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39 lines (23 loc) · 1.06 KB

File metadata and controls

39 lines (23 loc) · 1.06 KB


Overall, the program is designed to search for specific patterns within files in a given directory and provide feedback on the presence of those patterns. My usecase for this is to iterate over (on large-scale) of malware samples to find out in which language they are written.

The provided Golang code is simple and easy to extend to your specific needs.

Example: you can add the string pattern for the UPX packer

	patterns := map[string][]string{
		"upx":  {"UPX!"},


  • the search is not bullet proof -> results with mingw can occour for go binaries
  • they are ways to obfuscate a binary - where this string search approach will not work
  • also other tools exists like capa (from Mandiant) which have better results overall


Tested with Go v1.22 on Kali Linux and Arch Linux. The os.Args variable is used to retrieve command-line arguments, specifically the directory path.

Simple run: go run main.go directory_to_scan


Build the program with: go build -ldflags "-s -w" and execute it: ./compiler_info directory_to_scan