#A JavaScript Data Access Framework that uses Knockout#
By: [EntitySpaces, LLC] (http://www.entityspaces.net)
License: MIT
Dependencies: Knockout
##1,000 Free License Giveaway##
- We're are giving away 1,000 Free Licenses to EntitySpaces on February 29th, 2012 (http://www.entityspaces.net/portal/SpecialOffer.aspx)
##Download the Fully Functional EntitySpaces 2012 Trial##
- This version is fully capabable of generating your entityspaces.js classes and your WCF JSON Service. (http://www.entityspaces.net/portal/Products/TrialDownload.aspx)
##Live Examples##
- [Editing Example] (http://www.entityspaces.net/entityspaces.js/examples/entityspaces/FullExample.htm)
- [Lazy Load Example] (http://www.entityspaces.net/entityspaces.js/examples/entityspaces/HierLazyLoad.htm)
- Built upon Knockout and the MVVM Model
- All class properties are ko.observables and collections classes are ko.observableArrays
- Only 17k minimized
- Supports MS SQL Server, Azure, CE, MS Access, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase SQL Anywhere, MySQL, SQLite, and VistaDB
- Supports WCF JSON Service and RESTFUL API's
- Supports Full Hierarchical Data Models
- Hierarchical Model Supports Lazy Loading (See video below)
- All saves take place within transactions, including complex hierarchcial saves
- Two Providers, either pure XHR or JQuery Ajax (you choose which one you want to use)
- Tracks Row Level and Column Level Dirty State
- Tracks Original Values so Edits can be Cancelled via RejectChanges
- Generic - Can be used with any ORM or Database Backend
##Intuitive API##
// Add a single record
var emp = new es.objects.Employees();
// Or the same as above
var emp = new es.objects.Employees({
FirstName: 'Just',
LastName: 'Added'
##EntitySpaces Studio Specific Abilities##
- Will Generate your entire set of JavaScript classes from your Database Schema
- Will Generate your WCF JSON Service for you that will work Out-Of-The-Box
- Supports MS SQL Server, Azure, CE, MS Access, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase SQL Anywhere, MySQL, SQLite, VistaDB
##Watch a few videos of entityspaces.js in action##
##Example Class Definitions (pseudocode)##
- [Single Entity Class] (https://github.com/EntitySpaces/entityspaces.js/wiki/Single-Entity-Class-Definition)
- [Collection Class] (https://github.com/EntitySpaces/entityspaces.js/wiki/Collection-Entity-Class-Definition)
##Real JavaScript Classes##
- [Employees Generated Class (created by EntitySpaces Studio)] (https://github.com/EntitySpaces/entityspaces.js/wiki/Our-Employee-Generated-Class)
- [Employees Collection] (https://github.com/EntitySpaces/entityspaces.js/wiki/Our-Employee-Custom-Class)
##Real World Usage Examples##
- [Adding and Saving New Records] (https://github.com/EntitySpaces/entityspaces.js/wiki/Adding-New-Records)
- [Deleting Records] (https://github.com/EntitySpaces/entityspaces.js/wiki/Deleting-Records)
- [Loading and Saving Hierarchical Data] (https://github.com/EntitySpaces/entityspaces.js/wiki/Loading-and-Saving-Hierarchical-Data)
- [Asychronous and or Synchronous methods] (https://github.com/EntitySpaces/entityspaces.js/wiki/Asychronous-and-or-Synchronous-methods)
- [Passing in 'state' to the Async methods] (https://github.com/EntitySpaces/entityspaces.js/wiki/Passing-in-'state'-to-the-Async-methods)