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35d529f · Aug 13, 2023


372 lines (254 loc) · 15.5 KB

File metadata and controls

372 lines (254 loc) · 15.5 KB


v0.8r (2023/08/13)

  • Revise definitions of \\setminus and \\smallsetminus (#181, #583) — long overdue. Note that there are compatibility considerations with this change.
  • Add \\diagup and \\diagdown (#604).
  • Make \\operator@font protected to allow operators (e.g., \\cos) in section headings (etc). (#550)
  • Allow \\symcal to handle lowercase Latin (#589).
  • Add additional fonts to the symbol listing document (#597).

v0.8q (2020/01/31)

  • Update to adapt to / support new features in the upcoming 2e kernel.
  • Give a better error message if used on non-supported engines that are not pdfTeX.

v0.8p (2019/09/26)

  • Remove dependency on filehook package. Just to simplify.
  • Remove patch code for the colonequals package; now if you use that package you will simply receive its standard ‘constructed’ symbols.
  • Load amsmath automatically. This is not intended to save time for the user, but to simplify the code logic. Users should continue to load amsmath explicitly IMO.

v0.8o (2019/03/04)

  • Avoid 'Dimension too large' error for some (unpredictable) combinations of font choice and the Scale option. Problems are still known to occur for very large or very small values of Scale.
  • Documentation is now run through ‘continuous integration’ (viz, Travis for the time being) as well as the test suite.

v0.8n (2019/01/26)

  • Add note to readme that the lm-math package is required for minimal functionality.
  • Spacing fixed for maths fonts loaded with the Scale fontspec feature (#287).
  • Commands like \crampedtextstyle now longer lead to an infinite loop under XeTeX (#505).
  • Improvements to the functionality of the test suite. (Although more tests would be nice.)
  • Test suite is now (successfully) run with expl3 debug mode enabled.

v0.8m (2018/07/29)

  • Restore behaviour of legacy syntax x_\mathrm{x} (i.e., with no braces). While strictly ‘incorrectly’, this usage is widely used. N.B. this syntax is not supported for the \symXX commands.
  • Add \cuberoot and \fourthroot as proper radicals.
  • Some additional input subscripts/superscripts.
  • Some documentation additions (thanks for the contributions).
  • Deprecation warning: the internal \__um_switchto_XX: commands will be dropped in a future release in favour of \__um_switch_to:n {XX} (or similar). These are internal commands and shouldn't be used by third-parties; please write if you have a use case.

v0.8l (2018/02/02)

  • Issue an error message if \setmathfont{...}[range=...] is used first; a range declaration inherently implies a subset, so a ‘main’ math font needs to be set up first.
  • Fix issue when nesting \mathXX and \symZZ commands. (#356, #435, #438)
  • Fix another issue when using mathXX or \symXX inside \DeclareMathOperator. (#449)
  • Document incompatibility with the mathspec package. (#436)
  • Fix bugs for using range=\partial and range=\nabla. (#441)

v0.8k (2018/01/13)

  • Eliminate warnings Variant form 'NV' invalid for base form... (#430).
  • Fix issue when loading the cal range (#431).
  • Fix issue with \sqrt[n]{x} with amsmath (#432).
  • Error when loading on (really) old versions of XeTeX/LuaTeX removed.
  • More UM fonts listed in the README (#425).

v0.8j (2018/01/07)

  • NEW

    • Numbers and latin letters in the fullwidth Unicode range are now supported as aliases to their ASCII counterparts (#337).
    • New commands \(New|Renew)NegationCommand \foo for defining custom negations accessed via \not\foo.

    • \typecolon is now \mathrel instead of \mathbin (#360).
    • New symbol \mathhyphen which acts like a ‘letter’ (#313).
    • \nabla and \partial have corrected documentation (#257).
    • The following legacy commands are listed as ‘unsupported’ and will result in sensible error messages rather than the old behaviour of meaningless output: \arrowvert, \Arrowvert, \bracevert. (#411).
  • BUGS

    • LuaTeX bug with shifted \underbrace when it contains accented symbols worked around (#391).
    • When using the range feature, users commonly found they needed to call \setmathfont a final time with the original font to ensure correct formatting and correct selection of symbol alphabets. I hope the issues that required this have now been corrected (#331, #387).
    • If \setmathfont is called a second time in a document, it tries harder to more properly reset the maths font setup for the new font (#224).
    • Properly hard-coded the \delcode of the period to ensure \left/\right behave correctly in all circumstances (#344, #351, #420).
    • Correct \mathrm (etc.) situation when no fonts loaded explicitly by the user (#330).
    • Various bug fixes to \not (#126, #343, #363)
    • \std@minus & \std@equal now properly corrected (#332).
    • Fix problem with infinite loop with \cdots when amsmath loaded after unicode-math (#227).
    • If \setmath(rm|sf|tt) is called before loading unicode-math, the setting is now remembered (#407).

    • A number of improvements to efficiency when loading subsequent math fonts using the range feature.
    • No longer loads the ucharcat package.
    • Test suite re-implemented for better portability and use with Travis CI. See for the up-to-date status of whether the test suite is passing.

v0.8i (2017/11/18)

  • Many internal changes to support future work.
  • Improved documentation describing the \mathXX and \symXX commands.
  • Documentation is now split into unicode-math.pdf (for the user) and unicode-math-code.pdf (for the typeset source code).

v0.8h (2017/10/09)

  • Some bugs crept in in the last update due to some code rearrangement:
    • package version wasn't set;
    • some code was being executed at the wrong time;
    • \sqrt[]{} in LuaLaTeX gave incorrect output.
  • The layout of the code is now structured far more sensibly.
  • Remove (long deprecated) \resetmathfont; for years it has been a synonym for \setmathfont.

v0.8g (2017/10/02)

  • Better use of scriptstyle sizes in LuaTeX (I think a regression).
  • Fix regression (\mathbf etc. not being set automatically) caused by the renaming of a fontspec internal command.
  • Minor documentation improvements.
  • (Only relevant for me: I've also disabled the test suite almost entirely to begin a re-write for ‘continuous integration’.)

v0.8f (2017/08/02)

  • Emergency fix (thanks Bruno) for another bug revealed by expl3 update.

v0.8e (2017/07/30)

  • Add \surd to access the sqrt symbol.
  • Fix bug exposed by expl3 update to booleans.
  • Add Deja Vu Math TeX Gyre in list of symbols.
  • Add \sime alias for \simeq and \nsimeq for \nsime. (For negations it's helpful when they have consistent naming.)

v0.8d (2017/01/25)

  • vargreek-shape=TeX and vargreek-shape=unicode package options dropped; for consistency and compatibility, \phi and \epsilon should and will now behave the same as in TeX.
  • On that note, when using control sequences such as \mbfitsansvarphi (and so on), there were a few faulty definitions. The new behaviour is to consistently define the varphi and varepsilon ones as those with the "curly" designs.
  • Add \wideoverbar, \widebreve, \widecheck.
  • Add \mathsection, \mathparagraph.
  • Remove \mupvarbeta, upold(Kk)oppa, \up(Ss)tigma, \up(Kk)oppa, \up(Ss)ampi — none of these are maths symbols.
  • ! (\mathexclam) changed from \mathpunct to \mathclose for backwards compatibility with TeX.

v0.8c (2015/09/24)

  • Add \over(left/right)harpoon as "wide" accents.
  • Add RTL mathematics operators \arabicmaj and \arabichad, which correspond to U+1EEF0 and U+1EEF1, resp.
  • Remove catchfile package dependency.
  • Update some internal names to match expl3 standards.

v0.8b (2015/09/09)

  • Bug fix: Use the "ucharcat" package to simplify some code that caused some headaches with \tl_rescan:nn.

v0.8a (2015/08/06)

  • Fix bug with \vert, |, (l/r)vert, etc., displaying with the wrong characters.

  • Improve documentation to properly reflect changes in v0.8 and fix some broken examples.

  • No longer reset catcodes of : and @ during \setmathfont .

  • Fix remapping of alphabets (needed for Minion Math) in cases such as:


v0.8 (2015/07/29) Breaking changes in this update!

  • \mathrm (\mathup), \mathit, \mathbf, \mathsf, and \mathtt revert to their traditional LaTeX meanings; they are set up to match their equivalent text fonts unless specifically set using \setmathrm and friends from fontspec or the new \setmathfontface in unicode-math. These commands should be used for multi-letter identifiers.

  • New "symbol" commands have been added, \symrm (\symup), symit, ..., to replace the behaviour of the old commands. These should be used for single-letter identifiers. See the package documentation for more detail on these and related commands.

  • Package options mathit=sym, mathbf=sym, etc., reverse the changes above to revert to pre-v0.8 behaviour for \mathXYZ. Regardless of package option, \symXYZ always maps to symbols and \mathtextXYZ is provided for the traditional \mathXYZ font switch.

  • New command \setoperatorfont to set the font used for commands such as \sin and \cos. Usage: \setoperatorfont\mathbf or any command defined with \setmathfontface.

  • Traditional LaTeX \DeclareMathAlphabet now works again for legacy font-loading packages.

  • Commands defined to "force" Greek letters with \upbeta and \itbeta, etc.

  • Assorted bug fixes and minor changes.

v0.7e (2014/06/30)

  • No longer assume fixltx2e has been loaded.
  • Some ascii math symbols have been renamed with a \math... prefix, such as \mathquestion.
  • Assume latest luaotfload is being used; no need for a separate unicode-math.lua script.
  • Assorted typos and minor bugs.

v0.7e (2013/05/04)

  • Track luaotfload updates.

v0.7d (2013/03/16)

  • More expl3 changes missed first time around. (Sorry again.)

v0.7c (2013/02/25)

  • The Latin Modern math font name changed TWICE. Only caught the first one. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

v0.7b (2013/02/22)

  • Keep in sync with Latin Modern Math font name change.
  • Keep in sync with expl3 changes.

v0.7a (2012/07/28)

  • Keep in sync with expl3 changes.

v0.7 (2012/05/30): The TeX Live 2012 release.

  • Most changes (and all significant ones) in this release thanks to Khaled Hosny, who is now credited as an author of the package.
  • Many improvements for XeTeX support to take advantage of the new engine (v0.9998) in TL2012.
    • As a result, \resetmathfont is no longer required.
  • Improve \not to use pre-combined glyphs where possible.
  • LM Math is loaded by default.
  • Support bottom accents.
    • And add \wideutilde.
  • The ‘symbols’ document is somewhat better organised and contains information on whether a symbol is defined in plain TeX or amssymb.
  • Various other minor fixes and additions:
    • \underleftrightarrow added for fonts that support it.
    • Don’t overwrite mathtool’s \overbracket and \underbracket.
    • Bug in [range=...] parsing fixed.
    • Add \longdivision.
    • Add \lgroup and \rgroup.
    • Fix ‘moustache’ delimiters.
    • \openbox renamed to \mathvisiblespace, since it is already defined in amsthm as an empty box.

v0.6a (2011/09/19)

  • Always a bug that slips through the cracks! Fixes \left. and \right.
  • Add experimental package option warnings-off=... which allows warnings to be suppressed on an individual basis.

v0.6 (2011/09/18)

  • Keep in sync with fontspec internals (sorry for the small delay where things were broken)
  • Keep in sync with expl3 deprecated functions
  • Math versions (finally) implemented; can now change maths fonts mid-document without reinitialising everything (thanks to Ulrike Fischer and Ulrik Vieth)
  • Symbols file unimath-symbols.pdf now uses maths versions to compare all of the OpenType maths fonts I currently have access to
  • Over- and under- braces, brackets, and parentheses now work in XeTeX (thanks to Claudio Beccari)
  • Many internal changes, including a re-write of the range feature; it should now be faster and more robust
  • Tentative programmer's interface for querying the current math style: \l_um_mathstyle_tl.
  • Remove (outdated) interaction with beamer; you must specify professionalfonts manually for now
  • Quieten the console output when loading maths fonts with incomplete maths style coverage
  • Synonym added: \lnot -> \neg
  • Two added Unicode symbols (names tentative): \blanksymbol and \openbox (thanks to Apostolos Syropoulos)
  • Fixed literal sub-/super-script input.

v0.5e (2011/07/31)

  • Fix forward compatibility clash with deprecated expl3 functions (sorry)
  • Command names are now \protected; this makes them safe to use in moving arguments and so on
  • Similarly to the change in v0.5c, the main math font is now loaded in math family zero (equiv. to LaTeX's operators math font)
  • \mathring added
  • Ensure that a math font has been selected in order to prevent problems in minimal documents (this will be unnecessary when the OpenType LM math font is released)
  • Documentation for which was which of epsilon/varepsilon was backwards! (thank to Rasmus Villemoes for pointing this out)
  • Spurious \upUpsilon removed (the one at U+03A5 is now the correct one)
  • Typo when defining \dprime fixed (thanks to Ulrik Vieth for these last two)
  • Fix the math class of \modtwosum; it is now a large operator (thanks to Michael Ummels)
  • Move several LuaTeX-related patches to the lualatex-math package
  • Fixed mathtool's \cramped in XeLaTeX usage

v0.5d (2011/01/30)

  • Assorted improvements to LuaLaTeX support, including non-growing accents available in LuaTeX v0.65 and later
  • Improved behaviour with reading and using maths font dimensions
  • Better compatibility with legacy maths packages and environments (always more worked needed, though)
  • Fix the default setting for "vargreek-shape"

v0.5c (2010/09/27)

  • Fix a long-standing bug in XeLaTeX in which the "master" math families 2 and 3 weren't being set; hence fraction rules and many other parameters were not being set correctly
  • Stay in sync with internal fontspec changes

v0.5b (2010/09/19): Tune-up

  • Added missing symbols/synonyms: \diamond \smallint \emptyset \hbar \backepsilon \eth
  • \overline works for LuaLaTeX
  • Fix \slash; previously, it overwrote the text definition
  • \vartriangle now has the correct math class

v0.5a (2010/07/14): TeX Live 2010 release

  • Numerous documentation improvements
  • Bug fix against stray catcode changes
  • Add \mathcal and \mathbfcal as distinct from the Script style; these are only supported by the XITS fonts at present
  • Small changes to the range of symbols offered (especially note that \ac is now \invlazys to avoid acronym package clash)
  • Superscripts are allowed after primes (as they should be)
  • Numerous LuaLaTeX improvements, including roots and over/under braces.

v0.5 (2010/06/03): Initial CTAN release