All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Feature toggle system - enable/disable blocks individually via mod common config
- Rendering issues with Fan Splashing Catalyst
- Mod icon
- Crash due to inject not being remapped
- New instructions for Sequenced Gearshift
- Turn until new redstone pulse
- Turn for time
- New item attributes for attribute filter
- Max durability
- Max stack size
- Encased chain cogwheel
- Freewheel Clutch
- Copycat Vertical Step
- Advancement for Shear Pin
- Advancement for Overstress Clutch
- Advancement for Brass Gearbox
- Tooltips for all items (Mostly placeholders for future ponder scenes)
- Target Create version to 0.5.1f
- The recipe for Empty Fan Catalyst to use less brass
- Advancement ID for Brake
- Texture for Brake
- Texture for overstress clutch
- Centrifugal clutch to update itself when placed
- Item ordering of all shapeless crafting recipes
- 6-way Gearbox
- Brake
- Copycat Block
- Copycat Beam
- Copycat Slabs to function like normal slabs while having vertical orientations and placement helpers
- Item attribute - "Contains ID"
- Brass Gearbox
- Centrifugal Clutch
- Copycat Slab
- Inverted Clutch
- Inverted Gearshift
- Overstress Clutch
- Parallel Gearbox
- Shear Pin
- Fan Catalysts (Empty and 4 other variants)