Releases: marcelohdez/bedroom
Bedroom 3 (Beta 2.1)
Change Log
(Compared to Beta 2
Known Issue: Breaks do not work.
- Having orders when clocking out would not allow you to close Bedroom.
Other Bug Fix:
- "Set Defaults" button in settings dialog would not affect "Ask before clock out early" check box
Released: 8/19/21
Bedroom 3 (Beta 2)
Change Log
(Compared to Beta 1
Known Issue: Breaks do not work.
- Select Time Dialogs
- Select time windows are now dialogs with application modality.
- Closing the clock in time window closes Bedroom
- Closing the clock out time window returns you to clock in window.
- If Bedroom is closed before the selected clock out time, a select time dialog will appear to set early clock out time.
(This can be disabled through Settings, and it will just save on the minute Bedroom was closed.) - Escape can be used to close select time dialogs.
- Overnight Shifts: If your clock out time is before your clock in time, an overnight shift will be assumed,
making your clock out time be on the date of tomorrow. - Shift Performance: Upon closing Bedroom, the ending date of your shift and your orders/hr
will be saved for viewing in a future release. - Time clocked in now shows hours and minutes values when needed, ex: when clocked in for 22 mins, it will show 22:00 instead of 00:22:00
- Ability to set default shift length in Settings
- Bedroom will not count time past selected clock out time
- Some extra color accents are set on start up, these need a restart to change.
- Backspace is now used to open Settings.
- Removed garbage collection setting.
- Delete & Escape are no longer used to open Settings.
- Removed “(Red, Green, Blue)” text from Colors section in Settings
Bug Fixes
- Second count would go up to 60
Requires Java SE 16+
Released: 8/18/21
Bedroom 3 (Beta 1)
Change Log
(Compared to 2.1
- Settings:
- Change the program's colors to your liking.
- Change to predefined themes
- Set windows to always stay on top.
- Enable garbage collection
- Manage work apps
- Work Apps:
- A list of apps/text files/python scripts that Bedroom will automatically open on start up.
- Shortcuts:
- Enter can now be used to select clock in/out times (to not click the select button)
- Esc and Delete keys are used to open settings window
- Error Dialogs:
- Can now show relevant information like your current shift times when entering a break outside your shift.
- Are now centered on the window that made them.
- Other:
- Clock out window can now be closed to return to clock in window
Bug Fixes
- Error window messages could be edited.
- You had to click a button at least once in the main window for shortcuts to work.
Requires Java SE 16+
Released: 8/4/21
Bedroom 2.1
Bedroom 2.1 Change Log
(Compared to 2.0)
Bug Fixes
- MacOS specific fixes:
- Text in the clock out time window would get cut off
- Incorrect select time window sizing on MacOS (Select buttons were too close to bottom).
- Fixes in Set Break button's tool tips:
- Incorrect break times would be shown when the minute value was under 10.
- The text was no longer bold once break times were chosen.
- Fixed breaks not being able to have the same time as clock in/out (like if you clock in at 5:00 your break had to be at at least 5:01, idk if anyone would use this but ¯_(ツ)_/¯)
Requires Java SE 15+
Released: 7/22/21
Bedroom 2
Bedroom 2.0 Change Log
(compared to 1.0)
- Application-wide redesign:
- Darker display elements
- Separated buttons
- Larger and different fonts
- New separate windows to select time:
- Ability to set clock in/out times on startup, so you can open the program after clocking in.
- You can open the program before clocking in and let the program tell you how much time is left
- Ability to set an hourly target
- Ability to set break start and end times rather than relying on manual input.
- Tool Tips:
- When hovering over Set Break a tool tip will show the currently set break times
- When hovering over Add Order a tool tip will show how many orders you are missing to reach your target
- Error Dialogs:
- When doing an unsupported action (ex: setting your break times outside of your shift) an error dialog will inform you of it rather than displaying incorrect times etc.
- New Shortcuts:
- Up and down arrows can be used to increase or decrease orders by 1 respectively.
- The number 0 (on the top row not the numpad) can be used to set break times.
- Clock in/out button is now "Set Break" and opens windows to set break start/end times.
- Window now starts in middle of screen rather than top left.
Bug Fixes
- When spamming Add Order the application would randomly freeze.
Requires Java SE 15+
Released: 7/15/21
Bedroom 2 (Beta 5) - Release Candidate
Being a release candidate, this is the same source code (except for the name) as the full release
This is what's changed since Beta 4
- Tool tips are now bold.
- Removed skip button
Requires JDK 15+
Released: 7/15/21
Bedroom 2 (Beta 4)
(Everything mentioned may be subject to change)
This is what's changed since Beta 3
- Tool Tips:
- When hovering over Set Break a tool tip will show the currently set break times
- When hovering over Add Order a tool tip will show how many orders you are missing to reach your target
- Error Dialogs:
- When doing an unsupported action (ex: setting your break times outside of your shift) an error window will be created to inform you of it rather than messing up the time calculations or crashing.
- Selecting break times can now be cancelled by closing the window
- Windows will now be created centered on the main window rather than centering on the screen.
Bug fixes
- 60 seconds after opening, the program would attempt to calculate time even if you had not set them, causing a crash
- Break End window would not change the hour value from current time (ex: if current time was 7 setting a break at 6 should open the break end window as 6:30 but it would instead open as 7:30).
Requires Java SE 15+
Released: 7/12/21
Garage 1.0 (Old Name)
First release.
An open source program made with java to track your hourly order quota!
Requires Java JDK 15+
Released: 4/23/21
Garage 1.1 (Beta 2) (Old name)
(Everything mentioned may be subject to change)
(These are the changes since Beta 1)
New features
- Break start and end times are now selected through time windows rather than relying on manual input,
this allows breaks to be entered whether or not they have passed. - Setting clock out time may now be skipped.
Quality of Life improvements
- Timer rechecks every 60s to be more accurate and not get affected by computer sleep.
- The clocking in and the entering break window's list boxes now default to the current time.
- The clocking out window's list boxes default to 4 hours after the clock in time.
- The leaving break window's list boxes default to 30 minutes after break start time.
- Target orders per hour is now a single line of text.
- Slightly darker display elements
Bug fixes
Requires Java 15+
Released: 6/8/21
Garage 1.1 (Beta 1) (Old name)
(Everything mentioned here is subject to change)
Compared to v1.0:
New features:
- Ability to set clock in time
- Ability to set clock out time
- Ability to set order per hour target
Program-wide redesign:
- Darker display elements
- Separated buttons and other components
Many bug fixes.
Requires Java 15+
Released: 5/21/21