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Weather Now

Wellcome to Weather Now project. The Weather Now app is designed to show some weather data of three cities:

  • Nuuk / GL: displays only the temperature.
  • Urubici / BR: displays the temperature, pressure and humidity.
  • Nairobi / KE: displays only the temperature.

The app was built using the following technologies:

1 Quick start guide

As it is a NodeJS app, to get started you will need to install NodeJS here.

  • Open a terminal console and navigate to a folder of your choice to place the project's source code;
  • Clone repository: git clone;
  • Navigate to project folder: cd weather-now;
  • Install dependencies: npm i;

1.1 Development server

This is the quicker way to start interacting with the application. The project was created from Create React App CLI that encapsulate all setup and provides a development server using Webpack. To start it, just run npm start on terminal console in project's root folder.

1.2 Components Storybook

The Storybook is the best way to develop components ensuring it's isolation. That combined with StoryShots addon provides also a Snapshot Test Suite to test the rendered output tree of the Components.

To start Storybook server, run npm run storybook on terminal console.

All stories are placed in ./src/.storybook/stories with files named ComponentName.story.js. To create a new component stories module, just create a new file in stories folder.

1.3 Tests

The Create React App also encapsulates JestJS configuration. To start Jest's CLI, just run npm test on terminal console.

To create a new test suite, just create an file with name ending with .test.js anywhere inside ./src folder.

As the Storybook.test.js is a snapshot testing, any changes made to any component covered by the storybook may break this test suite. When it happens, you need to run the Storybook Server and see if the failing stories components are rendering correctly. If they are, then run tests again and press u to update the components snapshots with the changes made.

2 Documentation

2.1 Project structure

  • node_modules: the dependencies folder.
  • public: the output of the development server.
  • src: source root folder.
    • .storybook: The Storybook stories and configurations folder.
    • components: Commonly shared components.
    • config: App dependencies configurations.
    • domain: App domain components.
      • city: City weather domain.
    • layout: App layout composition components.

2.2 Weather data load workflow


The Redux is an implementation of the Flux pattern developed by Facebook to provide the most decoupled way of making two or more components communicate when they are far from each other in DOM tree.


With Redux-loop middleware, all state is handled by cycles of action > reducer > sideEffects.

  • The action are dispatched by connected components and call all reducers.
  • The reducer reduce an action to a change in the store state.
  • The sideEffects schedules tasks and actions as side effects to be executed after the store change lifecycle is complete. An side effect may dispatch other actions or execute tasks such async web services calls that dispatch actions on it's callbacks.

The Weather Store


    "Nuuk,gl": {
        "title": "Nuuk, GL",
        "loading": false
    "Urubici,br": {
        "type": "main",
        "title": "Urubici, BR",
        "loading": false
    "Nairobi,ke": {
        "title": "Nairobi, KE",
        "loading": false

The workflow

The WeatherScreen component is responsible for communication with Redux to retrieve all weather data to the CityCards components render them.

The WeatherScreen is connected to the entire Weather Store, mapped to cities property, with restoreWeather and restoreCityWeather actions creators, injected to restoreAll and restore properties.

  1. WeatherScreen > componentWillMount:
    • immediately calls the restoreAll and set an interval to repeat it.
  2. weather.actions > restoreWeather:
    • action with type
  3. weather.effects > restoreEffect:
    • schedule a list of actions to be triggered by redux-loop after the store change complete.
  4. weather.actions > restoreCityWeather:
    • Each action is a restoreCityWeather action creator for each city in the store.
    • All actions for each city are running at the same time.
  5. weather.effects > restoreCityEffect:
    • Assuming that it is the first time call, it will schedule a fetchCityWeather action.
  6. weather.actions > fetchCityWeather:
    • action with type
  7. weather.reducer:
    • changes the payload city loading state to TRUE.
  8. weather.effects > fetchEffect:
    • schedule an async task to be executed after store change is completed.
    • if the task completes, the storeCityWeather action is dispatched with the data.
    • if the task fails, the fetchCityFailed action is dispatched with the error data.
  9. weather.service > fetch:
    • a Web Service request to fetch the weather data of the city.
  10. weather.actions > storeCityWeather:
    • action with type
  11. weather.reducer:
    • changes the store city data, and also changes the it's loading flag to FALSE.
  12. weather.effects > storeEffect:
    • stores the city weather data to window.localStorage.