "Invalid timezone location given." => "Annettu aikavyöhykkeen sijainti ei ole kelvollinen.", + "Invalid timezone abbreviation given." => "Annettu aikavyöhykkeen lyhenne ei ole kelvollinen.", ]; From c045cbcf37b75f826cc6d940bb30f79db7b1055c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mikko Pesari Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 17:41:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 7/9] Add Finnish translation for Laminas\Validator\Uri --- languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php | 4 ++++ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) diff --git a/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php index 9fa92b26..b8b3222e 100644 --- a/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -253,4 +253,8 @@ "Invalid timezone given." => "Annettu aikavyöhyke ei ole kelvollinen.", "Invalid timezone location given." => "Annettu aikavyöhykkeen sijainti ei ole kelvollinen.", "Invalid timezone abbreviation given." => "Annettu aikavyöhykkeen lyhenne ei ole kelvollinen.", + + // Laminas\Validator\Uri + "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", + "The input does not appear to be a valid Uri" => "Syöte ei ole kelvollinen Uri", ]; From 59e94a5d2f301fd19ec017d4b5fcbf58e5408b38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mikko Pesari Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 17:54:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 8/9] Update Finnish translations --- languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php | 344 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 177 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-) diff --git a/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php index b8b3222e..970478dc 100644 --- a/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -7,148 +7,166 @@ */ /** - * EN-Revision: 22075 + * EN-Revision: 16.Jun.2015 */ return [ - // Laminas_Validate_Alnum + // Laminas\I18n\Validator\Alnum "Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla liukuluku, merkkijono tai kokonaisluku", - "'%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits" => "'%value%' on virheelinen, ainoastaan aakkoset ja numerot ovat sallittuja", - "'%value%' is an empty string" => "'%value%' on tyhjä merkkijono", + "The input contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits" => "Syöte on virheellinen, ainoastaan aakkoset ja numerot ovat sallittuja", + "The input is an empty string" => "Syöte on tyhjä merkkijono", - // Laminas_Validate_Alpha + // Laminas\I18n\Validator\Alpha "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", - "'%value%' contains non alphabetic characters" => "'%value%' on virheellinen, ainoastaan aakkoset ovat sallittuja", - "'%value%' is an empty string" => "'%value%' on tyhjä merkkijono", + "The input contains non alphabetic characters" => "Syöte on virheellinen, ainoastaan aakkoset ovat sallittuja", + "The input is an empty string" => "Syöte on tyhjä merkkijono", - // Laminas_Validate_Barcode - "'%value%' failed checksum validation" => "Syötteen '%value%' tarkistusluvun vahvistus epäonnistui", - "'%value%' contains invalid characters" => "'%value%' sisältää epäkelpoja merkkejä", - "'%value%' should have a length of %length% characters" => "'%value%' pitäisi olla %length% merkkiä pitkä", + // Laminas\I18n\Validator\DateTime "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", + "The input does not appear to be a valid datetime" => "Syöte ei sisällä kelvollista päivämäärää ja aikaa", - // Laminas_Validate_Between - "'%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively" => "'%value%' ei ole luku väliltä %min%-%max%", - "'%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'" => "'%value%' ei ole luku väliltä %min%-%max%, poislukien ylä- ja alarajat", + // Laminas\I18n\Validator\IsFloat + "Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla liukuluku, merkkijono tai kokonaisluku", + "The input does not appear to be a float" => "Syöte ei ole liukuluku", - // Laminas_Validate_Callback - "'%value%' is not valid" => "'%value%' on epäkelpo", - "An exception has been raised within the callback" => "Odottamaton virhe, callback-validaattori palautti poikkeuksen", + // Laminas\I18n\Validator\IsInt + "Invalid type given. String or integer expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono tai kokonaisluku", + "The input does not appear to be an integer" => "Syöte ei ole kokonaisluku", - // Laminas_Validate_Ccnum - "'%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits" => "'%value%' pitää olla luku väliltä 13-19", - "Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'" => "Luhn-algoritmin (mod 10) suoritus syötteelle '%value%' epäonnistui", + // Laminas\I18n\Validator\PhoneNumber + "The input does not match a phone number format" => "Syöte ei ole puhelinnumeron muotoinen", + "The country provided is currently unsupported" => "Annettu maa ei ole tuettu", + "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", + + // Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode + "Invalid type given. String or integer expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono tai kokonaisluku", + "The input does not appear to be a postal code" => "Syöte ei ole käypä postiosoite", + "An exception has been raised while validating the input" => "Syötettä tarkistettaessa tapahtui odottamaton virhe", + + // Laminas\Validator\Barcode + "The input failed checksum validation" => "Syötteen tarkistusluku on väärä", + "The input contains invalid characters" => "Syöte sisältää epäkelpoja merkkejä", + "The input should have a length of %length% characters" => "Syötteen pitäisi olla %length% merkkiä pitkä", + "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", + + // Laminas\Validator\Between + "The input is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively" => "Syöte ei ole luku väliltä %min%-%max%", + "The input is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'" => "Syöte ei ole luku väliltä %min%-%max%, poislukien ylä- ja alarajat", + + // Laminas\Validator\Callback + "The input is not valid" => "Syöte on epäkelpo", + "An exception has been raised within the callback" => "Odottamaton virhe, callback-validaattori palautti poikkeuksen", - // Laminas_Validate_CreditCard - "'%value%' seems to contain an invalid checksum" => "Syötteen '%value%' tarkistusluku on viallinen", - "'%value%' must contain only digits" => "'%value%' saa sisältää ainoastaan numeroita", + // Laminas\Validator\CreditCard + "The input seems to contain an invalid checksum" => "Syötteen tarkistusluku on viallinen", + "The input must contain only digits" => "Syöte saa sisältää ainoastaan numeroita", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", - "'%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits" => "'%value%' sisältää väärän määrän numeroita", - "'%value%' is not from an allowed institute" => "'%value%' ei ole sallitun luottolaitoksen alkuosa", - "'%value%' seems to be an invalid creditcard number" => "Luottokortin numero '%value%' tulkittiin virheelliseksi", - "An exception has been raised while validating '%value%'" => "Kortin '%value%' varmennus epäonnistui, palvelu palautti virheen", + "The input contains an invalid amount of digits" => "Syöte sisältää väärän määrän numeroita", + "The input is not from an allowed institute" => "Syöte ei ole sallitun luottolaitoksen alkuosa", + "The input seems to be an invalid credit card number" => "Luottokortin numero tulkittiin virheelliseksi", + "An exception has been raised while validating the input" => "Syötettä tarkistettaessa tapahtui odottamaton virhe", - // Laminas_Validate_Date - "Invalid type given. String, integer, array or Laminas_Date expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono, kokonaisluku, taulukko tai Laminas_Date", - "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid date" => "'%value%' ei ole kelvollinen päivä", - "'%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%'" => "'%value%' ei ole muotoa '%format%'", + // Laminas\Validator\Csrf + "The form submitted did not originate from the expected site" => "Lomake ei ole peräisin odotetulta sivustolta", - // Laminas_Validate_Db_Abstract - "No record matching '%value%' was found" => "Rekisteristä ei löytynyt arvoa, joka vastaisi syötettä '%value%'", - "A record matching '%value%' was found" => "Rekisteristä löytyi syötettä '%value%' vastaava arvo", + // Laminas\Validator\Date + "Invalid type given. String, integer, array or DateTime expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono, kokonaisluku, taulukko tai DateTime", + "The input does not appear to be a valid date" => "Syöte ei ole kelvollinen päivämäärä", + "The input does not fit the date format '%format%'" => "Syöte ei ole muotoa '%format%'", - // Laminas_Validate_Digits + // Laminas\Validator\Db\AbstractDb + "No record matching the input was found" => "Rekisteristä ei löytynyt arvoa, joka vastaisi syötettä", + "A record matching the input was found" => "Rekisteristä löytyi syötettä vastaava arvo", + + // Laminas\Validator\Digits "Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono, kokonaisluku tai liukuluku", - "'%value%' must contain only digits" => "'%value%' on virheellinen, ainoastaan numerot ovat sallittuja", - "'%value%' is an empty string" => "'%value%' on tyhjä merkkijono", + "The input must contain only digits" => "Syöte on virheellinen, ainoastaan numerot ovat sallittuja", + "The input is an empty string" => "Syöte on tyhjä merkkijono", - // Laminas_Validate_EmailAddress + // Laminas\Validator\EmailAddress "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", - "'%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname" => "'%value%' on virheellinen sähköpostiosoite, ei vastaa muotoa paikallisosa@alue", - "'%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%'" => "'%hostname%' on virheellinen verkkotunnus osoitteelle '%value%'", - "'%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'" => "Osoitteen '%value%' verkkotunnukselle '%hostname%' ei löydy MX-tietuetta", - "'%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network" => "'%hostname%' ei ole reititettävän verkon osa. Sähköpostiosoitetta '%value%' ei pitäisi selvittää julkisesta verkosta.", + "The input is not a valid email address. Use the basic format local-part@hostname" => "Syöte on virheellinen sähköpostiosoite, ei vastaa muotoa paikallisosa@alue", + "'%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for the email address" => "'%hostname%' on virheellinen verkkotunnus sähköpostiosoitteelle", + "'%hostname%' does not appear to have any valid MX or A records for the email address" => "Sähköpostiosoitteen verkkotunnukselle '%hostname%' ei löydy MX- tai A-tietuetta", + "'%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address should not be resolved from public network" => "'%hostname%' ei ole reititettävän verkon osa. Sähköpostiosoitetta ei pitäisi selvittää julkisesta verkosta", "'%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format" => "Virheellinen paikallisosa, '%localPart%' ei ole verrattavissa dot-atom -muotoon", "'%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format" => "Virheellinen paikallisosa, '%localPart%' ei ole verrattavissa quoted-string -muotoon", - "'%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%'" => "Sähköpostiosoitteen '%value%' paikallisosa '%localPart%' on virheellinen", - "'%value%' exceeds the allowed length" => "Osoite '%value%' on liian pitkä", + "'%localPart%' is not a valid local part for the email address" => "Sähköpostiosoitteen paikallisosa '%localPart%' on virheellinen", + "The input exceeds the allowed length" => "Syöte on liian pitkä", - // Laminas_Validate_File_Count + // Laminas\Validator\File\Count "Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given" => "Virheellinen määrä tiedostoja, maksimimäärä on '%max%', vastaanotettiin '%count%'", "Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given" => "Virheellinen määrä tiedostoja, minimimäärä on '%min%', vastaanotettiin '%count%'", - // Laminas_Validate_File_Crc32 - "File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes" => "Tiedoston '%value%' crc32-tarkistusluku ei vastaa annettua", + // Laminas\Validator\File\Crc32 + "File does not match the given crc32 hashes" => "Tiedoston crc32-tarkistusluku ei vastaa annettua", "A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file" => "Tarkistuslukua crc32 ei pystytty määrittämään vastaanotetulle tiedostolle", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - - // Laminas_Validate_File_ExcludeExtension - "File '%value%' has a false extension" => "Tiedostolla '%value%' on virheellinen pääte", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - // Laminas_Validate_File_ExcludeMimeType - "File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'" => "Tiedoston '%value%' MIME-tyyppi '%type%' on virheellinen", - "The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected" => "Tiedoston '%value%' MIME-tyyppiä ei pystytty todentamaan", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + // Laminas\Validator\File\ExcludeExtension + "File has an incorrect extension" => "Tiedostolla on virheellinen pääte", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - // Laminas_Validate_File_Exists - "File '%value%' does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei ole olemassa", + // Laminas\Validator\File\Exists + "File does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei ole olemassa", - // Laminas_Validate_File_Extension - "File '%value%' has a false extension" => "Tiedostolla '%value%' on virheellinen pääte", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + // Laminas\Validator\File\Extension + "File has an incorrect extension" => "Tiedostolla on virheellinen pääte", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - // Laminas_Validate_File_FilesSize + // Laminas\Validator\File\FilesSize "All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected" => "Kaikkien tiedostojen yhteenlaskettu koko saa olla maksimissaan '%max%', vastaanotettiin '%size%'", "All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected" => "Kaikkien tiedostojen yhteenlaskettu koko pitää olla vähintään '%min%', vastaanotettiin '%size%'", "One or more files can not be read" => "Yhtä tai useampaa tiedostoa ei voida lukea", - // Laminas_Validate_File_Hash - "File '%value%' does not match the given hashes" => "Tiedoston '%value%' tarkastusluku ei vastaa annettua", + // Laminas\Validator\File\Hash + "File does not match the given hashes" => "Tiedoston tarkastusluku ei vastaa annettua", "A hash could not be evaluated for the given file" => "Tarkistuslukua ei pystytty määrittämään vastaanotetulle tiedostolle", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - - // Laminas_Validate_File_ImageSize - "Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected" => "Kuvan '%value%' maksimileveys on '%maxwidth%', annettu '%width%'", - "Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected" => "Kuvan '%value%' minimileveys on '%minwidth%', annettu '%width%'", - "Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected" => "Kuvan '%value%' maksimikorkeus on '%maxheight%', annettu '%height%'", - "Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected" => "Kuvan '%value%' minimikorkeus on '%minheight%', annettu '%height%'", - "The size of image '%value%' could not be detected" => "Kuvan '%value%' kokoa ei voida todentaa", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - - // Laminas_Validate_File_IsCompressed - "File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected" => "Tiedosto '%value%' ei ole pakattu, vastaanotettiin tyyppiä '%type%'", - "The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected" => "Tiedoston '%value%' MIME-tyyppiä ei pystytty todentamaan", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - - // Laminas_Validate_File_IsImage - "File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected" => "Tiedosto '%value%' ei ole kuvatiedosto, vastaanotettiin tyyppiä '%type%'", - "The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected" => "Tiedoston '%value%' MIME-tyyppiä ei pystytty todentamaan", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - - // Laminas_Validate_File_Md5 - "File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes" => "Tiedoston '%value%' tarkistusluku ei vastaa annettua (md5)", - "A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file" => "Tiedostolle ei voitu määrittää md5-tarkistuslukua", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - - // Laminas_Validate_File_MimeType - "File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'" => "Tiedoston '%value%' MIME-tyyppi '%type%' on virheellinen", - "The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected" => "Tiedoston '%value%' MIME-tyyppiä ei pystytty todentamaan", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - - // Laminas_Validate_File_NotExists - "File '%value%' exists" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei ole olemassa", - - // Laminas_Validate_File_Sha1 - "File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes" => "Tiedoston '%value%' tarkistusluku ei vastaa annettua (sha1)", - "A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file" => "Tiedostolle ei voitu määrittää sha1-tarkistuslukua", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - - // Laminas_Validate_File_Size - "Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected" => "Tiedoston '%value%' maksimikoko on '%max%', vastaanotettu '%size%'", - "Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected" => "Tiedoston '%value%' minimikoko on '%min%', vastaanotettu '%size%'", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voidea lukea tai sitä ei ole", - - // Laminas_Validate_File_Upload + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + + // Laminas\Validator\File\ImageSize + "Maximum allowed width for image should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected" => "Kuvan maksimileveys on '%maxwidth%', annettu '%width%'", + "Minimum expected width for image should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected" => "Kuvan minimileveys on '%minwidth%', annettu '%width%'", + "Maximum allowed height for image should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected" => "Kuvan maksimikorkeus on '%maxheight%', annettu '%height%'", + "Minimum expected height for image should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected" => "Kuvan minimikorkeus on '%minheight%', annettu '%height%'", + "The size of image could not be detected" => "Kuvan kokoa ei voitu määrittää", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + + // Laminas\Validator\File\IsCompressed + "File is not compressed, '%type%' detected" => "Tiedosto ei ole pakattu, vastaanotettiin tyyppiä '%type%'", + "The mimetype could not be detected from the file" => "Tiedoston MIME-tyyppiä ei pystytty määrittämään", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + + // Laminas\Validator\File\IsImage + "File is no image, '%type%' detected" => "Tiedosto ei ole kuvatiedosto, vastaanotettiin tyyppiä '%type%'", + "The mimetype could not be detected from the file" => "Tiedoston MIME-tyyppiä ei pystytty määrittämään", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + + // Laminas\Validator\File\Md5 + "File does not match the given md5 hashes" => "Tiedoston md5-tarkistusluku ei vastaa annettua", + "An md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file" => "Tiedostolle ei voitu laskea md5-tarkistuslukua", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + + // Laminas\Validator\File\MimeType + "File has an incorrect mimetype of '%type%'" => "Tiedoston MIME-tyyppi '%type%' on virheellinen", + "The mimetype could not be detected from the file" => "Tiedoston MIME-tyyppiä ei pystytty määrittämään", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + + // Laminas\Validator\File\NotExists + "File exists" => "Tiedosto on olemassa", + + // Laminas\Validator\File\Sha1 + "File does not match the given sha1 hashes" => "Tiedoston sha1-tarkistusluku ei vastaa annettua", + "A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file" => "Tiedostolle ei voitu laskea sha1-tarkistuslukua", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + + // Laminas\Validator\File\Size + "Maximum allowed size for file is '%max%' but '%size%' detected" => "Tiedoston maksimikoko on '%max%', vastaanotettu '%size%'", + "Minimum expected size for file is '%min%' but '%size%' detected" => "Tiedoston minimikoko on '%min%', vastaanotettu '%size%'", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + + // Laminas\Validator\File\Upload + "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "Tiedosto '%value%' ylittää ini-tiedostossa määritellyn tiedostokoon", + "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "Tiedosto '%value%' ylittää lomakkeessa määritellyn tiedostokoon", "File '%value%' exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Tiedosto '%value%' ylittää ini-tiedostossa määritellyn tiedostokoon", "File '%value%' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Tiedosto '%value%' ylittää lomakkeessa määritellyn tiedostokoon", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "Tiedosto '%value%' vastaanotettiin ainoastaan osittain", @@ -160,94 +178,86 @@ "File '%value%' was not found" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei löydy", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Tiedoston '%value%' lähetyksessä tapahtui tunnistamaton virhe", - // Laminas_Validate_File_WordCount - "Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted" => "Virheellinen määrä sanoja, maksimäärä on '%max%', annettu '%count%'", + // Laminas\Validator\File\WordCount + "Too many words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted" => "Virheellinen määrä sanoja, maksimäärä on '%max%', annettu '%count%'", "Too few words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted" => "Virheellinen määrä sanoja, minimimäärä on '%min%', annettu '%count%'", - "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", + "File is not readable or does not exist" => "Tiedostoa ei voida lukea tai sitä ei ole", - // Laminas_Validate_Float - "Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla liukuluku, merkkijono tai kokonaisluku", - "'%value%' does not appear to be a float" => "'%value%' ei ole liukuluku", + // Laminas\Validator\GreaterThan + "The input is not greater than '%min%'" => "Syöte ei ole suurempi kuin '%min%'", + "The input is not greater than or equal to '%min%'" => "Syöte ei ole suurempi tai yhtä suuri kuin '%min%'", - // Laminas_Validate_GreaterThan - "'%value%' is not greater than '%min%'" => "'%value%' ei ole suurempi kuin '%min%'", - - // Laminas_Validate_Hex + // Laminas\Validator\Hex "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", - "'%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters" => "'%value%' voi sisältää ainoastaan heksadeslimaalin muotoisia merkkejä", + "The input contains non-hexadecimal characters" => "Syöte ei sisällä ainoastaan heksadesimaalin muotoisia merkkejä", - // Laminas_Validate_Hostname + // Laminas\Validator\Hostname + "The input appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded" => "Verkkotunnuksen punycode-koodauksen purku epäonnistui", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", - "'%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed" => "'%value%' näyttäisi olevan ip-osoite eikä verkkotunnus", - "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list" => "'%value%' verkkotunnuksen TLD-osa ei ole tunnettu", - "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position" => "'%value%' näyttäisi olevan käypä verkkotunnus, mutta sisältää viivan väärässä paikassa", - "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'" => "'%value%' näyttäisi olevan käypä verkkotunnus, mutta sen TLD-osa '%tld%' on virheellinen", - "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part" => "'%value%' verkkotunnuksen TLD-osaa ei pystytty erottamaan", - "'%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname" => "Verkkotunnus '%value%' on jäsennykseltään virheellinen", - "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name" => "'%value%' on epäkelpo paikallisverkkon tunnus", - "'%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed" => "'%value%' tulkittiin paikallisverkon tunnukseksi, jotka eivät ole sallittuja", - "'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded" => "Verkkotunnuksen '%value%' punycode-koodauksen purku epäonnistui", - - // Laminas_Validate_Iban - "Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%'" => "Maata ei pystytty tunnistamaan IBAN-koodista '%value%'", - "'%value%' has a false IBAN format" => "'%value%' on väärän muotoinen IBAN-koodi", - "'%value%' has failed the IBAN check" => "'%value%' IBAN-koodin tarkastus epäonnistui", - - // Laminas_Validate_Identical + "The input appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position" => "Verkkotunnus sisältää viivan väärässä paikassa", + "The input does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname" => "Verkkotunnus on jäsennykseltään virheellinen", + "The input appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'" => "Verkkotunnuksen TLD-osa '%tld%' on virheellinen", + "The input does not appear to be a valid local network name" => "Syöte ei ole kelvollinen paikallisverkon tunnus", + "The input does not appear to be a valid URI hostname" => "Syöte ei ole kelvollinen URI-verkkotunnus", + "The input appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed" => "Syöte näyttäisi olevan ip-osoite eikä verkkotunnus", + "The input appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed" => "Verkkotunnus tulkittiin paikallisverkon tunnukseksi, jotka eivät ole sallittuja", + "The input appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part" => "Verkkotunnuksen TLD-osaa ei pystytty erottamaan", + "The input appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list" => "Verkkotunnuksen TLD-osa ei ole tunnettu", + + // Laminas\Validator\Iban + "Unknown country within the IBAN" => "Maata ei pystytty tunnistamaan IBAN-koodista", + "Countries outside the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) are not supported" => "SEPA-alueen ulkopuoliset maat eivät ole tuettuja", + "The input has a false IBAN format" => "IBAN-koodi on väärän muotoinen", + "The input has failed the IBAN check" => "IBAN-koodin tarkastus epäonnistui", + + // Laminas\Validator\Identical "The two given tokens do not match" => "Annetut kaksi arvoa eivät täsmää", "No token was provided to match against" => "Toinen arvoista puuttuu", - // Laminas_Validate_InArray - "'%value%' was not found in the haystack" => "'%value%' ei löydy sallittujen syötteiden joukosta", - - // Laminas_Validate_Int - "Invalid type given. String or integer expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono tai kokonaisluku", - "'%value%' does not appear to be an integer" => "'%value%' ei ole kokonaisluku", + // Laminas\Validator\InArray + "The input was not found in the haystack" => "Syötettä ei löydy sallittujen arvojen joukosta", - // Laminas_Validate_Ip + // Laminas\Validator\Ip "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", - "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address" => "'%value%' ei ole käypä IP-osoite", + "The input does not appear to be a valid IP address" => "Syöte ei ole käypä IP-osoite", - // Laminas_Validate_Isbn + // Laminas\Validator\Isbn "Invalid type given. String or integer expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono tai kokonaisluku", - "'%value%' is not a valid ISBN number" => "'%value%' ei ole käypä ISBN-numero", + "The input is not a valid ISBN number" => "Syöte ei ole ISBN-numero", - // Laminas_Validate_LessThan - "'%value%' is not less than '%max%'" => "'%value%' ei ole pienempi kuin '%max%'", + // Laminas\Validator\LessThan + "The input is not less than '%max%'" => "Syöte ei ole pienempi kuin '%max%'", + "The input is not less or equal than '%max%'" => "Syöte ei ole pienempi tai yhtä suuri kuin '%max%'", - // Laminas_Validate_NotEmpty - "Invalid type given. String, integer, float, boolean or array expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla kokonaisluku, liukuluku, boolean tai taulukko", + // Laminas\Validator\NotEmpty "Value is required and can't be empty" => "Kenttä ei voi olla tyhjä", + "Invalid type given. String, integer, float, boolean or array expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla kokonaisluku, liukuluku, boolean tai taulukko", - // Laminas_Validate_PostCode - "Invalid type given. String or integer expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono tai kokonaisluku", - "'%value%' does not appear to be a postal code" => "'%value%' ei ole käypä postiosoite", - - // Laminas_Validate_Regex + // Laminas\Validator\Regex "Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono, kokonaisluku tai liukuluku", - "'%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'" => "'%value%' ei ole muotoa '%pattern%'", + "The input does not match against pattern '%pattern%'" => "Syöte ei ole muotoa '%pattern%'", "There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%'" => "Sisäinen virhe käytettäessa muotoa '%pattern%'", - // Laminas_Validate_Sitemap_Changefreq - "'%value%' is not a valid sitemap changefreq" => "'%value%' ei ole käypä sivukartan muutosnopeus", + // Laminas\Validator\Sitemap\Changefreq + "The input is not a valid sitemap changefreq" => "Syöte ei ole käypä sivukartan muutosnopeus", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", - // Laminas_Validate_Sitemap_Lastmod - "'%value%' is not a valid sitemap lastmod" => "'%value%' ei ole käypä arvo sivukartan viimeksimuokatuksi arvoksi", + // Laminas\Validator\Sitemap\Lastmod + "The input is not a valid sitemap lastmod" => "Syöte ei ole käypä arvo sivukartan viimeksimuokatuksi arvoksi", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", - // Laminas_Validate_Sitemap_Loc - "'%value%' is not a valid sitemap location" => "'%value%' ei ole käypä sivukartan sijainti", + // Laminas\Validator\Sitemap\Loc + "The input is not a valid sitemap location" => "Syöte ei ole käypä sivukartan sijainti", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", - // Laminas_Validate_Sitemap_Priority - "'%value%' is not a valid sitemap priority" => "'%value%' ei ole käypä sivukartan prioriteetti", + // Laminas\Validator\Sitemap\Priority + "The input is not a valid sitemap priority" => "Syöte ei ole käypä sivukartan prioriteetti", "Invalid type given. Numeric string, integer or float expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla kokonaisluku tai liukuluku", - // Laminas_Validate_StringLength + // Laminas\Validator\StringLength "Invalid type given. String expected" => "Epäkelpo syöte. Pitäisi olla merkkijono", - "'%value%' is less than %min% characters long" => "'%value%' on lyhyempi kuin vaaditut %min% merkkiä", - "'%value%' is more than %max% characters long" => "'%value%' on pidempi kuin sallitut %max% merkkiä", + "The input is less than %min% characters long" => "Syöte on lyhyempi kuin vaaditut %min% merkkiä", + "The input is more than %max% characters long" => "Syöte on pidempi kuin sallitut %max% merkkiä", // Laminas\Validator\Timezone "Invalid timezone given." => "Annettu aikavyöhyke ei ole kelvollinen.", From 00b37ca162c7748a6acd40945f809f6ba38301a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mikko Pesari Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 19:51:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 9/9] Add Finnish translations for Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile --- languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php | 12 ++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+) diff --git a/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php b/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php index 970478dc..69ddebbc 100644 --- a/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php +++ b/languages/fi/Laminas_Validate.php @@ -178,6 +178,18 @@ "File '%value%' was not found" => "Tiedostoa '%value%' ei löydy", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "Tiedoston '%value%' lähetyksessä tapahtui tunnistamaton virhe", + // Laminas\Validator\File\UploadFile + "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Tiedosto ylittää ini-tiedostossa määritellyn tiedostokoon", + "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Tiedosto ylittää lomakkeessa määritellyn tiedostokoon", + "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Tiedosto vastaanotettiin ainoastaan osittain", + "No file was uploaded" => "Tiedostoa ei lähetetty", + "Missing a temporary folder" => "Väliaikaishakemistoa ei löytynyt tiedostolle", + "Failed to write file to disk" => "Tiedostoon ei voida kirjoittaa", + "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" => "PHP:n lisäosa palautti virheen kesken tiedoston lähetyksen", + "File was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "Tiedoston lähetyksessä haivattu laittomuus, mahdollinen hyökkäys", + "File was not found" => "Tiedostoa ei löydy", + "Unknown error while uploading file" => "Tiedoston lähetyksessä tapahtui tunnistamaton virhe", + // Laminas\Validator\File\WordCount "Too many words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted" => "Virheellinen määrä sanoja, maksimäärä on '%max%', annettu '%count%'", "Too few words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted" => "Virheellinen määrä sanoja, minimimäärä on '%min%', annettu '%count%'",