Quackathon 2022 project Welcome to PECK TO DEATH! We need your help to crush the chickens. The chickens have been our enemies for the longest time. "wHat cAmE fiRsT, tHe cHiCken oR tHe eGG?" I'll tell you, IT WAS DUCKS! DUCKS CAME FIRST! How dare they copy our whole vibe. Us ducks didn't care at first. You see, we aren't the type to get jealous. We have it so much better. We can fly better, go on water, we're prettier, and best of all we have the superior eggs! The problems started when the chickens claimed they had tastier eggs than us?!?! This was definetly not true, and they knew it. So what did they do? Start attacking us and trying to KILL US! That's why we called you. We need to you to go undercover and duck up the chickens! Below we'll teach you how to do it.