To apply the heuristics run:
python3 id lbda m dataset/ r -d
✨ id is the identifier of the execution (string)
✨ lbda is the lambda value (float)
✨ m is the quantity of solutions to be created (int)
✨ dataset/ is the data file (.net)
✨ r is the quantity executions for the same config (int)
✨ -v is an optional argument to enter VERBOSE mode
✨ -d is an optional argument to enter DEBUG mode
✨ -l is an optional argument to enter Debug Local Search mode
✨ -f is an optional argument to enter Debug Find Solutions mode
✨ -lo is an optional argument to run and debug only Local Search
✨ -fo is an optional argument to run and debug only Find Solutions
✨ -p is an optional argument to run on parallel mode
python3 graph 0.5 10 dataset/ 30
The result of the execution is a graph clustering solution and its density, aiming to analyze and compare it with other computational methods present in the literature.
To get the results, a GRASP-based heuristic was developed and applied.