Provides utility functions around subprocess module.
I guess everyone has its own set of utility methods, especially around the subprocess module. This is my version :)
Install the app (preferred in a virtual environment):
pip install --pre subproc==0.0.1.dev7
I tried to depend only on the Python Stdlib and be backwards compatible to 2.7. Tested only on unix-like systems :(
Run a command and capture its stdout as well as stderr output:
from subproc import run
r = run('echo hello world')
assert r.return_code == 0
assert r.stdout == 'hello world\n'
assert r.stderr == ''
assert == 0
Run multiple piped commands and capture its stdout as well as stderr output:
from subproc import run_cmds
r = run_cmds(['echo "hello world"', 'sed "s/hello/bye/g"'])
assert r.stdout == "bye world\n"
assert all([info.return_code == 0 for info in r.infos])
Run a command and redirect its stdout output to a file
from subproc import run_redirected
with open('temp.log', 'w') as f:
r = run_redirected('echo hello world', out=f)
assert r.return_code == 0
with open('temp.log', 'r') as f:
content = f.readlines()[0]
assert content == "hello world\n"
All methods provided by this module also allow you to define a timeout as well as a formatter for the line to be printed.
Define a timeout:
from subproc import run
r = run('ping localhost', timeoutsec=0.5)
assert 'localhost' in r.stdout
Define a formatter:
from subproc import run
r = run('echo hello world', formatter=str.upper)
assert r.stdout == "HELLO WORLD\n"