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File metadata and controls

58 lines (35 loc) · 2.69 KB

Twitch Browser

This script uses curl to request Twitch's public GraphQL API to get a list of the current streams per category of your choosing. It uses jq to parse the JSON data from the API into single lines to feed into dmenu.

Data is diplayed in a dmenu list, with the stream's viewer count, streamer username, stream title, and stream tags.

You can fuzzy search with dmenu for the words you're interested in or use the arrow keys to navigate through the list. Press return when you've decided on a stream to watch. This launches an mpv command: mpv Which uses yt-dlp to get the proper streaming URL.

I built this so I could browse the Software and Game Development streams without visiting Twitch, as such this is the default category when you first use the script. But I have included all the popular categories in a file and an easy way to switch between them for user convenience.


Installing yt-dlp:

Installation · yt-dlp/yt-dlp Wiki · GitHub

Installing dependencies:

sudo apt-get install curl jq dmenu mpv


Navigate to the downloaded git repository.

Launch via browse in your terminal or by clicking on this file.


Using dmenu:

  • Switch the stream category by selecting the entry [ category]
  • Switch the stream sorting order by selecting [ sorting]
  • Open the config file in your preferred system editor [ config]

Config file:

dmenu_lines="20" how many dmenu rows of streams to display at once

dmenu_color_text="#999" dmenu text color

dmenu_color_background="#111" dmenu background

dmenu_color_selected_text="red" dmenu highlighted line text color

dmenu_color_selected_background="black" dmenu highlighted line text background

dmenu_font="Monospace-9" dmenu font-name and font-size

twitch_language="\"EN\"" choose which language you want for your streams, change to "" for no preferred language

keywords="python\|linux\|cpp" streams containing these keywords are placed at the top of the list

mpv_options="" optional configurations to send with the mpv instance that opens the stream URL

open_chat="" yes OR "", if enabled this opens the streamer's chatroom in the browser specified below


browser_options="--new-window" optional configurations to send with the browser instance that opens the chat URL