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athena-assetnote: Assetnote App for Splunk


This project contains scripts to interact with Assetnote portal for asset discovery and exposures/indicators.

It also contains instructions on how to setup and install the Assetnote TA which uses this script in the background to pull down GraphQL data.

Currently, this add-on pulls the following data from Assetnoe UI console into different Sourcetypes within Splunk:

  • Assets
    • Subdomain
    • IPs
  • Exposures
  • Asset Groups
    • Domains
    • IPs

Setup for using scripts (not Technical add-on)

Note that the instructions below assume that athena-assetnote has been git cloned in the /opt directory on a Linux host.

Build a Docker container which contains all the necessary dependencies eg python3, jq for running the scripts

To build the container from the Dockerfile, run the following commmands:

docker build -t athena-assetnote:latest .

Then run a container with the following command:

docker run -it -v /opt/athena-assetnote:/opt/athena-assetnote athena-assetnote /bin/bash


The following is a list of scripts available in this repository:

This script currently allows users to pull down assets and exposures in the given assetnote instance.

To run the script, use the following command:

./ -lp 3 -i <instance-name> -ak <api-key>

Note that:

  • This will pull the first 3 pages of assets. To pull down all pages and all results, run -lp 0 or omit -lp option altogether.

  • By default, the assets are written to the output file: out-assetnote-assets.json and the exposures are written to output file: out-assetnote-exposures.json

  • <instance-name> is typically the company name

This script will read the JSON output of ./ above and extract the list of all unique domains as a single list into an output CSV file.

Example usage which reads the out-assetnote-assets.json file from a user and writes the output to out-assetnote-asset.csv file

./ out-assetnote-assets.json out-assetnote-assets.csv

Splunk Add-On for AssetNote


A Splunk Technology add-on for Assetnote has been created using the Splunk Add-On Builder app from Splunk Marketplace.

This Add-On communicates with Assetnote Cloud environment on a regular basis and collects information about all configured assets, and exposures from .

CIM compliance has also been performed for field mappings within the Assetnote TA through the Splunk add-on builder app.


The pre-requsites for this add-on are as follows:

  • The splunk instance on which the add-on is installed should be able to visit domain: <assetnote-instance> on port 443. So, if the assetnote instance is hosted on, the instance should be able to communicate on port 443.
  • The Assetnote API key obtained from the Assetnote UI console.

How it works?

By Default, this Splunk add-on will connect to the Assetnote's GraphQL API to pull down assets and exposures info in JSON fromat on a frequency configured by the operator in a paginated fashion. The maximum page size by default is 20.

The results are by default written to assetnote_index and the .json source types mentioned in sections below for exposures and assets.

The Add-on will add each page of data retrieved as a single event, but default Splunk json setting may break each event into smaller, individual events.

Splunk Add-On Installation

Installing the Spunk Dev Environment (Optional)

To setup the dev environment, we do this via the Splunk Docker container which will run a Splunk environment locally on our system.

If you already have a live Splunk Instance, you can skip to the next section.

The steps to setup the environment are taken from here. These are as follows:

  • Pull Docker image
docker pull splunk/splunk:latest
  • Build the container with password Splunk123$
docker run -v /opt/athena-assetnote:/opt/athena-assetnote -d -p 8000:8000 -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=Splunk123$" --name splunk splunk/splunk:latest

Splunk instance should now be available locally on the host at address: with default login admin:Splunk123$.

Install Splunk Add-On

  • Obtain the latest copy of the Assetnote add-on from here
  • Install the Assetnote add-on by visiting Apps: Drop-Down > Manage Apps > Install App from File

Index Definition

  • Now, create an index called: assetnote_index in Splunk from Settings > Indexes with default settings - this can be created in any app although it is recommended to create it within this TA.

Sourcetypes Definition

  • Create a sourcetype from Settings > Source Types called: assetnote:assets:json2 in Splunk and set the sourcetype Indexed Extraction field to none.

  • Ensure a new field called KV_MODE key is added in Advanced, and set to json to extract fields on searchtime.

  • Create a sourcetype from Settings > Source Types called: assetnote:exposures:json2 in Splunk and set the sourcetype Indexed Extraction field to none.

  • Ensure a new field called KV_MODE key is added in Advanced, and set to json to extract fields on searchtime.

  • Create a sourcetype from Settings > Source Types called: assetnote:assetgroups:json2 in Splunk and set the sourcetype Indexed Extraction field to none.

  • Ensure a new field called KV_MODE key is added in Advanced, and set to json to extract fields on searchtime.

Configure Proxy (Optional)

If using an outbound proxy to connect to Assetnote API, use the following steps:

  • Go to the Assetnote Add-on page from the Apps drop-down
  • Go to the Configuration tab and set the following under the Proxy tab:
    • Check Enable.
    • Under the Proxy Type, set to http, socks4 or socks5.
    • Set the host field to the Proxy server hostname or IP address.
    • Set the proxy port field to the Proxy port.
    • Set the Username field to the Username to use for connecting to Proxy, if an authenticated proxy used.
    • Set the Password field to the Password to use for connecting to Proxy, if an authenticated proxy used.
    • Set Remote DNS Resolution if we wish to perform DNS resolution via the Proxy itself.
    • Press Save to save the current settings.

Configuring detailed logging (Optional)

If we wish to debug the Add-on, we can enable DEBUG logging, by performing the following steps: * Go to the Assetnote Add-on page from the Apps drop-down * Go to the Configuration tab and set the following under the Proxy tab: * Set LOGGING to DEBUG * Press Save

Logs will then be visible with the following search:


Configuring Assetnote Add-On

  • Now visit the Assetnote Add-On page from the Apps drop-down.

  • Now Create a New Input called Assetnote Graphql Input Python Script for Assets Collection for collecting Assets into Splunk.

    • Enter the following details for the form provided:
      • Name: assetnote_python_assets_script
      • Interval: 21600. This is the frequency (in seconds) with which data collection should occur.
      • Index: assetnote_index
      • Assetnote Instance: <instance-name-eg-demo>
      • Assetnote API Key: ugwqx........==. This is the API key used for Assetnote.
      • Back-Off Time per page retry: Number of seconds to back off when attempting to obtain a page via API call on which error has occurred. By default, 30 seconds.
      • Num retries Per Page: Number of retries to perform per page in-case of failure. By default, 3 after which the next page is obtained - skipping the current page.
      • Sleep Time per Page: Number of seconds to sleep after getting a page. By default, 2 seconds.
      • Limit Number of Pages Returned: Limit the number of pages downloaded for purposes of testing. By default, set to 0 to ensure that ALL pages can be downloaded.
  • Now Create a New Input called Assetnote Graphql Input Python Script for Exposures Collection for collecting Exposures into Splunk.

    • Enter the following details for the form provided:
      • Name: assetnote_python_exposures_script
      • Interval: 21600 . This is the frequency (in seconds) with which data collection should occur.
      • Index: assetnote_index
      • Assetnote Instance: <instance-name-eg-demo>
      • Assetnote API Key: ugwqx........==. This is the API key used for Assetnote.
      • Back-Off Time per page retry: See explanation above.
      • Num retries Per Page: See explanation above.
      • Sleep Time per Page: See explanation above.
      • Limit Number of Pages Returned: See explanation above.
  • Now Create a New Input called Assetnote Graphql Input Python Script for Assetgroups Collection for collecting Assetgroups and its assets into Splunk.

    • Enter the following details for the form provided:
      • Name: assetnote_python_assetgroups_download
      • Interval: 21600 . This is the frequency (in seconds) with which data collection should occur.
      • Index: assetnote_index
      • Assetnote Instance: <instance-name-eg-demo>
      • Assetnote API Key: ugwqx........==. This is the API key used for Assetnote.
      • Back-Off Time per page retry: See explanation above.
      • Num retries Per Page: See explanation above.
      • Sleep Time per Page: See explanation above.
      • Limit Number of Pages Returned: See explanation above.
  • Enable both data inputs

    • Once completed, info will flow into index: assetnote_index and sourcetype: assetnote:assets:json2 for assets, assetnote:exposures:json2 for exposures and assetnote:assetgroups:json2 for assetgroups and their assets (domains, IP ranges)
  • Run the following search to view the assetnote data:



This section contains misc information useful for development purposes only. As a user of the TA, You can ignore this information.

It can be ignored by the consumers of the scripts and add-on.

Opening source files via TextEdit

open -a TextEdit test.txt

Example of Working GraphQL query

query {{
    assets(s:[{{rel:"assetGroup", field:"name", dir:ASC}}],count:2,page:1) {{
        edges {{
            node {{
                ... on BaseAsset {{
                    geoData {{                                                              
                    assetGroup {{
        pageInfo {{                           
    exposures {{                              
        edges {{                              
            node {{                           
                ... on BaseExposure {{
        pageInfo {{                           