Find the model number, speed and hard drive capacity for all the PCs with prices below $500.
Find the model number, RAM and screen size of the laptops with prices over $1000.
Find all records from the Printer table containing data about color printers.
Get the models and prices for all commercially available products (of any type) produced by maker B.
Find the makers of PCs with a processor speed of 450 MHz or more. Result set: maker.
Find the printer models having the highest price. Result set: model, price.
Find out the average speed of the laptops priced over $1000.
For the ships in the Ships table that have at least 10 guns, get the class, name, and country.
Get hard drive capacities that are identical for two or more PCs.Result set: hd.
Find the makers of the cheapest color printers.Result set: maker, price.
List the models of any type having the highest price of all products present in the database.
Using Product table, find out the number of makers who produce only one model.
For ship classes with a gun caliber of 16 in. or more, display the class and the country.
Get the ships sunk in the North Atlantic battle.Result set: ship.
List the names of lead ships in the database (including the Outcomes table).
Find classes for which only one ship exists in the database (including the Outcomes table).
Find countries that ever had classes of both battleships (‘bb’) and cruisers (‘bc’).
Get the makers who produce only one product type and more than one model. Output: maker, type.
Find the names of ships sunk at battles, along with the names of the corresponding battles.
Get the battles that occurred in years when no ships were launched into water.