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BookStore Website

This repository contains the source code for a BookStore website with various features implemented. The application is built using Node.js/Express.js for the server-side, MongoDB for the database, and EJS for rendering views.

Project Structure public/ - Static files (CSS, images, etc.) views/ - EJS view templates routes/ - Route handlers models/ - MongoDB data models controllers/ - Application logic config/ - Configuration files app.js - Main application file

Dependencies Express Mongoose (MongoDB) EJS Body-parser Express-session

Usage Register a new account or log in. Browse the bookstore, add books to the cart. Search for books using the search bar. View and manage the shopping cart. Check the user menu for profile information. Place an order with the required details.

Getting Started Clone the repository: git clone [email protected]:m-s1621/Bookstore.git Set up MongoDB and configure connection in the application. (create free acoount and conncet to account easierst way is Connecting with MongoDB Shell):
1. Install via HomeBrew(brew install mongosh) 2. Run your connection string in your command line (mongosh "mongodb+srv://" --apiVersion 1 --username yourUserName ** replace yourUserName with your user name and cluster0 if you renamed it ** Install dependencies: npm install passport-local-mongoose mongoose express ejs cookie-session passport express-session connect-ensure-login node app.js Go to http://localhost:3000 to access the BookStore website.

Book Display The main bookstore page displays all books with titles, images, prices, and 'add to cart' buttons.

Shopping Cart Users can add books to a shopping cart. An item-number is displayed on the main bookstore page, indicating the number of books in the shopping cart. Users can show/hide the shopping cart.

Shopping Cart Features The shopping cart displays added books with images, prices, and titles. Total price is calculated and displayed. Users can remove, add, or reduce the quantity of each book in the cart. Search Functionality The website includes a functioning search bar for searching by book titles or prices.

User Menu The main page has a user menu for users to check their profiles.

Search Functionality The website includes a functioning search bar for searching by book titles or prices.

User Authentication New users can register an account with information including last name, first name, email, zip code, username, and password. MongoDB is used as the database for user information.

Login and Redirect Users can log in using a local strategy (username + password). Upon successful login, users are redirected to the main bookstore page, displaying a welcome message.

Server-Side Implementation The server-side app is written in Node.js/Express.js. The entire website is hosted on an Express.js local server. Separate request handlers are defined to handle all routes

Technologies Used HTMl CSS JavaScript Node.js Express.js MongoDB EJS (Embedded JavaScript for views)

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.