All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and this changelog format.
- Package now supports Laravel 12.
- #302 Ensure auth response is used when deleting a resource that does not have a resource response class.
- #301 Do not override response status when authorization exception is thrown.
- #298
and #70 The authorizer implementation now allows methods to
return either
or an Illuminate AuthResponse
. - BREAKING The return type for the
method on both resource and query request classes has changed tobool|Response
(where response is the Illuminate Auth response). If you are manually calling this method and relying on the return value being a boolean, this change is breaking. However, the vast majority of applications should be able to upgrade without any changes.
- Remove deprecation notices in PHP 8.4.
- core#17 Fix incorrect
link in related resource responses, and removerelated
link that should not exist. This has been incorrect for some time, but is definitely what the spec defines here. - eloquent#36 Support Eloquent dynamic relationships.
- Package is now licensed under the MIT License.
- BREAKING Package now requires Laravel 11.
- Minimum PHP version is now
- #272 Added a model property type-hint to the resource stub and allowed it to be replaced via a model option on the command.
- #265 Allow registration of middleware per action on both resource routes and relationship routes.
- Exceptions converted to JSON:API errors when debug mode is on now include all previous exceptions.
- Registering routes no longer results in the server instance being thread-cached. This more accurately reflects production environments, where routes would be cached so there would be no thread-cached JSON:API server when handling a HTTP request. This means tests (and development environments where routes are not cached) more accurately behave in the same way as production environments.
- Exceptions thrown during the encoding process are no longer caught and re-thrown as previous exceptions. This is due to the number of questions we receive from developers who do not check previous exceptions, despite exception messages stating that there is a previous exception to look at.
- core#12 Add
method to theID
field class.
- Upgraded to Laravel 10 and set minimum PHP version to
. - BREAKING If using the
package, you now need to passed the schema'sid
field to the paginator'smake()
method. I.e. useCursorPagination::make($this->id())
- BREAKING #190 The JSON:API media type now needs to be
sent in the
header for a "delete" resource request. Previously there was no checking of theAccept
media type, so anything could be sent. This is incorrect as the JSON:API specification shows theAccept
header asapplication/vnd.api+json
for delete resource requests.
- New
that allows a schema to offer multiple different pagination strategies.
- The JSON:API rule validators for the follow query parameter fields all errored if a non-array value was provided. This
is now fixed:
- #225 Fix validation of empty field list for a resource type
in the
query parameter, e.g./api/v1/employees?fields[employees]=
- #223 Ensure Eloquent models always have fresh data after write operation. This is to prevent cached relationships from having "stale" data after the write operation. This can occur if a related model's attributes change during the write operation, but the related model was cached before the write operation occurred.
- Relations can now be conditionally set to be eager-loadable via the
method. - New
- #204 Fix exception parser causing error when request does
not have a matching route (e.g. in a
404 Not Found
scenario). - Fixed PHP 8.2 deprecation messages in the
- The
class now has acontext()
method. Laravel's exception handler uses this to add log context when the exception is logged. This means logging of JSON:API exceptions will now include the HTTP status code and the JSON:API errors. - Moved the default
406 Not Acceptable
and415 Unsupported Media Type
messages to the following two new exception classes:Exceptions\HttpNotAcceptableException
- #184 Ensure that an
header with the media typeapplication/json
is rejected with a406 Not Acceptable
response. Previously this media type worked, which is incorrect as the JSON:API specification requires the media typeapplication/vnd.api+json
. - #197 Fix sending
for a to-one relationship update.
- Added Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese translations for specification and validation error messages.
- #181 The
now extends the base Laravel controller.
- #180 Add missing method to the Authorizer stub.
- #175 Fix page URLs missing sparse field sets.
- #178 Allow a resource id that is
- #110 For requests that modify a relationship, it is now
possible to get the model or models referenced in the request JSON using the
methods on the resource request class. - #113 The Eloquent
field can now be configured to accept numeric strings by calling theacceptStrings()
method on the field.
- This package now supports Laravel 9.
- This package now supports PHP 8.1.
- BREAKING PHP 8.1 introduces
as a keyword. It was therefore necessary to rename the following interface and trait:LaravelJsonApi\Eloquent\Contracts\ReadOnly
is nowIsReadOnly
is nowIsReadOnly
- Return types have been added to all internal methods in all child packages, to remove deprecation messages in PHP 8.1
- #83 Amended container bindings to ensure package works with
Laravel Octane. Most of these changes should have no impact on consuming applications. However, the following changes
could potentially be breaking to the JSON:API
class in an application:- The type-hint of the first constructor argument has changed to
. - The deprecated
property has been removed, and the$app
property is now private. To access the current application instance in your server class, use$this->app()
- The type-hint of the first constructor argument has changed to
- BREAKING #110 The
methods on theResourceQuery
request class have been changed frompublic
. These were not documented for use on this query class, and were only intended to be used publicly on theResourceRequest
class. Although technically breaking, this change is unlikely to affect the vast majority of applications which should not be using the method.
- The default JSON:API resource class can now be changed via
method. This should be set in a service provider'sregister()
method. - #127 The
class now has a protectedserializeRelation
method that can be used to override the default serialization of relationships if needed. - #111 Relationship documents returned by relationship
routes will now include any non-standard links set on the resource relationship in the top-levellinks
- #147 Related relationship response now correctly merge the relationship links into the top-level document links member.
- #130 The
now correctly handles conditional fields when iterating over relationships to find a specific relation. - #105 The JSON:API document returned by a relationship
route now handles a relationship not existing if it is hidden. Previously an exception was thrown when attempting to merge relationship links into the document. - #111 Relationship documents now handle a relationship that
does not have one or both of the
relationship links.
- The maximum PHP version is now 8.0. PHP 8.1 is not supported because it introduces a breaking change. The next major version of this package will add support for PHP 8.1.
- #139 Fix the
filters. Previously these were not iterating over the filters from the correct resource schema - they were iterating over the filters from the schema to which the relationship belonged. They now correctly iterate over the filters from the schema for the resource that is on the inverse side of the relationship.
- New relationship filter classes:
. Refer to the filter documentation for details.
- BREAKING: Countable Relationships. This feature is now turned off by default. Although included in the 1.0
release, this feature is not considered production-ready. This is because we plan to make breaking changes to it,
which will change how the client requests countable relationships. As such, this feature is considered
highly-experimental and developers must opt-in to it by calling the
method on a relationship. Refer to the Countable relationships chapter in the documentation for more details. - BREAKING: Cursor Pagination. Laravel now has its own cursor pagination feature. We have therefore moved our
implementation into its own
package: laravel-json-api/cursor-pagination
This change has been made because it makes sense for the in-built cursor pagination implementation to use Laravel's
cursor pagination implementation rather than our own custom one. Support for Laravel's cursor pagination will be added
during the
release cycle. If you are already using our cursor implementation, you can migrate in two easy steps:- Install the new package:
composer require laravel-json-api/cursor-pagination
- In any schemas using the cursor pagination, change the import statement
- Install the new package:
- The authorizer now has separate
methods. Previously both these controller actions were authorized via the singleshowRelationship()
method. Adding the newshowRelated
method means developers can now implement separate authorization logic for these two actions if desired. Our default implementation remains unchanged - both are authorized using theview<RelationshipName>
method on the relevant policy. - The request class now has a
helper method to determine whether the request is to create or updated a resource. - Add stop on first failure to all validators in the resource request class.
- #85 When running an application with debug mode turned on,
the default JSON:API error object for an exception will now contain detailed exception information, including the
stack trace, in the object's
member. - #103 Can now fully customise attribute serialization to JSON
using the
callback. This receives the model, column name and value. This is useful if the developer needs to control the serialization of a few fields on their schema. However, the recommendation is to use a resource class for complete control over the serialization of a model to a JSON:API resource.
- Minimum Laravel version is now
. This change was required to use the$stopOnFirstFailure
property on Laravel'sFormRequest
class. - Schema classes no longer automatically sort their fields by name when iterating over them. This change was made to give the developer full control over the order of fields (particularly as this order affects the order in which fields are listed when serialized to a JSON:API resource). Developers can list fields in name order if that is the preferred order.
- Removed the
which was thrown if there was a failure when decoding request JSON content before parsing it for compliance with the JSON:API specification. AJsonApiException
will now be thrown instead.
- #101 Ensure controller create action always returns a
response that will result in a
201 Created
response. - #102 The attach and detach to-many relationship controller actions now correctly resolve the collection query class using the relation's inverse resource type. Previously they were incorrectly using the primary resource type to resolve the query class.
- #76 Pagination links will now be correctly added to related resources and relationship identifiers responses.
- #14 Additional sort parameters can now be added to Eloquent
schemas. Previously only sortable attributes were supported. These new classes are added to schemas in the
method. - Eloquent schemas now support a default sort order via the
property. - New generator command
to create a custom sort field class. - #74 Developers can now add default include paths to the query
request classes (e.g.
) via the$defaultIncludePaths
property. These include paths are used if the client does not provide any include paths.
- #65 BREAKING The
method on Eloquent fields has been updated to receive all the validated data as its third argument. This change was made to allow fields to work out the value to fill into the model based on other JSON:API field values. If you have written any custom fields, you will need to update thefill()
method on your field class. - BREAKING Eloquent attributes now support serializing and filling column values on related objects. This is
primarily intended for use with the Eloquent
relationships that have awithDefault()
method. As part of this change, themustExist()
method was added to theFillable
interface. If you have written any custom fields, you will need to add this method to your field class - it should returntrue
if the attribute needs to be filled after the primary model has been persisted. - #58 Schema model classes can now be a parent class or an interface.
- #69 Fixed the parsing of empty
query parameters.
- #18 Added a
query parameter. For Eloquent resources, this allows a client to request the relationship count for the primary data's relationships. Refer to documentation for implementation details. - #55 Encoding and decoding of resource IDs is now supported.
field needs to implement theLaravelJsonApi\Contracts\Schema\IdEncoder
interface for this to work. - #41 Hash IDs are now supported by installing the
package and using theHashId
field instead of the standard EloquentID
field. Refer to documentation for details. - #30 Non-Eloquent resources are no supported via the
package. Refer to documentation for implementation details. - There is now a
class for returning the result for a related resources endpoint. For example, the/api/v1/posts/1/comments
endpoint. Previously theDataResponse
class was used. While this class can still be used, the newRelatedResponse
class merges relationship meta into the top-levelmeta
member of the response document. For to-many relationships that are countable, this will mean the top-levelmeta
member will contain the count of the relationship. - The schema generator Artisan command now has a
option to generate a schema for a non-Eloquent resource.
- The
methods must now be used to register custom HTTP request classes for specified resource types. Previously methods could be called on theRequestResolver
classes, but these have now been removed.
- Relationship endpoints that return resource identifiers now correctly include page meta in the top-level meta member of the document, if the results are paginated. Previously the page meta was incorrectly omitted.
- #43 The package now supports soft-deleting resources. For full details on how to apply this to resource schemas, refer to the new Soft Deleting chapter in the documentation.
- Multi-resource models are now supported. This allows developers to represent a single model class as multiple different JSON:API resource types within an API. Refer to documentation for details of how to implement.
- #8 The new
relation field can now be used to add polymorphic to-many relations to a schema. Refer to documentation for details. - Developers can now type-hint dependencies in their server's
method. - Can now manually register request, query and collection query classes using the
static methods.
- Added missing
generator command. - The Eloquent schema now has
methods. These allow filtering for authorization purposes when a list of resources is being retrieved. For instance, it could filter those queries so that only models belonging to the authenticated user are returned. - #23 The resource request class now does not need to exist for the destroy controller action. Previously the implementation was expecting the resource request class to exist, even though delete validation was optional.
- #24 Controller actions will now stop executing and return a
response if one is returned by the before action hooks: i.e.
. - #37 Can now use constructor dependency injection in
classes. - #40 There is now a new
class that can be used when returning meta-only responses. In addition, response classes have been updated to add awithServer
method. This can be used to specify the named server the response should use to encode the JSON:API document. This has to be used when returning responses from routes that have not run the JSON:API middleware (i.e. there is no default server available via the service container). - #9 The Laravel route registrar is now passed through to
callbacks as the second function argument. - #36 Eloquent schemas now support complex singular filter
logic, via the
method. - #33 Specification compliance will now reject an incorrect
resource type in a relationship. For example, if a relationship expects
but the client sendsposts
, the request will be rejected with an error message thatposts
are not supported.
- #22 BREAKING The
methods on the authorizer contract now receive the model class as their second argument. This is useful for authorizers that are used for multiple resource types. - BREAKING When querying or modifying models via the schema repository or store, calls to
must be replaced withwithRequest()
. This change was made to make it clearer that the request class can be passed into query builders. - #28 The sparse field sets validation rule will now reject with a specific message identifying any resource types in the parameter that do not exist.
- #35 The
method must now be used when setting the inverse resource type for the relation.
- Optional parameters to generator commands that require values now work correctly. Previously these were incorrectly set up as optional parameters that expected no values.
- #25 The encoder now correctly handles conditional fields when iterating over a resource's relationships.
- #26 Fix parsing the
query parameter to field set value objects. - #34 Do not require server option when generating a generic authorizer with multiple servers present.
- #29 Do not reject delete requests without a
header. - #11 Fixed iterating over an empty to-many generator twice in the underlying compound document encoder.
- The
method is deprecated and will be removed in1.0-stable
. UseRelation::type()
- #12 Can now register routes for custom actions on a resource,
using the
helper method when registering resources. See the PR for examples. - The
now has the LaravelAuthorizesRequests
traits applied. - #6 Resource class can now use conditional fields in their
relationships. This works in the same way as conditional attributes: the resource's
method should be used to add conditional relationships. - #13 Added French translations for JSON:API errors generated by specification parsing and resource/query parameter validation.
- #7 Eloquent schemas now support default eager loading via
property. - #15 When parsing a JSON:API document for compliance with the specification, the client will now receive a clearer error message if they submit a to-one relationship object for a to-many relationship (and vice-versa).
- #2 BREAKING Improved the extraction of existing resource
field values when constructing validation data for update requests:
- The
methods on the resource request class has been removed. If you need to modify the existing values before the client values are merged, implement thewithExisting()
method instead. This receives the model and its JSON representation (as an array). - The
method must now be called on a schema relationship field. (Previously this was on the resource relation.) By default, belongs-to and morph-to relations will be included when extracting existing values; all other relations will not. Use themustValidate()
method on the schema relation to alter whether a relation is included in the extracted values.
- The
- #1
Resource classes are now optional. If one is not defined, the implementation falls-back to using the Eloquent schema
to serialize a model. Eloquent schema fields now have new
methods to customise the serialization of models by the schema. - Resource classes now support using conditional attributes in their
method. - New field classes
have been added, to distinguish between PHP zero-indexed arrays that serialize to JSON arrays (ArrayList
) and PHP associative arrays that serialize to JSON objects (ArrayHash
). The distinction is required because an empty array list can be serialized to[]
in JSON whereas an empty associative array must be serialized tonull
in JSON.
- BREAKING The JsonApiResource method signatures for the
, andlinks()
methods have been changed so that they receive the HTTP request as the first (and only) parameter. This brings the implementation in line with Laravel's Eloquent resources, which receive the request to theirtoArray()
method. The slight difference is our implementation allows the request to benull
- this is to cover encoding resources outside of HTTP requests, e.g. queued broadcasting. When upgrading, you will need to either delete resource classes (as they are now optional), or update the method signatures on any classes you are retaining.
- #3
Example server registration in the published configuration file prevented developer from creating a
server after adding this package to their Laravel application. - Package discovery for sub-packages that have service providers now works correctly.
schema field has been removed - use the newArrayList
fields instead. - BREAKING The
method on resource and relationship routes has been removed:- The resource type URI can now be set on the resource's schema (using the
property). - Relationship URIs are now set on the schema field for the relationship (via the
- The resource type URI can now be set on the resource's schema (using the
Initial release.