This portfolio documents my contributions to a NUS Software Engineering project.
NSync is a desktop application with a command-line interface that helps NUS students resolve the problem of scheduling meetings (and inefficient notes downloading) between their peers, team mates and friends in a simple and fuss-free manner.
Main Feature Implemented: Feature to export and import user details.
What it does: Allows the user to
all the details of a particular contact. These details include the name, contact number, email, address and time-table of the contact. -
Justification: Each user has to key in all of their contacts' individual details previously, which is a very time-consuming process. This time-saving feature allows the user and his/her contacts to key in their own details in a one-time fashion, before exporting their own details and exchanging it with each other for importing.
Highlights: This enhancement builds upon all of the existing user details, and requires an in-depth understanding of the workings of the
components. The implementation required coalescing all of a user’s details during exporting, as well as decoding it into the respective fields subsequently during importing.
Code contributed: [Functional and test code]
Other contributions:
Minor Feature Implemented: Added the feature to find the next immediate free time-slot.
Allows the user to find the next immediate
time-slot for himself, and/or his contacts from the current time.
Project management:
Given below are 3 sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users. |
Given below is a section I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project. |