All issues reported here should result in code being changed, added, or removed.
For support requests, please use limetext/support instead.
Issues should only be reported here if they cover the project as a whole. If the issue relates to a specific package, please file it there instead. Lime Text is made up of a number of packages, which can be found here.
There is plenty of work that needs to be done, requiring a wide variety of skills and skill levels. The Contributing wiki page is a good place to start for some ideas.
There is no roadmap with well staked out milestones, where we can just give you a specific task to work on, and the few volunteers who are actively involved at the moment are already having a hard time managing everything. This is a community-run project, without any commercial backing, and any time spent here by our volunteers is their own spare time that they kindly donate to the project instead of spending time with friends, family, and other interests.
We do need your help. Even 5 minutes spent fixing a typo is valuable to us, and if you can spare more time, even better.