You can choose to build, assemble and run both Spark and the Spark Cassandra Connector against Scala 2.10 or 2.11.
Running SBT with the following builds against Scala 2.11 and the generated artifact paths coincide with
the binary.version
sbt -Dscala-2.11=true
For Spark see: Building Spark for Scala 2.11
For Scala 2.11 tasks:
sbt -Dscala-2.11=true doc
sbt -Dscala-2.11=true package
sbt -Dscala-2.11=true assembly
Note: The Spark Java API is currently not buildable with Scala 2.11; see SPARKC-130.
To use Scala 2.10 nothing extra is required.
This produces artifacts for both versions: Start SBT:
sbt -Dscala-2.11=true
Run in the SBT shell:
+ package
In the root directory run
sbt assembly
To build the assembly jar against Scala 2.11:
sbt -Dscala-2.11=true assembly
A fat jar will be generated to both of these directories:
Select the former for Scala apps, the later for Java.
All artifacts are generated to the standard output directories based on the Scala binary version you use.
In the root directory run:
sbt package
sbt doc
The library package jars will be generated to:
The documentation will be generated to:
The easiest way to do this is to make the assembled connector jar using
sbt assembly
Remember that if you need to build the assembly jar against Scala 2.11:
sbt -Dscala-2.11=true assembly
This will generate a jar file with all of the required dependencies in
Then add this jar to your Spark executor classpath by adding the following line to your spark-default.conf
spark.executor.extraClassPath spark-cassandra-connector/spark-cassandra-connector/target/scala-{binary.version}/spark-cassandra-connector-assembly-$CurrentVersion-SNAPSHOT.jar
This driver is also compatible with Spark distribution provided in DataStax Enterprise.