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Boris Lovosevic edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 35 revisions

MicroPython for Kendryte K210

This MicroPython port is now in a stable phase, but some bugs and issues can be expected, please report
All standard MicroPython functionality and modules are implemented, as well as advanced thread support, file system support and display module.
Modules providing support for still unsupported K210 peripherals will be implemented soon

For discussion about this MicroPython port please wisit the dedicated Forum

This implementation is based on MaixPy
Based on kendryte-freertos-sdk (modified to include some needed features not yet implemented) it brings many new features:

  • MicroPython core based on latest release build from main Micropython repository, unchanged except for the thread support and other changes needed to work with 64-bit RISC-V.
  • Running two independent Micropython instances on two K210 cores is supported.
    Data exchange between instances is supported.
  • Refactored _thread module with many new features, based on my MicroPython for ESP32 _thread module
  • Full support for LittleFS on internal Flash.
    SPIFFS is also supported (with directories support) and can be selected when building.
  • Full support for Fat32 file system on external SD Card
  • Full filesystem timestamp support for LittleFS, SPIFFS and Fat32
  • ymodem module for file transfer to/from K210 board using ymodem protocol is provided
  • uhashlib and ucryptolib using K210 hardware AES are implemented
  • Display module ported from my [MicroPython for ESP32] ( display module
  • Full network support for WiFi (based on ESP8266/ESP8285) and GSM modules.
  • usqlite3 module, data base on internal flash or SD Card, in-memory database supported
  • pye, full screen file editor (as python frozen module) is provided
  • MPyTerm, serial terminal emulator specially designed for MicroPython is provided.
    Included are commands to syncronize MicroPython time from PC, change the REPL baudrate, transfer files to/from MicroPython filesystem (including transfering whole directories).
    Fast block file transfer is used, protected with CRC.
  • Eclipse project files included.
    To include it into Eclipse goto:
    File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace
    Select root directory [select MicroPython_K210_LoBo directory]
    Rebuild index
    Execute Index->Freshen All Files.
  • Many modules from my MicroPython for ESP32 port are already ported, porting some others is planned.
  • More to come soon ...

This MicroPython port was tested on Sipeed's MAIX boards.
Here are some links to the distributors:

Banggood (prices to high)

It should also work on Kendryte KD233, probably with some modifications, but it was not tested.

How to Build

Building on Windows
The build system is designed and tested to run on Linux
If you want/need to run on Windows, you have two choices:

  • Install Linux distribution (Ubuntu 18.04 recommended) in virtual machine
  • On Windows 10 64-bit, instal WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) (Ubuntu 18.04 recommended).
    It was tested and runs very good.
    This is recommended way of running the build on Windows.

Clone the MicroPython repository

git clone

You can also download the repository as a zip file (using Clone or download button on the first repository page) and unpack it to some directory.
You will not be able to use git pull to update the repository, but otherwise the building process is the same.

Build the MicroPython firmware

Depending on your Linux installation, you may need to install some additional packages:

sudo apt install git cmake build-essential xz-utils python3 python3-serial wget zip

Kendryte toolchain will be automatically downloaded and unpacked on first run of script.
It can take some time on slow Internet connection (~32 MB will be downloaded).

kendryte-freertos-sdk is included in the repository.

Change the working directory to MicroPython_K210_LoBo/k210-freertos.

To build the MicroPython firmware, run:


Here is example of clone session:

boris@UbuntuMate:~$ git clone
Kloniranje u 'MicroPython_K210_LoBo'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 112, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (112/112), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (103/103), done.
remote: Total 2232 (delta 9), reused 53 (delta 6), pack-reused 2120
Primanje objekata: 100% (2232/2232), 36.72 MiB | 7.63 MiB/s, završeno.
Razrješavanja delta: 100% (812/812), završeno.
boris@UbuntuMate:~$ cd MicroPython_K210_LoBo/k210-freertos
boris@UbuntuMate:~/MicroPython_K210_LoBo/k210-freertos$ ./
Downloading kendryte-toolchain, please wait ...
Unpacking kendryte-toolchain
'kendryte-toolchain' prepared, ready to build
===[ 'mklfs' created ]===
===[ BUILDING MicroPython FIRMWARE ]===
===[ Creating 'MaixPy.kfpkg' ]===
===[ kfpkg created ]===

   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
1400486	  45745	4007272	5453503	 5336bf	MaixPy

====== Build finished ======
            version: 1.11.5
 Firmware file size: 1454080
 Flash FS starts at: 4194304

The build process by default runs silently. If you wont to see more messages run with the -V option.

boris@UbuntuMate:~/MicroPython_K210_LoBo/k210-freertos$ ./ -V
===[ 'mklfs' created ]===
===[ BUILDING MicroPython FIRMWARE ]===
-----[ source k210_env ... ]-----
-----[ k210_env export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/boris/MicroPython_K210_LoBo/k210-freertos/../kendryte-toolchain/bin/ ... ]------
=====[ PLATFORM_MK ./mpy_support/ ./platform/drivers/ ./third_party/ ./third_party/spiffs/ ./ ]=====
=====[ Compiling  docs mpy_support platform third_party ... ]=====
=====[ compile  docs mpy_support platform third_party . ]=====
=====[ AllDirs  ... ]======
=====[ drivers/ ]======
=====[ sdk/ ]======
=====[ CUR_DIR  ... ]=====
-- Check for RISCV toolchain ...
-- Using /home/boris/MicroPython_K210_LoBo/k210-freertos/../kendryte-toolchain/bin RISCV toolchain
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 8.2.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 8.2.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/boris/MicroPython_K210_LoBo/k210-freertos/platform/sdk/build
Scanning dependencies of target hal
[  3%] Built target hal
Scanning dependencies of target lwipcore
[ 65%] Built target lwipcore
=====[ update mk file ... ]=====
=====[ CUR_DIR  ... ]======
GEN build/genhdr/mpversion.h
GEN build/genhdr/moduledefs.h
GEN build/genhdr/qstr.i.last
GEN build/genhdr/qstr.split
GEN build/genhdr/qstrdefs.collected.h
QSTR updated
GEN build/genhdr/qstrdefs.generated.h
CC ../../micropython/py/mpstate.c
CC ../../micropython/py/nlr.c
CC ../../micropython/py/nlrx86.c
CC ../../micropython/py/nlrx64.c
CC ../../micropython/py/nlrthumb.c
CC ../../micropython/py/nlrxtensa.c
CC ../../micropython/py/nlrsetjmp.c
CC ../../micropython/py/malloc.c
CC ../../micropython/py/gc.c
CC ../../micropython/lib/netutils/netutils.c
CC ../../micropython/lib/timeutils/timeutils.c
CC ../../micropython/lib/utils/sys_stdio_mphal.c
/home/boris/MicroPython_K210_LoBo/k210-freertos/../kendryte-toolchain/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-objcopy --output-format=binary MaixPy MaixPy.bin
/home/boris/MicroPython_K210_LoBo/k210-freertos/../kendryte-toolchain/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-size MaixPy
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
1400486	  45745	4007272	5453503	 5336bf	MaixPy
===[ Creating 'MaixPy.kfpkg' ]===
===[ kfpkg created ]===

   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
1400486	  45745	4007272	5453503	 5336bf	MaixPy

====== Build finished ======
            version: 1.11.5
 Firmware file size: 1454080
 Flash FS starts at: 4194304

To flash the built firmware to your K210 board, run:

./ -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 2000000 -t MaixPy.bin

Change /dev/ttyUSB0 to the port used to connect to the your board if needed.
With -t option, the MPyTerm terminal emulator will be started and the board reseted after successful flash.

M (1371) [MAIXPY]: Configuration loaded from flash
M (9298) [MAIXPY]: Heaps: FreeRTOS=3840 KB (1196 KB free), MPy=2560 KB, other=379 KB

 __  __              _____  __   __  _____   __     __ 
|  \/  |     /\     |_   _| \ \ / / |  __ \  \ \   / /
| \  / |    /  \      | |    \ V /  | |__) |  \ \_/ / 
| |\/| |   / /\ \     | |     > <   |  ___/    \   /  
| |  | |  / ____ \   _| |_   / . \  | |         | |   
|_|  |_| /_/    \_\ |_____| /_/ \_\ |_|         |_|

MaixPy-FreeRTOS by LoBo v1.11.4
MicroPython 1.11.4 (ac4b72e-dirty) built on 2019-07-09; Sipeed_board with Kendryte-K210
Type "help()" for more information.
>>> help('modules')
__main__          io                sys               upip_utarfile
_thread           json              time              upysh
array             machine           ubinascii         urandom
binascii          math              ucollections      ure
board             microWebSocket    ucryptolib        uselect
builtins          microWebSrv       uctypes           usocket
cmath             microWebTemplate  uerrno            usqlite3
collections       micropython       uftpserver        ustruct
display           network           uhashlib          utime
font10            os                uheapq            utimeq
font6             pye               uio               uzlib
framebuf          re                ujson             writer
freesans20        socket            uos               ymodem
gc                ssd1306           upip
Plus any modules on the filesystem
paste mode; Ctrl-C to cancel, Ctrl-D to finish
=== import _thread, utime, machine, gc, micropython, os
=== def test(led, sleep_time=3000):
===     notif_exit = 4718
===     ld = machine.Pin(led, machine.Pin.OUT)
===     ld.value(1)
===     while 1:
===         notif = _thread.getnotification()
===         if notif == notif_exit:
===             print("[{}] Exiting".format(_thread.getSelfName()))
===             ld.value(1)
===             utime.sleep_ms(100)
===             return
===         elif notif == 777:
===             print("[{}] Forced EXCEPTION".format(_thread.getSelfName()))
===             ld.value(1)
===             utime.sleep_ms(1000)
===             zz = 234 / 0
===         utime.sleep_ms(sleep_time)
===         ld.value(0)
===         utime.sleep_ms(200)
===         ld.value(1)
=== th1 = _thread.start_new_thread("Test1", test, (machine.Pin.LEDR, 2000))
=== #utime.sleep_ms(1000)
=== th2 = _thread.start_new_thread("Test2", test, (machine.Pin.LEDG, 2500))
=== #utime.sleep_ms(1000)
=== th3 = _thread.start_new_thread("Test3", test, (machine.Pin.LEDB, 3300))
>>> _thread.list()

Total system run time: 144.678 s, number of tasks running: 7
MicroPython threads:
ID(handle) Proc             Name      State  Stack  Used MaxUsed PyStack   Used    Type Priority Run time (s)   (%)
2148930632    0            Test3    running   8192  3216    3464    4096    128  PYTHON        8        0.346  0.24
2148915528    0            Test2    running   8192  3216    3464    4096    128  PYTHON        8        0.353  0.24
2148900424    0            Test1    running   8192  3216    3576    4096    128  PYTHON        8        0.363  0.25
2151627528    0       MainThread*   running  32768  2080    2664    4096     64    MAIN        8        0.709  0.49

FreeRTOS tasks running:
ID(handle) Proc             Name     State MinStack Priority Run time (s)   (%)
2151627528    0     main_mp_task   Running    30104       15        0.709  0.49
2148915528    0            Test2     Ready     4728        8        0.353  0.24
2148900424    0            Test1     Ready     4616        8        0.363  0.25
2148930632    0            Test3     Ready     4728        8        0.346  0.24
2152821640    0             IDLE     Ready     7416        0      142.885 98.76
2152823752    1             IDLE     Ready     7416        0        0.000  0.00
2148967032    0    hal_tick_task   Blocked     7432        1        0.001  0.00
FreeRTOS heap: Size: 3932160, Free: 1210808, Min free: 1189024

>>> machine.mpy_config()

Current MicroPython configuration:
 MPy version code: 011103
Two MPy instances: False
     PyStack used: True
  MPy#1 heap size: 2560 KB
  MPy#2 heap size: 0 KB
     PyStack size: 4096 B
   MPy stack size: 32768 B
    CPU frequency: 400 MHz
    REPL baudrate: 115200 bd
     But menu pin: 17
Default log level: 2 (LOG_WARN)
       VM divisor: 32
(False, True, 2621440, 0, 4096, 32768, 400000000, 115200, 17, 2, 32)
>>> machine.reset_reason()
(8, 'External pin reset')
--[mpTerm command: synctime
back to device ]--

>>> os.mkdir('/flash/www')
--[mpTerm command: senddir mpy_support/examples/webserver/www /flash/www
Sending local file mpy_support/examples/webserver/www/index.html to /flash/www/index.html

--> 100.00%
OK, took 0.271 seconds, 4.040 KB/s
Sending local file mpy_support/examples/webserver/www/pdf-sample.pdf to /flash/www/pdf-sample.pdf

--> 100.00%
OK, took 1.884 seconds, 4.118 KB/s
Sending local file mpy_support/examples/webserver/www/pdf.png to /flash/www/pdf.png

--> 100.00%
OK, took 1.060 seconds, 4.192 KB/s
Sending local file mpy_support/examples/webserver/www/style.css to /flash/www/style.css

--> 100.00%
OK, took 0.025 seconds, 18.044 KB/s
Sending local file mpy_support/examples/webserver/www/wstest.html to /flash/www/wstest.html

--> 100.00%
OK, took 0.539 seconds, 3.858 KB/s
Sending local file mpy_support/examples/webserver/www/test.pyhtml to /flash/www/test.pyhtml

--> 100.00%
OK, took 0.044 seconds, 14.650 KB/s
Sending local file mpy_support/examples/webserver/www/python.ico to /flash/www/python.ico

--> 100.00%
OK, took 1.049 seconds, 3.991 KB/s
Sending local file mpy_support/examples/webserver/www/favicon.ico to /flash/www/favicon.ico

--> 100.00%
OK, took 0.455 seconds, 4.801 KB/s
back to device ]--

--[mpTerm command: ls /flash/www

List of directory '/flash/www/':
    favicon.ico  <file>  2238  2019-07-03 14:47:24
     index.html  <file>  1122  2019-07-03 14:47:10
 pdf-sample.pdf  <file>  7945  2019-07-03 14:47:11
        pdf.png  <file>  4551  2019-07-03 14:47:14
     python.ico  <file>  4286  2019-07-03 14:47:22
      style.css  <file>   457  2019-07-03 14:47:17
    test.pyhtml  <file>   666  2019-07-03 14:47:20
    wstest.html  <file>  2128  2019-07-03 14:47:18
back to device ]--

>>> os.listdir('/flash/www')
['favicon.ico', 'index.html', 'pdf-sample.pdf', 'pdf.png', 'python.ico', 'style.css', 'test.pyhtml', 'wstest.html']
Clone this wiki locally