Library with a builtin CLI frontend to solve sudoku puzzles using a backtracking algorithm.
In order to solve a sudoku puzzle efficiently Knuth's Algorithm-X is used after the exact cover problem has been applied to it.
The purpose of this project was to learn python and its ecosystem.
Before you can start, you have to install the sudokusolver automatically by pip or manually by hand first. I recommend pip though:
python3 -m pip install --user git+
You can read how to install pip here.
python3 -m sudokusolver sudoku_puzzle.csv
Whereas the csv file follows a particular format pattern:
_,_,4, 9,_,3, 6,_,_
5,_,6, 2,_,_, 1,3,_
1,_,_, 8,5,_, _,9,4
8,_,_, 1,6,2, _,4,7
4,_,_, _,_,_, 5,6,_
_,_,_, 7,_,_, _,_,3
_,_,_, 6,2,_, 3,_,9
_,_,_, _,_,1, _,_,_
_,_,2, _,3,_, 4,_,_
##Solve sudokus using the library
You can use the sudoksusolver also in your application by importing the sudokusolver package. It contains several modules dealing with the importing, visualization and solving of sudokus. See the API reference for a detailed description.
To solve a sudoku, you only need the solver module
from sudokusolver import solver
solution = solver.solve(fixed_candidates)
The fixed_candidates as well as the solution is a list of strings presenting the numbers written into the cells. Like the csv file, the strings obey a particular format pattern: R{rowNumber}C{columnNumber}#{number}.
If you want to import a csv file, you can use the importer module:
from sudokusolver import importer
fixed_candidates = importer.imp_candidates('sudoku_puzzle.csv')
- See online
- Or build by yourself:
python3 build_sphinx -b html
Note that you need to install Sphinx first, before you can build the documentation.