This is sort of a master list of all skills we've come across. They may or may not make it into the final version of the game.
- Longsword
- Shortsword
- Staff: combat style influences use
- Wand: Doesn't work outside of magic users
- Thrown Weapon: Throwing knives, stars, axes, etc.
- Dagger: Stabbing, stealth
- Polearms
- Blunt
- Lance
- Bow
- Flail
- Thrusting weapon (Rapier?)
- Crossbow
- Shotgonn
- Pistole
- Cannon
- Shield
- Book
- Ankh
- Boxing
- Brawling
- Dual-Wielding
- Bladedancing (dual wield, agility skills)
- Wrestling: Grappling and subduing, available to all characters at the start
- (? named martial arts): Different schools might offer different stances and weapon skills
- Taming
- Reading
- Writing
- Awareness
- Perception
- Whispering: Sort of a telekinetic in-game explanation for player-to-player messaging
- Language - Shadow: Specific to magic user
- Language - Common: Available to all characters
- Language - Elvish
- Horseriding
- Dragonriding
- Mining
- Woodcutting
- Fishing
- Skinning
- Hunting
- Prospecting
- Smithing
- Cooking
- Woodworking
- Tailoring
- Fletching
- Tanning
- Leatherworking
- Building
- Shipwright
- Tattoo Artist
- Barber
- Facepainter
- Musician (singing/instruments)
- Diplomacy
- Bartering
- First Aid
- Medicine
- Herbology
- Chemistry
- Alchemy
- Necromancy
- Lycanthropy
- Intimidation
- Telekensis
- Illusion
- Elemental Magic
- Geomancy
- Aquamancy
- Pyromancy
- Divinity
- Leadership
- Assassination
- Sneaking
- Pickpocketing
- Defending
- Parrying
- Endurance
- Strength
- Agility
- Charisma
- Dexterity
- Vitality
- Foritude
- Acrobatics
- Climbing/Scaling
- Disguise
- Survival
- Swimming
- Diving
- Tracking
- Carpentry
- Cunning
- Goncrafting
- Augmenting
- Enchanting
- Chanting
- Vampirism
- Sniping
- Jewelry making
- Masonry
- Quarrying
- Rending
- Mapmaking
- Exploration
- Spelunking
- Gemcutting
- Farming
- Scribing
- Papercraft
- Tinkering
- Watchmaking
- Inscription
- Apothocary
- Dancing
- Composition
- Architecture
- Bowyering
- Makeup Artistry
- Painting/Drawing
- Caligraphy
- Glassworking
- Pottery
- Camping
- Waxworking
- Weaving
- Lockpicking
- Sleight of Hand
- Binding (capture and restrain people)
- Locksmithing
- Stealth (a bit different from sneaking)
- Meditation
- Sailing
- Ropemaking
- Mountaineering
- Engineering
- Explosives
- Trapmaking
- Trap Detection
- Appraisal
- Teaching
- Reflection
- Witchcraft
- Piracy
- Zeal
- Channeling
- Lichdom
- Wizardry
- Heralding
- Righteousness
- Loyalty
- Worship
- Favor - (deity name): A measure of your favor from your chosen deity(s)
- Devotion
- Attunement - (element): A measure of your attunement with your chosen element, IE Attunement - Nature
- Druidism
- Shamanism
- Faith
- Mounted Combat
- Rituals
- Spellcircles
- Sorcery
- Thieving
- Blood Magic (voodoo)
- Knowledge
- Intelligence
- Wisdom
- Luck
- Rune Magic
- Mysticism
- Transmutation
- Demonology
- Lore - (area of interest): A measure of your knowledge of a particular subject
- Concoction
- Swashbuckling
- Chivalry
- Forging
- Tarot
- Puppetry
- Crystalism
- Telepathy
- Spirituality
- Kaido
- Shindo
- Healing
- Curses
- Occultism
- Winemaking
- Alcoholism
- Persuasion
- Fame
- Balance
- Cartography
- Gambling
- Torture
- Bluffing
- Tactical Fighting
- Flying
- Levitating
- Escaping
- Knowledge - (skill): Nobility, Arcana, Dungeoneering, Geography, History, Planes, Religion
- Ferociousness
- Barbaric
- Siege
- Sapping
- Shapeshifting
- Speed
- Glamour
- Archery
- Marksmanship
- (type) Armor - Heavy, Light
- Conjuration
- Restoration
- Speechcraft
- Scanning
- Bug-catching
- Soothsaying
- Beastmastery
- Incantation
- Prayer
- Construction
- Divination
- Dungeoneering
- Analysis
- Aerodynamics
- Taxidermy
- Cryptography
- Demolition
- Diagnosis
- Instruct
- Negotiate
- Consecration
- Concentration
- Symbols
- Gadgets
- Deception
- Mantra
- Totems
- Glyphs
- Virtue
- Arcana
- Steam Engineering
- Chaos Magic