ManiaLive plugins to manage match making across multiple servers.
Feedbacks or questions:
- At least two ManiaPlanet servers
- Two instances of ManiaLive 3.1.0 or higher
- MySQL database
Online guide :
Ask your question of the dedicated post on the forum.
It's fairly easy! You may need to write a few lines of PHP. Let's say you want to create for the script MassiveFrenzy which is a 12 vs 12 team mode.
- First customize the match maker for the needed number of players. Go to the folder
- Create a file named
with the folowing content :
namespace ManiaLivePlugins\MatchMakingLobby\Lobby\MatchMakers;
class MassiveFrenzy extends AbstractAllies
function getNumberOfTeam()
return 2;
function getPlayersPerMatch()
return 24;
protected function getFallbackMatchMaker()
return DistanceElite::getInstance();
If you do not want to use the allies system, just replace AbstractAllies
with AbstractLadderPointsDistance
- Create the matchmaking setting. Create a file named
with this content :
namespace ManiaLivePlugins\MatchMakingLobby\MatchSettings;
class MassiveFrenzy implements MatchSettings
public function getLobbyScriptSettings()
$rules = array('S_UseLobby' => true);
return $rules;
public function getMatchScriptSettings()
$rules = array('S_Mode' => false);
$rules['S_Mode'] = 1;
$rules['S_WarmUpDuration'] = 15;
return $rules;
Long story short : you should make a class that implement the interface ManiaLivePlugins\MatchMakingLobby\Lobby\MatchMakers\MatchMakerInterface
We have built some classes to help you do this.