This is a short introduction in debugging python scripts with gdb.
Install gdb
, pyenv
and pyenv-virtualenv
A debug python version is needed, we use pyenv to install it.
pyenv install -g 3.9.1
Here, we installed python version 3.9.1
with debug symbols (-g
). Feel free to choose any other version.
Make sure the installed pyenv python version is accessible, run the following commands:
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
Create a virtualenv using the installed debug version:
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.1-debug pybison-d-3.9.1
where 3.9.1-debug
is the installed python version with debug symbols (check with pyenv versions
what is actually available)
and pybison-d-3.9.1
is an arbitrary name for our environment.
Now pyenv virtualenvs
lists all the existing environments.
Finally, we activate the created virtualenv
pyenv activate pybison-d-3.9.1
(Note: Later on the virtualenv can be deactivated in the same fashion by executing pyenv deactivate
We will extend gdb with some python-aware behavior and python-specific commands by adding the python extension to gdb.
First, the actual python version is needed, against gdb is build.
To get the python version used by gdb run gdb --command=checkpython.gdb -ex quit
The very last line will print the python version used:
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=9, micro=2, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
which shows that the major/minor version is 3.9
Thus, we need to download
and save it in ~/.config/gdb/
(Make sure to choose the right branch/python version if you don't work with 3.9
Copy the local .gdbinit
file to ~/.gdbinit
, or integrate it in your current setup.
Compile pybison with debug flags
CFLAGS="-O0 -g" CXXFLAGS="-O0 -g" python install
Set debug flags for this session:
export CFLAGS="-O0 -g"; export CXXFLAGS="-O0 -g"
To debug a python script run the following:
gdb -ex r --args bash python <programname>.py <arguments>
Note: pyenv install/starts a bash script, so we need to execute bash python
Happy debugging!
To clean the installed pybison package
python clean --all
Additionally, every temporary file must be deleted as well, e.g. all dynamic libraries of parsers and compiled grammar / lexer files.