This project is no longer maintained. If you wish to own this package in PyPI, feel free to contact me.
A Python library and CLI for interacting with the Wallhaven API.
provides a simple interface to access the data provided by the API in a quick and easy way. The main goal is to automate the searching and downloading of wallpapers by using the CLI and to enable users to import the code and use it in their own scripts.
currently allows you to interact with:
- Wallpapers
- Tags
- User Settings
- User Collections
- Collection Listing
- Search
Note: There is still no pagination/filtering available for Collection Listing and Searching.
Features that are planned to arrive in future releases of Wallhaven
- Improved Searching
- Add a way for users to interact with the search parameters. This should make it a lot easier to customize the parameters to fit your preferences.
- Pagination/Filtering for
Collection Listing
. - Cache Requests
- Performance improvement when requesting something that we've already did before.
- Wait on Request Limit
- Figure out a way to know when the user hit the 45 requests per minute limit and wait until more requests can be made.
- Improved Models
- Better base models for shared functionalities.
- More utility to currently existing models.
- Parallelism
- Allow users to download 2-4 wallpapers at once.
For more information and details about the planned features, check the TODO.md file.
Note: Before installing, make sure you have Python 3.7 or newer installed.
is available in PyPI. You can install it using pip:
# Make sure you're using the latest version of pip.
pip install --upgrade pip
# Then, install the package.
pip install wallhaven
Additionally, for development purposes, you may want to install this project from source. First, you'll need to install and configure Poetry on your machine. Then, in your terminal, run the following commands:
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Go into the folder
cd wallhaven
# Inside the directory, install the dependencies (and wallhaven) using Poetry.
poetry install
This should install wallhaven
in your global Python installation. If you are planning on contributing to this project, it is good practice to create a virtual envinroment before installing it. For that, you simply need to run:
# Create the virtual environment
# You may also specify a python version if you are using something like Pyenv.
# Example: poetry env use python3.7
poetry env use python
# Activate it.
poetry shell
# Then, inside the virtual environment, install everything.
poetry install
Now, you only have access to wallhaven
while inside the virtual environment. You can deactivate it by typing exit
The project is still small and fairly simple to use.
First, instantiate the Wallhaven
from wallhaven.api import Wallhaven
wallhaven = Wallhaven()
Some operations need an API key to function. In such cases, you pass your API key directly to the constructor or set the environment variable WALLHAVEN_API_KEY
. The API key in the constructor takes priotity over the environment variable.
from wallhaven.api import Wallhaven
# Pass the API key directly.
wallhaven = Wallhaven(api_key="my-apy-key")
# Or, if you want to load it from the environment variable,
# you can leave it blank or explicitly give it a value of None.
wallhaven = Wallhaven()
wallhaven = Wallhaven(api_key=None)
After that, you may now start interacting with the API.
# ----------------- Wallpaper -----------------
# Get wallpaper information.
# You can also save it by calling `save`. This method will create the path if
# it doesn't exist already.
wallpaper = wallhaven.get_wallpaper(<wallpaper_id>)
# -------------------- Tag --------------------
# Get tag information.
tag = wallhaven.get_tag(<tag_id>)
# --------------- User Settings ---------------
# Fetch user browsing settings. These are the settings used when calling `search`.
# An API key is required.
settings = wallhaven.get_user_settings()
# --------------- User Collections ---------------
# Fetch public collections (from an username)
collections = wallhaven.get_collections(<username>)
# Or all collections (including private ones).
# An API key is required.
collections = wallhaven.get_all_collections()
# --------------- Collection Listing ---------------
# To view the listing of a PUBLIC collection:
listing = wallhaven.get_collection_listing(<username>, <collection_id>)
# To view the listing of a PRIVATE collection:
# The only difference is that you also need an API key.
listing = wallhaven.get_private_collection_listing(<username>, <collection_id>)
# Download wallpapers.
# Listing is currently limited to the first 24 wallpapers.
for wallpaper in listing.data:
# -------------------- Searching --------------------
# This method will use your API key if one is available.
# With the way the Wallhaven API works, searches are performed utilizing the user's
# browsing settings when provide with an API key. This means that by changing the amount
# of results per page in your settings, you also change the results per page in here.
# Limited to 24/32/64 results per page.
results = wallhaven.search()
# Whether you have provided an API key or not, you may still set the search parameters
# by calling `wallhaven.params`. There will be a way to interact with search parameters
# in the future, but for now the user must modify the parameters' dictionary directly.
# It should be noted that these have priority over your settings.
wallhaven.params["categories"] = "110"
wallhaven.params["sorting"] = "toplist"
wallhaven.params["topRange"] = "1M"
results = wallhaven.search()
# Wallpapers in search results are stored similarly to collection listings.
# Which means that you can download them with:
for wallpaper in results.data:
When it comes to searching, it should be noted that if you provide both an API key and search parameters, Wallhaven
will merge them together while giving priority to the search parameters. For example, if you set the purity
to sketchy
in your browsing settings, every search you perform will return sketchy wallpapers unless you change the purity in the search parameters.
It is recommended to use both methods together, as you can change the Thumbs Per Page
option in your browsing settings to increase
the amount of wallpapers returned per page/request to a maximum of 64. You may also want to set a permanent parameter, like always searching for the same categories/purity. In this case, you can set the option in your browsing settings and only modify what you need in the search parameters.
from wallhaven.api import Wallhaven
# Load API key from the environment variable.
wallhaven = Wallhaven()
# Set the parameters to return the top wallpapers.
wallhaven.params["sorting"] = "toplist"
# Perform the search.
# Since I set the categories, purity and toplist range in my browsing settings, this
# will return the top SFW wallpapers from the last month that belong to the General or
# Anime category.
results = wallhaven.search()
# If I wanted to override some of the parameters, such as only retrieving the top
# wallpapers from the `General` category and from the last week, it would be as
# simple as doing:
wallhaven.params["category"] = "100"
wallhaven.params["topRange"] = "1w" # Only works if `sorting` is equal to `toplist`.
wallhaven.params["sorting"] = "toplist"
results = wallhaven.search()
For more information about the search parameters and how to define them, you can check the parameter list.
From the official docs:
API calls are currently limited to 45 per minute. If you do hit this limit, you will receive a 429 - Too many requests error. Attempting to access a NSFW wallpaper without an API Key or with an invalid one will result in a 401 - Unauthorized error. Any other attempts to use an invalid API key will result in a 401 - Unauthorized error.
We ask that you don't. You may have noticed we don't run any ads on this website. Because of that, we don't pay for the big boxes that can absorb huge requests. We're not some big company here, just a few guys trying to provide a nice wallpaper website.
Please be mindful of how you use this project. If you need more information, feel free to visit their FAQ or the official API documentation.
This is an unofficial project which was built for educational purposes, therefore, it has no affiliation with Wallhaven.
See License for more information.