Filter categories from COCO JSON.
Takes in a list of category names or list of category ids to keep.
All images are kept by default (meaning there is a possibility of negative images with no annotations). To remove them as well, flag --remove-empty
Note: Image IDs and Annotation IDs are preserved from original, but new categories have their IDs "reset" to 1.
python3 -m -h
usage: [-h] [--cats CATS [CATS ...]] [--remove-empty] [--out OUT] json
positional arguments:
json Path to coco json
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cats CATS [CATS ...]
Categories to keep, provide list, space separated
--remove-empty Remove (now) empty/negative images (no annotations associated with it)
--out OUT Output json path
python3 -m test_datasets/merged/merged.json --cats apple person