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On the Internet, there are many tutorials/courses to learn development, except that most of them are bad because they teach you bad practices or obsolete things. That is why this list of good sources for learning development has been created.
- Tutorials/Courses by languages
- Text editors
- The IDEs
- Developper roadmap
- Sites to avoid
- Useful links
- License
- Guide (Microsoft Doc)
- ASP.NET (Microsoft Doc)
- Dot.Blog Collection (E-Naxos)
- LINQ (Jon Skeet's coding blog)
- Basics (Tour Golang)
- To go further (Doc Golang)
- Courses (The Go Programming Language by Alan A. A. Donovan and Brian W. Kernighan)
- Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
- Course (University of Pennsylvania)
- Book (Haskell Programming by Christopher Allen and Julie Moronuki)
- Interactive tutorial (Try Haskell)
- Book for concrete applications (Real World Haskell by Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart and John Goerzen)
- Documentation
- Illustrated tutorial for total beginner (Interneting Is Hard)
- Interactive Tutorial (FreeCodeCamp)
- HTML Courses (GoalKicker)
- CSS Courses (GoalKicker)
- HTML & CSS Tutorial/Courses (Marksheet)
- HTML Documentation (MDN) or Quick Reference (HTML Reference)
- CSS Documentation (MDN) or Quick Reference (CSS Reference)
- Courses (GoalKicker)
- Tutorial/Courses (Java2S)
- Java Documentation (Oracle)
- Interactive Courses (Jetbrains)
- Tutorial/Courses (Eloquent JavaScript) or Other Tutorial/Courses (
- Interactive Tutorial (LearnJavaScript)
or Another one (FreeCodeCamp)
- JavaScript Courses (GoalKicker)
- NodeJS Courses (GoalKicker)
- To go further (You Don't Know JS)
- JS Documentation (MDN)
- NodeJS Documentation
- Security Supplement (OWASP)
- (FrontendMaster) JavaScript: The Hard Parts
- (FrontendMaster) JavaScript: The New Hard Parts
- (FrontendMaster) JavaScript: The Hard Parts of Object Oriented JavaScript
- (FrontendMaster) Hard Parts: Functional JS Foundations
- (FrontendMaster) The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js
- (FrontendMaster) JavaScript Performance
- Courses (GoalKicker)
- Kotlin in action (Manning Publication)
- Fundamental Kotlin
- Programming Kotlin (Packt)
- Modern Web Development with Kotlin (LeanPub)
- Guide, book and official references
- Interactive Courses (Jetbrains)
- Courses (PHP The Right Way) or Other Courses (GoalKicker)
- PHP Documentation
- Security Supplement (OWASP)
- Security Complement, PHP oriented (Paragon Initiative)
- Security Checklist (Sqreen)
Recommended language to start development
- Scala Documentation
- Tutorial/Introduction
- Course: Functional Programming Principles in Scala (EPFL, Coursera)
- Course: Programming Reactive Systems (EPFL, edX)
- Course: Twitter Scala School
- Scala libraries exercises
- Recommended up-to-date books
- SQL Courses (GoalKicker)
- MySQL Courses (GoalKicker)
- PostgreSQL Courses (GoalKicker)
- PostgreSQL Documentation Recommended database
- MySQL/MariaDB Documentation
- SQLite Documentation
- Guide to indexes (Use the index luke)
- Visual Studio Code
- Sublime Text
- Brackets
Front-end web development oriented
- IntelliJ IDEA Community
(Java, Kotlin, Scala, Rust)
- Eclipse
- NetBeans
- PyCharm Community
- Visual Studio Community (C++, C, Java, HTML/CSS, Javascript) Windows and Mac OS only
- JetBrains
As a student, you can benefit of 1 year (renewable) of the entire Jetbrains suite for free from the Github Student Pack or the official website (HTML/CSS, Javascript, C, C++, Ruby, C#, SQL, ...)
These sites provide a lot of false and/or obsolete information and should not be used
- OpenClassrooms
- W3Schools
- W3Resource
These sites are a good source of information for many programming languages.
- Mozilla Developer Network / MDN
- DevDocs
- GoalKicker Free programming books in a lot of languages
This website is open-source ! An issue to report ? New links to add ? Check the Github repository !
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Adrien Rault
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