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Cordova GoogleMaps plugin for iOS and Android

This plugin is a thin wrapper for Google Maps Android SDK v2 and Google Maps SDK for iOS. Both PhoneGap and Apache Cordova are supported.

###Chat Join our online chat at

###Quick install

Plugin is finally available on npm
Before you install, make sure you've read the instructions

npm (current stable 1.3.9)

$> cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-googlemaps --variable API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID="YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY_IS_HERE" --variable API_KEY_FOR_IOS="YOUR_IOS_API_KEY_IS_HERE"

Github (current master, potentially unstable)


If you re-install the plugin, please always remove the plugin first, then remove the SDK

$> cordova plugin rm #before 1.4.0
$> cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-googlemaps #since 1.4+
$> cordova plugin rm com.googlemaps.ios
$> cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-googlemaps --variable API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID="YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY_IS_HERE" --variable API_KEY_FOR_IOS="YOUR_IOS_API_KEY_IS_HERE"

The SDK-Plugin won't be uninstalled automatically and you will stuck on an old version.

###Information Cordova-iOS 4.X and WKWebView are supported from version 1.4+. There is currently no npm package of 1.4 (work in progress) but if you need this feature, you can grab our master, which is currently considered stable. (We're still fixing bugs, so you might wait until we push 1.4.0 to npm)

###Last release information

v.1.3.9 - 04/Jan/2016 Happy new year!

  • Fixed a few bugs with Crosswalk, White-Screen Problems.
  • Added "maxAddressLines" for Geocoder (Android, iOS had it already). Check "lines" inside of the extras array.
  • Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS to 1.11.1

Please check the new Tutorial for Crosswalk

I recommend to set settings for Crosswalk to 15+ and remove android-platform (cordova platform rm android) and re-install it. No patches required anymore to run with crosswalk. It also has some nice performance boosts, as setting translucent isn't required anymore. (in my test-cases)

v.1.3.6 - 07/Dec/2015

  • Fixed some small bugs
  • Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS to 1.11.0
  • Will fix some bugs on iOS 9
  • with BITCODE support
  • fixed blank map problems

Check out the release notes.


##Crosswalk If you want to use crosswalk (highly recommended), just follow this easy documentation. Install Plugin with Crosswalk

Join the official community

New versions will be announced through the official community. Stay tuned!

###Example You can see an example here. phonegap-googlemaps-plugin-v1.2.5.apk

$> adb install phonegap-googlemaps-plugin-v1.2.5.apk
