This example shows how you can use the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) to read and write blob data.
You will need an Amazon AWS account with a S3 bucket which you
can use for testing. To configure the account you need to create a
file in the src/main/resources
folder with your
access and secret key:
You should also update
with the name of your S3 bucket:
Launch CloudS3Application
to run the application. It will write to the S3 bucket then
read and print the same file back again. You can use the online S3 browser to also view
the file.
The spring-cloud-aws
project provides integration between Spring and AWS. In this
example we are using S3 resource support from spring-cloud-aws-context
. We are also
using spring-cloud-aws-autoconfigure
to provide auto-reconfiguration with Spring Boot.
The S3 support allows you to use Spring’s ResourceLoader
interface to access S3 URLs
). The returned Resource
instance can be used in the same
way as any regular Spring Resource
or cast to a WritableResource