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183 lines (123 loc) · 5.96 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (123 loc) · 5.96 KB

LauDai dotfile config

Author : LauDai


My tmux configure is running in tmux 3.0a version

In tmux Manual

The colour is one of: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, aixterm bright variants (if supported: brightred, brightgreen, and so on), colour0 to colour255 from the 256-colour set, default, or a hexadecimal RGB string such as ‘#ffffff’, which chooses the closest match from the default 256-colour set.

Check your terminal color support colors

There are two file can test your terminal color.

$bash or $bash

You can type in ternimal to show your ternimal supoort colors

$tput colors

ternimal suppotr colors

Set tmux 256 colors set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

Show your tmux setting $tmux show -g

Show tmux bind kyes <prefix> ? or :list-keys

My prefix setting is C-a

<prefix> | : split window horizontal 	(origin path)
<prefix> _ : split window vertical 		(origin path)
<prefix> \ : split window horizontal 	(current path)
<prefix> - : split window vertical 		(current path)
<prefix> C : creat a new windw from current path to  next index
<prefix> C-b : clear screen & screen history
<prefix> = : choose buffer (no zoom to window)
<prefix> M-k : confirm before kill current session
<prefix> C-k : confirm before kill current window
<prefix> C-o : rotate the current window upward 	(repeat)
<prefix> M-o : rotate the current window downward 	(repeat)
M-| : set layout main vertical
M-_ : set layout main horizontal
C-| : set layout even horizontal
C-_ : set layout even vertical
C-t : set layout tiled
<prefix> C-t : via a choose window to move current pane to window
<prefix> C-j : prompt a cmd to join <window>.<pane> to this pane
<prefix> o : kill all panes but the current pane in this window
<prefix> O : select next pane (repeat)
<prefix> / : select last window
<prefix> M-s : prompt a cmd to swap current window's index to target index
<prefix> M-f : set repeat 0.6s , titles off , display time 0.75s
<prefix> M-n : set repeat 1s , titles on , display time 1.5s
<prefix> C-p : go to previous window (repeat)
<prefix> C-n : go to next window (repeat)
<prefix> { : swap current pane to previous pane (repeat)
<prefix> } : swap current pane to previous pane (repeat)
<prefix> M-v : swap current pane to last vistied pane
<prefix> C-Right: move current pane to the right of pane (cycle)(repeat)
<prefix> C-Left: move current pane to the left of pane (cycle)(repeat)
<prefix> C-Up: move current pane to the up of pane (cycle)(repeat)
<prefix> C-Down: move current pane to the down of pane (cycle)(repeat)
<prefix> T : move window to next unused number
<prefix> S : prompt a cmd to new session
<prefix> @ : prompt a cmd to change window's index
M-1~9 : select current windows's pane
M-s : synchronize all panes
C-S-Up :add 50 lines to up
C-S-Down :add 50 lines to down
C-S-Left : add 50 lines to left
C-S-Right : add 50 lines to right

If you wanna see more origin useful tmux keybindings. U can checkout my gist.

M - which is the Meta key (i.e. Alt on most keyboards)

S - means Shift key

※ Note: Can't send C-| to putty, windows terminal and MobaXterm. Maybe this is a bug!?

※ Note: Can't send <prefix> C-h in MobaXterm. Maybe this is a bug in MobaXterm!?

In copy-mode

Copy-mode use vi-mode, use tmux-yank plugin.

in copy-mode-vi will binding Space key to send begin-selection

bind-key -T copy-mode-vi Space send-keys -X begin-selection

tmux2.5 screenshoot

You can find more example tmux.conf from /usr/share/doc/tmux/examples



all you can get via sudo apt install

  • ipython3, htop, speedtest-cli, glances, mc, screenfetch
  • fortunes, lolcat, cowsay, cmatrix

For tmux plugin

  • xsel (recommended) or xclip for tmux-yank
  • urlview for tmux-urlview
  • iostat or sar (Optional requirement) for tmux-cpu

You can open a highlighted text in copy-mode via press o or Ctrl-o to open file by xdg-open or $EDITOR respectively .Power by tmux-open pulgin

My zsh plugins

git pip python systemd tmux docker docker-compose encode64 autojump history-substring-search zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting sudo vscode vi-mode zsh-navigation-tools git-open

tmux_note.txt is a file that remind some tmux setting
zshrc.zsh-template.orig is the oh-my-zsh template original file backup.

you can change your Ctrl to CAPS via this link


在 OS X 上:打开 Keyboard preference panel->System Preference,按下 Modifier 键,然后将 CAPS LOCK 的动作改为 Control。

在 Linux,需对键盘配置文件进行修改:

sudo vi /etc/default/keyboard

找到以 XKBOPTIONS 开头的行,添加 ctrl:nocaps 使 CAPS LOCK 成为另一个 CTRL 键,或者添加 ctrl:swapcaps 使 CAPS LOCK 键和 CTRL 两键的功能相互交换。 例如,修改后的内容可能为:



sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

Ubuuntu 17.10 can use gnome-tweak-tool to change the CTRL to CAPS LOCK key

gnome-tweak-tool cahnge CTRL2CAPS