0.9.0 (2025-01-29)
0.8.1 (2025-01-10)
- panic when vault was empty while trying to enter selected entry (eb3b5de)
0.8.0 (2025-01-01)
- calendar: only preview selected day (14292b4)
- tui: changing state on wrong element type doesn't crash anymore but simply logs error (9d8f4c8)
0.7.0 (2024-12-21)
- add actions to mark tasks Done, ToDo, Incomplete and Canceled (f07a13b)
- add Incomplete and Canceled states (d98b378)
- config: add config options for task state markers (ed9334f)
- config: add config options for tui symbols (e.g. use ASCII sequences instead of emojis) (734ae1a)
0.6.1 (2024-12-08)
- flowtime: skipped break time is added to next break segment (f8cbde3)
- pomodoro: skipped break and focus time are added to next segment (b944813)
0.6.0 (2024-11-30)
- add ToggleStatus action on tasks (266e6b2)
- crash when selected item was changed and did not match the active filter anymore (3d7e948)
0.5.1 (2024-11-24)
- config: crash if no time management settings were provided in config file (1f2f0a7)
- config: merge highlight styles into Home section (ada558e)
0.5.0 (2024-11-24)
- add config option for time management methods (70fbb59)
- add Time Management tab (#27) (8d5c12c)
- core: include relative date in stdout mode (7fdff9c)
- add a cli argument to show fps and tps counters (3991042)
- home component not registering when focusing time management tab (6909a1c)
- time management settings wrong line selected on startup (cf90476)
0.4.0 (2024-11-09)
- add config option for task state marker (default is 'x' to comply with prettier) (f9341cd)
- tui: add config option to show time delta between due date and today's date (f99a40f)
- tui: add help menu (#20) (0cd64f4)
- tui: add sorting by due dates or titles to Filter tab (#22) (43f2ca5)
- tui: edit task from vault-task (#21) (7df637a)
- tui: improve footers (a0df9fc)
- tui: style relative date (dim) (f99a40f)
- core/filter: return too early when a task did not match the filter, preventing its children from being filtered (a10dbdc)
- tui: add hours when time delta < 1 day in relative due date (b8cbba3)
- tui: today tag not taken into account in task widget height (881f62e)
0.3.0 (2024-10-23)
- add search bar to vault explorer (#16) (e2a66ba)
- add special Today tag (38751d2)
- cli: add stdout command and improve stdout vault output (c5f604a)
- cli: open single markdown files (cf73c40)
- config: make default vault and config optional (70231c8)
- configurable color scheme (541c91e)
- core: add config option to propagate file tags to all contained tasks (762bf6c)
- tui: add reload action (784ac47)
- tui: add scrolling to lists (37a672f)
- tui: display origin file in task widget (#17) (72dd287)
- tui: improve error reporting (0d7ce2f)
- tui: open selected entry in default editor (#18) (4cc4177)
- use TOML as default format for config (3e25a6c)
- cli: make vault_path a named argument (prevents from running commands) (691aaa7)
- core: Bad parent for nested tasks (db92820)
- core: empty directories being added to vault (5d49b40)
- core: nested task incorrectly displayed in Display implementation of VaultData (807e7ff)
- core: task indenting no longer gets deleted (49e2402)
- explorer: make file name bold in path instead of showing in preview (cb693d0)
- filter_tab: tags list filter no longer case sensitive (a4f308a)
- parser: make parser less strict on extra indented descriptions by adding them to closest parent (86b30b4)
- tui: wrong height for subtasks (fc1374d)
0.2.0 (2024-09-29)
- tui: add filter tab (#13) (825523a)
- tui: add tab bar (f1344f0)
- tui: sort explorer entries (#12) (ee38072)
- vault_parser: only parse markdown files (cfb8db1)
- core: remove extra whitespace when fixing tasks in files (d8a2a86)
- explorer: only sort file and directory entries (c2abfef)
- tui: false error on startup : initiate entries list on creation (0a9e7ed)
- feat: (b05e215)
- add better logging when indenting is wrong in subtasks and task descriptions (7ddca06)
- add config loading + basic vault scanner (0a44408)
- add config option for american date format (3895b33)
- add due date, priority, state and tags to tasks (ecb3fcf)
- add generate-config command (1b0e74f)
- add ignored_paths config option (6c725f2)
- add parser for Task (6f5592e)
- add support for subtasks, and cleaning of useless jeaders (a8dae9f)
- add support for task descriptions (e34b52b)
- all relative dates (2weeks, monday, etc) are replaced by hard numeric dates after parsing (d134011)
- better errors in home component (69ab53e)
- better navigation with previous entry, current entry content and preview windows (1ca8052)
- display entries name in lateral menu + made it easy to later add selection (7b57425)
- fail when no config is found and create default config (c95b510)
- file can be added to ignored_paths as well (75bc4f8)
- improve FileEntry's to_string (ca213da)
- improve VaultData structure to make Directory, Header & SubTasks distinct (7b57425)
- invert ignore_dot_files config option (25639ed)
- move Task to task.rs + make clippy happy (b70fe65)
- only keep relative path for tasks (c65f6b2)
- parse tasks from markdown vault (75f58e9)
- Parser prototype is working and able to parse tasks and headers from vault (e9331f4)
- preview selected task instead of its children (76b9460)
- scanner reads tasks (ac4ecae)
- separate entries names into prefixes and actual path name (57badaf)
- setup rust (51b0b5a)
- Task: store line number for future editing, improve time related data (385366b)
- use widget list instead of text list for better styling (26b7cd8)
- working navigation through vault data (a8a8cc5)
- don't create config file if running tests (c65c7be)
- don't use Option types in Config (70a0244)
- fix some warnings (1873759)
- make default task name an empty string (77c1528)
- replaced "next monday", "next week" patterns with "2weeks" "1month" (8927696)
- to_lowercase() has no effect since it can only matched lowercased words (fa488b0)
- use default task name when no name is provided (529be0f)