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[hw,tlul_adapter_sram_racl,rtl] Add RACL protected SRAM adapter
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Signed-off-by: Robert Schilling <[email protected]>
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Razer6 authored and rswarbrick committed Jan 27, 2025
1 parent 6356853 commit 7704c7a
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Showing 2 changed files with 236 additions and 0 deletions.
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions hw/ip/tlul/adapter_sram_racl.core
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors (OpenTitan project).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "lowrisc:tlul:adapter_sram_racl:0.1"
description: "TL-UL to SRAM adapter (device) with RACL support"

- lowrisc:prim:util
- lowrisc:prim:assert
- lowrisc:tlul:common
- lowrisc:tlul:adapter_sram
- lowrisc:tlul:request_loopback
- lowrisc:systems:top_racl_pkg
- rtl/
file_type: systemVerilogSource

# common waivers
- lowrisc:lint:common
file_type: vlt

# common waivers
- lowrisc:lint:common
file_type: waiver

# common waivers
- lowrisc:lint:common

datatype: bool
paramtype: vlogdefine

default: &default_target
- tool_verilator ? (files_verilator_waiver)
- tool_ascentlint ? (files_ascentlint_waiver)
- tool_veriblelint ? (files_veriblelint_waiver)
- files_rtl
toplevel: tlul_adapter_sram_racl

<<: *default_target
default_tool: verilator
mode: lint-only
- "-Wall"
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions hw/ip/tlul/rtl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors (OpenTitan project).
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

`include ""

* Tile-Link UL adapter for SRAM-like devices with RACL support
* - Intentionally omitted BaseAddr in case of multiple memory maps are used in a SoC,
* it means that aliasing can happen if target device size in TL-UL crossbar is bigger
* than SRAM size
* - At most one of EnableDataIntgGen / EnableDataIntgPt can be enabled. However it
* possible for both to be disabled.
* A module can neither generate an integrity response nor pass through any pre-existing
* integrity. This might be the case for non-security critical memories where there is
* no stored integrity AND another entity upstream is already generating returning integrity.
* There is however no case where EnableDataIntgGen and EnableDataIntgPt are both true.
module tlul_adapter_sram_racl
import tlul_pkg::*;
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t;
parameter int SramAw = 12,
parameter int SramDw = 32, // Must be multiple of the TL width
parameter int Outstanding = 1, // Only one request is accepted
parameter int SramBusBankAW = 12, // SRAM bus address width of the SRAM bank. Only used
// when DataXorAddr=1.
parameter bit ByteAccess = 1, // 1: Enables sub-word write transactions. Note that this
// results in read-modify-write operations for integrity
// re-generation if EnableDataIntgPt is set to 1.
parameter bit ErrOnWrite = 0, // 1: Writes not allowed, automatically error
parameter bit ErrOnRead = 0, // 1: Reads not allowed, automatically error
parameter bit CmdIntgCheck = 0, // 1: Enable command integrity check
parameter bit EnableRspIntgGen = 0, // 1: Generate response integrity
parameter bit EnableDataIntgGen = 0, // 1: Generate response data integrity
parameter bit EnableDataIntgPt = 0, // 1: Passthrough command/response data integrity
parameter bit SecFifoPtr = 0, // 1: Duplicated fifo pointers
parameter bit EnableReadback = 0, // 1: Readback and check written/read data.
parameter bit DataXorAddr = 0, // 1: XOR data and address for address protection
parameter bit EnableRacl = 0, // 1: Enable RACL checks on access
parameter bit RaclErrorRsp = 1, // 1: Return TLUL error on RACL errors
parameter int RaclPolicySelVec = 0, // RACL policy for this SRAM adapter
localparam int WidthMult = SramDw / top_pkg::TL_DW,
localparam int IntgWidth = tlul_pkg::DataIntgWidth * WidthMult,
localparam int DataOutW = EnableDataIntgPt ? SramDw + IntgWidth : SramDw
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,

// TL-UL interface
input tl_h2d_t tl_i,
output tl_d2h_t tl_o,

// control interface
input mubi4_t en_ifetch_i,

// SRAM interface
output logic req_o,
output mubi4_t req_type_o,
input gnt_i,
output logic we_o,
output logic [SramAw-1:0] addr_o,
output logic [DataOutW-1:0] wdata_o,
output logic [DataOutW-1:0] wmask_o,
output logic intg_error_o,
output logic [RsvdWidth-1:0] user_rsvd_o,
input [DataOutW-1:0] rdata_i,
input rvalid_i,
input [1:0] rerror_i, // 2 bit error [1]: Uncorrectable, [0]: Correctable
output logic compound_txn_in_progress_o,
input mubi4_t readback_en_i,
output logic readback_error_o,
input logic wr_collision_i,
input logic write_pending_i,
// RACL interface
input top_racl_pkg::racl_policy_vec_t racl_policies_i,
output logic racl_error_o,
output top_racl_pkg::racl_error_log_t racl_error_log_o
tl_h2d_t tl_h2d_filtered;
tl_d2h_t tl_d2h_filtered;

if (EnableRacl) begin : gen_racl_role_logic
// Retrieve RACL role from user bits and one-hot encode that for the comparison bitmap
top_racl_pkg::racl_role_t racl_role;
assign racl_role = top_racl_pkg::tlul_extract_racl_role_bits(tl_i.a_user.rsvd);

top_racl_pkg::racl_role_vec_t racl_role_vec;
prim_onehot_enc #(
.OneHotWidth( $bits(top_racl_pkg::racl_role_vec_t) )
) u_racl_role_encode (
.in_i ( racl_role ),
.en_i ( 1'b1 ),
.out_o( racl_role_vec )

logic rd_req, racl_read_allowed, racl_write_allowed;
assign rd_req = tl_i.a_opcode == tlul_pkg::Get;
assign racl_read_allowed = (|(racl_policies_i[RaclPolicySelVec].read_perm & racl_role_vec));
assign racl_write_allowed = (|(racl_policies_i[RaclPolicySelVec].write_perm & racl_role_vec));
assign racl_error_o = (rd_req & ~racl_read_allowed) | (~rd_req & ~racl_write_allowed);

tlul_request_loopback #(
) u_loopback (
.squash_req_i ( racl_error_o ),
.tl_h2d_i ( tl_i ),
.tl_d2h_o ( tl_o ),
.tl_h2d_o ( tl_h2d_filtered ),
.tl_d2h_i ( tl_d2h_filtered )

// Collect RACL error information
assign racl_error_log_o.read_access = tl_i.a_opcode == tlul_pkg::Get;
assign racl_error_log_o.racl_role = racl_role;
assign racl_error_log_o.ctn_uid = top_racl_pkg::tlul_extract_ctn_uid_bits(tl_i.a_user.rsvd);
end else begin : gen_no_racl_role_logic
// Pass through and default assignments
assign tl_h2d_filtered = tl_i;
assign tl_o = tl_d2h_filtered;
assign racl_error_o = 1'b0;
assign racl_error_log_o = '0;

tlul_adapter_sram #(
.SramAw ( SramAw ),
.SramDw ( SramDw ),
.Outstanding ( Outstanding ),
.SramBusBankAW ( SramBusBankAW ),
.ByteAccess ( ByteAccess ),
.ErrOnWrite ( ErrOnWrite ),
.ErrOnRead ( ErrOnRead ),
.CmdIntgCheck ( CmdIntgCheck ),
.EnableRspIntgGen ( EnableRspIntgGen ),
.EnableDataIntgPt ( EnableDataIntgPt ),
.SecFifoPtr ( SecFifoPtr ),
.EnableReadback ( EnableReadback ),
.DataXorAddr ( DataXorAddr )
) tlul_adapter_sram (

// Not all RACL policies are used, even if RACL is enabled
logic unused_policy_sel;
assign unused_policy_sel = ^racl_policies_i;

// Ensure that RACL signals are not undefined
`ASSERT_KNOWN(RaclAdapterSramErrorKnown_A, racl_error_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(RaclAdapterSramErrorLogKnown_A, racl_error_log_o)


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